People make Christianity more complicated than it has to be all you need to do is believe, do the right thing and treat others well – that’s what I’ve realized.
It’s 12 : 13 PM on day 1982 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read 2 Timothy 1, learn one new thing – Jupiter is the most massive planet in our Solar System, meaning it also has the highest gravity. If you stood on Jupiter – you cannot because it does not have a solid surface – than you would weigh two and a half times what you would on Earth.–have breakfast, and work on my 25 Smiles Campaign – yesterday Duane donated $250 (thanks SO MUCH Duane your ongoing support means the world to me I know I’m a bit of a bottomless pit LOL thanks for putting up with me) which brings the total raised to $2 912 only $3 338 more to raise by 10 Jan 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far
This morning I was thinking about what I’ve learned after reading the Bible almost every day for more than a year and I realized people make Christianity more complicated than it has to be all you need to do is believe, do the right thing and treat others well.
It gets complicated when people don’t want to do the right thing. The right thing is what God tells us to do. The right thing is not anything we want to do. The right thing is always a godly, holy and righteous thing.
So true Stan 🙂 Thanks for that perspective.