As we grow our tastes evolve and that’s okay – that’s what I realized today.
It’s 12 : 47 PM on day 1531 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 18, start reading Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult – we woke up to a power outage but I quite enjoyed it no TV, no music and no internet just me and the latest Jodi Picoult novel 🙂 – feed myself Uppumavu and chicken curry and a banana for breakfast, publish my Disability of the Day feature and promote my Educate Generations campaign–still on $850 but people have promised to donate and I continue to pray about so things will get moving again eventually meanwhile I’ll continue to raise awareness about the importance of girls’ education.
This morning I was thinking about how my taste in books has evolved with age back in the day I only read romance novels now I pride myself on reading books by Mitch Albom, Jodi Picoult and Malcolm Gladwell and I almost feel embarrassed when someone catches me reading a romance novel. Have you noticed that your tastes have evolved with age?