Day 1917: 21 Icons season 3 episode 15: Ezlyn Barends

“Courage helped me to step into my potential. I think everybody has the potential to be great, but it takes courage to actually heed to the call.” – Ezlyn Barends


It’s 9 :  24 AM on day 1827 of my journey towards independence and day 13 of our India trip 2015 had breakfast and hang out with family.


Today  I watched season 3 episode 15 of 21 Icons featuring impact entrepreneur Ezlyn Barends I love that Ezlyn is enlisting women to mentor young girls through her mentorship programme  . Watch “21 Icons: Ezlyn Barends: Short Film” below:

(Note: We’re going to my dad’s house today and won’t be back till  Saturday so I may not be able to publish any blog posts till Saturday ).

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