Miss Earth South Africa 2021 and Skin Renewal bring some Spring Sunshine to Kliptown, Soweto  

03rd September 2021 

PRESS RELEASE: Miss Earth South Africa 2021 and Skin Renewal bring some Spring Sunshine to Kliptown, Soweto  

Nompumelelo Maduna and the Skin Renewal team greening Kliptown

The newly announced Miss Earth South Africa was out in Kliptown this week exploring this forgotten area of Soweto. Kliptown is right across from the Walter Sisulu Square, where historically, on 26 June 1955, the Congress of the People, met to draw up the Freedom Charter. The Freedom Charter embodies the ethos of the country where human rights are upheld, where the people shall govern, they shall share in the wealth and in the land of the country along with its resources, they shall have equal rights before the law and dignity for all. It speaks of a non-racial society, liberty and individual rights. The Charter formed part of the development of our Constitution which was created in 1996.  

Across from the square that embodies our human rights, equality and justice we are faced with the stark reality of a society, a forgotten community. Over the railway tracks and into this informal settlement, that is the oldest residential district of Soweto, the area is a mixture of “built” houses that are dilapidated and falling apart to make-shift shacks and metal structures that these people call home. The railway station has been abandoned and the once thriving community shops are long gone.  

Amongst all this stands a beacon of hope and her name is Pricilla Nkqwili. She has created opportunities for a group of Gogos called The Kliptown Gogos, to stitch, croquet and quilt different items like aprons, picnic blankets, bags, shoes and other items to sell. Through the work Pricilla has done, and through the support of Skin Renewal, who have funded and supported this project. Ten sewing machines were bought and donated to this centre, along with a skill development programme which aims to upskill these women to learn how to use these machines to create items for selling.  

Miss Earth South Africa, along with Skin Renewal Fourways, did a handover of groceries for each of these Gogos who create beautiful products which are made with love and a smile. Through COVID and the travel restrictions it has been very difficult for these women to sell anything to the tourists who used to visit the Walter Sisulu Square and they are waiting for government to fully open its boarders so that their livelihoods can go back to normal, within safe measures but they long for normalcy.   

Nompumelelo also had the opportunity to visit and pledge her support to a local community vegetable garden. In the coming weeks, Miss Earth South Africa and Skin Renewal; will be adding to this beautiful space to increase their food yield by planting more vegetables, nut trees, companion plants and add to what Pricilla and her fellow farmer Tshepang have been working towards for the last year.  

Skin Renewal also played a part in the starting of this vegetable garden as they funded the tools and start up seedlings for this green venture. Janine Walker and Anika Bosch have been instrumental in facilitation and making this part of their company’s CSI initiative. Skin Renewal and Miss Earth South Africa have a partnership that embodies greening and the care of both people and planet. It is corporates like this that not only talk the talk but walk the walk, in greening and creating self-sufficient communities.  

Miss Earth SA is always looking for support and partnerships to continue working in communities like Kliptown, if you are able to support these initiatives; please contact them on 082 5050 664 or email  admin@MissEarthSA.co.za  


Introducing Miss Earth South Africa 2021 in Proud Partnership with the Thaba Eco Hotel

Miss Earth South Africa 2021 Nompumelelo Maduna (Photo credit: BlowfishProductions)

Our New Green Queen

As spring begins to blossom and the sun begins to shine, the Miss Earth South Africa prepares for the green journey to the international event in December. The organization has always advocated for the development of young women in South Africa as Environmental Warriors who promote the use of our Earth’s resources in a responsible manner. We all need to do our bit in the pursuit of preserving and conserving every day.

This announcement of a new ambassador to take the reins and lead this green revolution is none other than Soweto born Miss Nompumelelo Maduna. A marketing graduate who is currently doing her honours at the University of Johannesburg and is inspired and excited for the year ahead.

