Day 2524: Just Love

The true meaning of love is not to possess – that’s what I realizing


It’s 1 : 14 PM on day 2524 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Habakkuk 3:17-18,  have breakfast and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised to $2 875 only $9 625 more to raise  by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot.


Today I was reminded that to love truly is to love without conditions or expectations – people, like you, are flawed and prone to mistakes so the best way to love them is to love them as they are without conditions or expectations and if you can’t then choose to let them go because really life is too short to hold anyone a prisoner of your conditions or expectations.

2 thoughts on “Day 2524: Just Love

  1. Adelaide Dupont

    Yes – life is both too short and too long for conditions and expectations in our relationships from personal to professional; local – global – regional.

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