Restore Trust Music Fest

Spend your tune wisely you’ll never get it back– that’s my message to the world.

Yesterday I had the honour of spending my afternoon and evening with my Restore Trust family as they celebrated 10 YEARS of making a difference in the lives of vulnerable babies. I LOVED THE MUSIC but more than the music my eyes followed Michelle across the venue – the whole time thinking “How can someone be so normal and so extraordinary at the same time?” (the Michelle I’m used to teaches me interesting baby facts and plays on the floor with babies but yesterday I realized Michelle can do whatever is required of her – even Matthew Mole can’t hold my attention when Michelle Rielly is present. Michelle you were extra-incredible last night I LOVE YOU )

Sponsors of the Restore Trust Music Festival

Thanks to Dynamic Sounds, Eastern Cape Motors, Crawfords Beach Lodge, Alderson EMS, Twizza, Expanda Sign, Tractor Digital Billboard Advertising, Visual Advertising, Proscreen, Surf Brew Coffee. Old Selbornians Club, Peri, Lee Gold Music, DayMax Security and East London Toilet Hire for partnering with the Restore Trust to make the Restore Trust Music Festival possible yesterday.  

Day 3162: Relationships

Not all our relationships have the equal amount of everything– that’s what I have realized

It’s 5: 10 PM on day 3162 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – thanks to Stan’s $28  donation we’ve now raised $2 766 of $28 000 with 44 days to go

Today I realized that not all our relationships have an equal amount of everything and that’s really okay

Day 3160: Holding on to Hope

Hope is like oxygen one can’t survive without it.– that’s what I have realized

It’s 2: 00 PM on day 3160 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $2 738 of $28 000 with 46 days to go

Today I realized that even if I lose everything I must hold on to hope for there can be no life without hope

Day 3159: I just want to cry and sleep

You’re not going to be overjoyed every day– that’s what I have realized

It’s 12: 36 PM on day 3159 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, spend time outside  and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $2 738 of $28 000 with 47 days to go

Today I just want to cry and sleep I’m trying to change the world from inside of my house and most people remain unmoved the one time the world’s pity would actually help me everyone collectively decides I don’t need special treatment just my luck I guess

Day 3158 : I Disinvest From Those Who Clearly Don’t Care

“People give you signs. Listen to them. Don’t force yourself on anyone.” – Pearl Thusi

It’s 2: 33 PM on day 3158 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $2 738 of $28 000 with 48 days to go

Today I realized that sometimes when you quit on people it’s not because you don’t care but rather because they don’t  I mean something exciting happened in my life could you please take a look *ignored* bear my soul *ignored* I get the message I’m going to stop trying so hard blood or not I deserve better from some people I really try to be kind I know everyone is busy with families and work but it doesn’t take long to say thanks or make a small effort

Day 3157: Mother’s Day 2019

“The love of a mother is the veil of a softer light between the heart and the heavenly Father.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Spend time with my people

Mother’s Day is always a reminder that God’s favour rests on my siblings and I, I have never felt more loved than when I’m with my mother a love that’s consuming, a love that neither slumbers nor sleeps, a love never forsaking…I have often thought this must be how God loves me I have no doubt that if a car was speeding towards the three of us our mother would step in front of it without a second thought. Happy Mother’s Day to my mom and all the mother’s of the world thank you will never be enough but those are the only two words that come to mind.

Day 3156: My Joy and Peace

My joy and peace belongs to me– that’s what I have realized

It’s 4: 42 PM on day 3156 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, spend time outside  and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – thanks to Anon’s $30 donation we’ve now raised $2 738 of $28 000 with 50 days to go

Today I realized that though people may be ungrateful and miserable I can choose to keep my joy and peace

Day 3155: Carrying on

Sometimes just carrying on is a great achievement– that’s what I have realized

It’s 7: 45 PM on day 3155 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse  and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $2 708 of $28 000 with 51 days to go

Recently I read that sometimes just carrying on is a great achievement and today I achieved greatly

Day 3154: Tired But Trying

Push past tiredness to make your dreams come true– that’s my message to the world

It’s 12: 53 PM on day 3154 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  –  thanks to Anon’s $50 we’ve now raised $2 708 of $28 000 with 52 days to go

Today I’m tired, tired of people, tired of trying…just so tired but I’m going to carry on trying to create a better world anyway