This young woman will represent South Africa at the international Miss Earth on the 12th December, in the Philippines.
This is an opportunity for the Miss Earth South Africa, to showcase the climate issues and challenges from an African perspective and discuss the impacts they are having on our continent. Being Heritage month, it is important for us to highlight the positive and natural beauty of South Africa. We need to be aware of the problems but also celebrate the triumphs and the opportunity to celebrate our natural heritage

Joining these celebrations is Thaba Eco Hotel who is the venue and getaway partner for Nompumelelo and the organization, hosting the announcement in their picturesque and very appropriate nature setting. This is a sponsor that understands the drive and determination to work towards conserving Mother Earth. This is a perfect partnership where Thaba Eco and Miss Earth are not just walking the green walk but talking the green talk. Thaba Eco Hotel boast their own solar farm, recycling system from the restaurant, hotel rooms and magnificent Thaba Eco Trails, a responsible waste collection facility and function on an environmental ethos level that stands them above the rest. It is thus fitting for the Miss Earth South Africa to be announced at Thaba Eco Hotel.

Nompumelelo Maduna at the Thaba Eco Hotel’s Thaba Eco Park (Photo credit: BlowfishProductions)

Ella Bella Leite, Director of the programme said; “Our new Miss Earth demonstrate clear leadership qualities, creative thinking, strength of the mind and a bubbly personality and we are thrilled to be announcing our new ambassador. Over a period of two decades, we can confidently say that we have added value, purpose and a knowledge base to a large group of our South African women that has helped move our environmental agenda forward. We are proud of this footprint”

With lockdowns and the corona virus, social distancing and a withdrawal from communal society; we are faced with a different world, severe poverty and hunger in many communities; with environmental issues having fallen to the bottom of the pile once again. It is a critical time for climate change and we believe that our young ambassadors have to be at the forefront of this fight both from a community perspective and from an environmental perspective.

In the words of @ChangeAgentSA Catherine Constantinides, an international climate activist and human rights defender “Heroes don’t live in story books they live amongst us and we as the Miss Earth Leadership Programme have to ensure we empower and inspire these young women to be active citizens and be those heroes we need in our everchanging society. Their time is now!”

For interviews contact Georgina on 082 505 0664 or email safusion@mweb.co.za Follow Miss Earth South Africa on Twitter and Instagram (@missearth_sa)

Superhero Catherine Constantinides’s Birthday Notes + My Thoughts

“BIRTHDAY NOTES • We seem to forget that growing old is a privilege denied to many. I’m grateful to have seen another birthday, anbirthday in the time of a global health pandemic at a scale never witnessed in our lifetime. I’ve spent the last few days reflecting deeply.

🎁 Do we truly know what matters to us, do we understand what life is all about and do we spend enough of the hrs of our day respecting & giving love to those that mean everything to us. Last Yr I battled to fight #COVID19 & I know regardless of the struggle & challenges I’m still faced with… I know how blessed I am. I count those blessings & treasure them with my life.

🎁 The gifts in this precious life are the people we surround ourselves with. Also Those that we may not see but that live in our hearts. Our lives are so fragile & we are NOT promised tomorrow, so we need to be deliberate in our actions TODAY.

I was blessed to be with my Superhero on her birthday and see the magic of her work – her dedication and connection to the orange farm community is something to behold.

🎁 My Mommy always used to tell us never leave for tomorrow what can be done today. She also told us categorically that in our lives we must never go to bed fighting with someone, we should always try to resolve our disputes & fights. We don’t know if that person will be here tomorrow.

🎁 For this birthday we spent two days in Orange Farm. Were able to give lunch packs, cake, party packs, fruit, Hope, LIGHT and happiness to almost 1000 children. This is where I have I spent my birthday each year for the past few years.

🎁 The children we celebrate with have never had a birthday celebrated with cake & singing, they don’t have a meal each day at home. Some don’t even have school shoes or an actual school uniform. But we shared our time with them with a giant cake, a tracksuit for each child, a delicious lunch pack/ hot meal, we danced & sang happy birthday not for me, but for us all..This birthday we gave LIGHT & LOVE!

🎁 I’m so sorry for the calls that I’ve missed, the messages I have not yet responded to, but I am eternally grateful for the love, the kindness the spoils I received from so many. I am deeply humbled.

And to those who contributed to making these Giant Birthday Party Days possible: I’m forever grateful. I could not have done this alone. Thank you. God Bless 🙏🕯” – Catherine Constantinides

I was so blessed to physically be with My Superhero on her birthday I was so moved by her connection to the children and the Orange Farm community…it was truly something to behold.

