LaMer Celebrates #WorldOceansDay with the #LaMerBlueHeart Campaign

“The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can’t.” ― Christopher Paolini

Today is World Oceans Day and in celebration of that the La Mer team and volunteers cleaned up Muizenburg Beach as part of the LaMerBlueHeart campaign. Each year, the La Mer team members (and volunteers) around the world lead an effort to clean their local shores and beaches. In the journey to protect the living connection we all have to the ocean, we know that even small acts of participation can make a huge impact. Thank you La Mer for taking care of more than just our skin – I LOVE brands that care. To find out more about La Mer’s passion for ocean conservation visit

Environmentalist Catherine Constantinides cleaning up Muizenburg Beach
Teamwork (photo credit: Facebook/LaMerSouthAfrica)

Day 3183: Envy and Me

Nobody is immune from envy– that’s what I keep realizing

It’s 5: 52 PM on day 3183 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $3 188 of $28 000 with 115 days to go

This afternoon while waiting in reception for my physiotherapy appointment my physiotherapist was walking her patient out – the lady had injured herself and was temporarily wheelchair-bound i felt envy like never before i wondered what it would be like knowing you would only be in a wheelchair temporarily, Be grateful for the problems you don’t have.

Day 3182: Trust Trumps Love

To be trusted means more than being loved– that’s what I keep realizing

It’s 5: 11 PM on day 3182 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $3 188 of $28 000 with 116 days to go

Recently I’m rediscovering that to be trusted means more than being loved you can love someone but without trust you have nothing,

Miss Earth SA #WorldEnvironmentDay Tree Planting

“The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.” ― Pope John Paul II

Today is World Environment Day and in honour of that my Miss Earth South Africa family were out in full force at Mondeor Primary planting trees. Thanks to the High Commission of Canada to South Africa, Sappi Southern Africa, Tsogo Sun and Makro who all supported Miss Earth SA’s tree planting today.

Catherine Constantinides educating young minds
Ella Bella ready to green minds
Representative of the Canadian High Commission addressing learners

Day 3180: Worry And Me

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”– Leo F. Buscaglia

It’s 4: 51 PM on day 3180 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – thanks to Kevin’s donation of $100 we’ve now raised $3 128 of $28 000 with 118 days to go.

Today I’m worried about a few things but I’m getting on with the day

Day 3179: Enjoy Life Now

Life happens in between goals – that’s what I keep realizing

It’s 4: 04 PM on day 3179 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $3 028 of $28 000 with 119 days to go

Today I realized sometimes it’s good to pause goals and go outside to stare at the trees – if we wait till everything is done to enjoy life we never will.

Day 3178: All Will Be Well

Everything’s going to be ok – that’s what I was reminded of today

It’s 4: 30 PM on day 3178 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – we’ve now raised $3 028 of $28 000 with 120 days to go

Today I feel like everything is going to be okay everything always works out as it should.

Day 3177: The Things Worth Having

Nothing worth having is ever easy– that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 5: 57 PM on day 3177 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – thanks to Anon’s $28  donation and SHIPRANSH AGRAWAL’s $100  donation we’ve now raised $2 3 028 of $28 000 with 121 days to go (got myself an extension).

Today I was reminded that nothing worth having is ever easy but is always worth fighting for

Day 3176: The Incredible Kodi Lee

Talent is limitless – that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 11: 40 AM on day 3176 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – thanks to Tanmay Bakshi’s $28 donation we’ve now raised $2 900 of $28 000 with 30 days to go

Recently I watched Kodi Lee’s amazing American’s Got Talent audition and I just had to share it. Take a look:

Day 3175: Sharing It All

There’s great power in story so it’s important to share both our struggles and successes – that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 2: 38 PM on day 3175 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – thanks to Anon’s $50 donation we’ve now raised $2 872 of $28 000 with 31 days to go

Today I was reminded that there’s great power in story so it’s important to share both our struggles and successes I know it’s tempting to share with the world only our successes but that would be disingenuous on our part – you know that before every pinnacle in your life there was a really low point – it’s important to share both your highs and lows so that those currently experiencing lows have something to hope for