Tag Archives: Life

Day 2398: Wind Direction

Things don’t always work out as planned– that’s what I keep learning.



It’s 5: 55  PM on day 2398 of my journey towards independence and I  spent the day with my Superhero Catherine Constantinides and other special guests on Signal Hill – it was a beautiful day but the wind was not in our favour today we shall try again tomorrow (Superhero  had to go but I shall try to paraglide tomorrow (please God may the weather conditions be favourable tomorrow)


Today I was meant to paraglide off Signal Hill but alas the wind was not in our favour which sucked but we shall try again tomorrow and on the plus side I did get to spend a few hours with my Superhero Catherine Constantinides (she surprised me by showing up at the hotel’s meeting room – I was so touched and humbled (thanks Superhero you’re incredible)

Day 2395: Vanity and Cerebral Palsy

Being differently-abled makes one less vain – that’s what I’m realizing.


It’s 11 : 01  AM on day 2395 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read John 1: 29 and learn a new word – Definitions for fanfaronade bragging; bravado; bluster.


Yesterday I realized having Cerebral Palsy has made me less vain I don’t put much emphasis on my outward appearance or even how I look doing things (I don’t always get things done the prettiest way but I do get them done).

Day 2394: Look Outward

An other-cantered life is truly the best life – that’s what I’m learning.


It’s 11 : 50  AM on day 2394 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read Matthew 21: 9 and learn a new word – Voluminous [vo·lu·mi·nous] adj.  Having great volume, fullness, size, or number; ample or lengthy in speech or writing. “Voluminous paperwork.”


Today I started the day with the tiniest act of kindness it was like a joy injection I think all of us are at our happiest and most joyous when we look outward.

Day 2393: Change of Plans

Adapt or die– that’s what I’m learning.


It’s 2 : 23  PM on day 2393 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Zechariah 9:9, have breakfast  and go to the doctor (nothing serious)


Yesterday we found out there are going to be nationwide protests on Friday so we decided to go to Cape Town on Thursday, a day earlier than planned, to make sure I’m in Cape Town on Saturday to go paragliding.

Day 2392: “People Are Like Garbage Trucks”

People know the truth when they hear it– that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 11 : 30  AM on day 2392 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Matthew 20: 18-19, have breakfast  and learn a new word – Chagrin n.  A keen feeling of mental unease, as of annoyance or embarrassment, caused by failure, disappointment, or a disconcerting event. “He decided to take the day off, much to the chagrin of his boss.”


Yesterday my mom showed me the “People Are Like Garbage Trucks” video she’s totally in love with it it’s so profound yet simple. Watch “People Are Like Garbage Trucks” below:

Day 2389: Be Crazy Kind

Don’t be afraid to look like a fool in your quest to be kind. Embarrassment lasts a moment regret lasts a lifetime. Life is short be the kind of kind that makes people wonder “Is that person crazy?” – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 10 : 35  AM on day 2389 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 118: 14 , have breakfast  and learn a new word – Penurious (pe·nu·ri·ous) adj Extremely poor; poverty-stricken; miserly. “The penurious family was forced from their home.”


Yesterday I was on the fence about doing something really kind for fear that it would be awkward or weird but I held my breath and took a leap of faith and you know what it didn’t go that badly.


Day 2387: Rest In Peace Ahmed Kathrada

“The hardest thing to open is a closed mind.” – Ahmed Kathrada


It’s 10 : 39  AM on day 2387 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read James 5: 20 , have breakfast  and learn a new word – Rapacious (ra·pa·cious) Adj Aggressively greedy or ravenous; plundering: “A rapacious salesman.”


This morning I woke up to the very sad news that anti-apartheid activist Ahmed Kathrada passed away I know that nobody can live forever but some people really should he was the last few of a dying breed of noble, honest and courageous human beings. Thank you for the freedoms I currently enjoy I will try to honour your life by living your values. RIP Uncle Kathy we love you.


