Day 621

What you put into your body is what you will get out– that’s what I learned today :)

It’s 6 : 35 PM on day 621 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  go to the post office to renew my card – I spotted this woman staring at me just as we were leaving and you know what I did I stared right back I learned while in India where  most people stare at anyone who is different that you should NEVER look down when somebody stares at you eventually the person staring at you will get uncomfortable with you staring at them that they’ll look down  why should you hang your head in shame you didn’t do anything wrong –   feed myself chicken for lunch, drink Green Tea  by myself,   rest, prepared and published my Disability of the Day feature and brush my teeth once more.

Today after I ate a couple of milk chocolate balls I read the box to my surprise I found that a 150g box of chocolates contained 800 kilojoules in that moment I committed to a junk food and drink free life which means no more chips, sweets, milk chocolate, fast food or soft drinks for me from now onwards  I know it’s going to be incredibly hard especially since my family will continue to bring junk into the house   but I have to have to do this so that I can continue to make a difference for years to come. Is your health suffering because of your unhealthy lifestyle?

One thought on “Day 621

  1. Pingback: Day 621: Adopting a healthy lifestyle cutting out junk food | | Fresh Green World

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