Cake cutting
Kids celebrating with the Superhero

Images courtesy of Catherine Constantinides

Proudly Vaccinated

“A village has 100 people.
99 of them vaccinated. 1 is not.
2 people become sick with Covid, 1 of whom is the unvaccinated person…” –
Dr. Alastair McAlpine

Vaccinating against COVID19 is an act of global citizenship. Be responsible, get vaccinated. I was blessed to get my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Get a shot TO HAVE A SHOT

My Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team feed three communities on Mandela Day

Superhero Catherine Constantinides coordinating the food distribution

“The light will shine through.” –  Catherine Constantinides

Today on Mandela Day My Superhero Catherine Constantinides with a small team of volunteers fed hot meals and gave food parcels to three communities positively impacting approximately 800 people.  Thank you to the team of volunteers who physically helped out and everybody else involved in making today possible.

My Superhero Catherine Constantinides and The Chinese Assoc. Women’s Federation Join Forces to Keep the Booysens Informal Settlement Warm

Chairperson of The Chinese Assoc. Women’s Federation Shirleen Leong Man and colleagues delivering items to be donated to the Booysens Informal Settlement

“Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.” – Bryant McGill

This morning My Superhero Catherine Constantinides received a visit from The Chinese Assoc. Women’s Federation they delivered the most incredible car load of blankets, socks, soaps & masks for Booysens informal settlement. Thank you so much to Chairperson of The Chinese Assoc. Women’s Federation Shirleen Leong Man and colleagues for your immense contribution to this drive    

Donations from The Chinese Assoc. Women’s Federation for the Booysens Informal Settlement

My Superhero Catherine Constantinides Joined Forces with Col’cacchio (Norwood) to Feed Children in Orange Farm

My Superhero Catherine Constantinides carrying boxes of hope (pizza) from Col’cacchio (Norwood) to give away

“Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time.”- Marian Wright Edelman

Recently My Superhero Catherine Constantinides  joined forces with Col’cacchio (Norwood) to feed children in Orange Farm. Thank you to Col’cacchio in Norwood for donating 400 pizzas to this feeding (thank you, Col’cacchio Norwood, your support of My Superhero Catherine’s work is much appreciated)

Sometimes hope comes in the form of pizza (Image credit: @changeagentsa)
Smiles and pizza (Image credit: @changeagentsa)

Catherine Constantinides’s Thoughts on the Western Sahara this #WorldRefugeeDay #StandInTheSand

“In my lifetime the Saharawi People will return home.” –  Catherine Constantinides

Today is World Refugee Day – a day when the world pauses to remember that approximately 23,300 people a day are forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution.  Today and every day I stand by my statement that Morocco’s 45-year illegal occupation of the Western Sahara is WRONG and CRIMINAL! #FreeWesternSahara . #StandInTheSand with Catherine Constantinides and I as we stand in solidarity with the people of Western Sahara now & always. May we never forget that NOBODY IS A REFUGEE BY CHOICE. Show some compassion. Show your heart.

My Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team feed Solwazi Primary (again)

Superhero Catherine Constantinides feeding children at Solwazi [image by Des Ingham-Brown]

“Don’t look for big things. Just do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

Recently My Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team fed children at Solwazi Primary School in Orange Farm again. Thank you to all the supporters and volunteers involved in this feeding and thank you to to Des Ingham-Brown for capturing photos in this post from that day

Ella Bella at Solwazi also feeding kids [image by Des Ingham-Brown]

My thoughts on Seaspriacy on #WorldOceansDay

“You will love the ocean. It makes you feel small, but not in a bad way. Small because you realize you’re part of something bigger.” -Lauren Myracle

Today being World Oceans Day it’s the perfect day to watch Seaspiracy – a documentary by Ali Tabrizi about the dirty business of fishing. i watched it a few days ago and I was heartbroken that humanity has hurt marine life so and that every time I ordered Fish & Chips I was a part of the problem. I don’t think I will ever ever visit a marine park or eat fish again. Will I miss it? Will I slip on occasion? Of course I will miss it and I will probably slip on occasion I’m only human but the taste of fish is never worth my humanity so I’m going to try really hard to eat no fish.

I live by one rule in life: First do no harm and knowing what i know now if I continue to eat fish I would do so in violation of my own life rule.