Day 2656: 6 Life Lessons of 2017

Every year is a different chapter of one’s life– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12: 40 PM on day 2656 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  have breakfast, read and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet –  A HUGE thanks to David Boutin, content manager at Social Quant, Inc., who donated $30 which brings the total raised to  $5 506 only $6 994 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot.


Yesterday I was thinking about all the lessons I’ve learned this year and just so I wouldn’t forget I wrote them down. Take a look:

6 Life Lessons of 2017

  1. Hope for things to go right but expect things to go wrong (things seldom go perfectly and when you expect things to go awry you won’t be distraught when they do)
  2. A good life is one part noticing the small beautiful moments and one part giving all that you can (this year I recorded one good moment of every day that I remembered and I couldn’t help noticing that all the moments that I considered “good” were ones in which I either appreciated the little things or gave something)
  3. Most moments are meant to lived not captured (nowadays everybody has a camera and with that comes a need to capture every moment but really most moments are meant to be lived not captured)
  4. Some of the best things you do won’t be the things you listed on your To-Do List (I have a To-Do List for 2017 and while I’m proud of having accomplished some of my goals I’m proudest of doing things that were not even on my To-Do List to begin with )
  5. BELIEVE YOU CAN, YOU WILL and sometimes you will even get others to believe in you too (I went PARAGLIDING WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO WALK – when my mother saw someone else taking the leap off the cliff she started to change her mind I saw that, looked her in the eyes and said with so much conviction mom I can do this  at which point she decided to take a leap of her own by choosing to believe in my belief in myself)
  6. You will only ever get that which you have the courage to ask for (this year I asked everybody for every kind of help I needed and while things didn’t always go in my favour some people did shock me by helping me just because I asked)

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