Day 2385: Try everything

Try new things you might hate it or love it but you’ll never know if you don’t try it – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 57  PM on day 2385 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Daniel 9: 9, have breakfast  and learn a new word – Perspicacious (per·spi·ca·cious) adj Having strong insight into and understanding of things. “She showed perspicacious judgment.”


Yesterday we went to a steakhouse and I decided to be out there and try the chicken (going to a restaurant that’s famous for its red meat and trying the chicken doesn’t make sense I know) it was huge, dry and bland but I’m glad I tried it because now I know what I don’t like and that goes for everything in life we should try everything because even unpleasant experiences will bring us closer to that which gives us joy and contentment.

Day 2384: Highlights of my 26 Years of Life

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey


It’s 12 : 54  PM on day 2384 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read have breakfast, Skype with my cousin, cut my birthday cake (we’re having dinner at a restaurant with the whole extended family so we thought we should cut the cake early)    and learn a new word – Vociferous (vo·cif·er·ous) adj Characterized by vehemence, clamour, or noisiness: “A vociferous crowd.”


Today being my 26th birthday I thought it appropriate to look back on the highlights of my life so far. Take a look:

Highlights of my 26 Years of Life


  1. The day my sister was born (I don’t actually remember it because I was only three at the time but my life would have less love and light in it if I didn’t have an awesome sister)
  2. The first time I held my brother (it was such an incredible experience I remember my sister had to help me support his head while I held him)
  3. All the impromptu sleepovers and dance parties with the cousins
  4. Raising $7 862 to build a well in Kenya
  5. Raising $1 075 for the Not For Sale Campaign
  6. Raising $1 088.84 for the Elton John AIDS Foundation (UK)
  7. Raising $5 307 for the Malala Fund
  8. Raising $10 317.04 for Smile Train (which is enough to pay for 41 cleft repair surgeries)
  9. Reading the Bible from start to finish
  10. Ziplining at Tsitsikamma Canopy Tours with my dad (ziplining meant so much to me because even the people who believed in me with all their hearts were apprehensive about me doing it but I bet on myself and went through with  it)
  11. Being named one of Mail & Guardians 200 Young South Africans 2016 (I never did anything I’ve done to be recognized but it’s nice especially because people who read it might change the way they look at differently-abled people)
  12. My first radio interview with Criselda Dudumashe (I was so nervous but I pushed through and spoke from the heart I spoke even when I felt like I was choking on my words (because I have Cerebral Palsy when I’m nervous my speech sounds like someone speaking through bad reception)
  13. Meeting my first and last forever and always Superhero Catherine Constantinides (there are some people you meet who leave a heartprint on your life Catherine has taught  so much about life and how to be in the world but most of all because of her I know there’s at least one person in the world who shares my vision for a better world and my values)
  14. Meeting Caryn Gootkin, Sarah Britten, Jacqui-Mackway Wilson, Stephanie Anne, Gaynor Young and Barbra (I’m blessed to have some incredible people in my life who’ve taught me so much)
  15. Skyping with Laura Schroff (imagine talking to the woman who’s words you have been reading for the past four years I got to do that and what’s more amazing was how humble and kind Laura was)
  16. Taking to people from all over the world over the phone (every month I call at least one person that I love or who has helped me in some way to say hi or thank you it has been one of the most heartwarming experiences of my life – when you touch a heart your heart is touched)



Day 2383: Love

Love, much like energy, cannot be destroyed it can only be transferred and transformed   – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 10 : 53  AM on day 2383 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Joel 2:12-13, have breakfast  and learn a new word – Definitions for esoterica
1.things understood by or meant for a select few; recondite matters or items. 2. curiosa.


A while ago it dawned on me that the love I pour into the world always returns to me not necessarily from the people I love but from other sources some people I love have busy lives it would be virtually impossible for them to be calling, emailing and messaging me as much I do them but I continue just filling them up with love knowing it will come back to me from place and people I least expect.