Mandela Day 2019 #MandelaDay

To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.

Today being Mandela Day – a day during which people all over the world spend 67 minutes of their time in service of others in honour of the late Nelson Mandela’s 67 years of service – and what would have been Mr. Mandela’s 101st birthday I once again urge everybody to fellow in his footsteps and serve the world every day not just on July 18th. Happy Birthday Tata Madiba you are sorely missed and deeply loved.

Live Well

May the days of our deaths never eclipse the days of our lives– that’s my hope for the world

Today I realized that all of us will die one day but the one day we die will be just that one day may we live so well that all the people will be focused on all the days we lived rather than just the one day we died

Grief and Time

Time passes quickly and slowly at the same time –that’s what I’ve realized.

It’s 7 : 50 PM on day 3219 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read Bible and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – Anon donated $28  we’ve now raised $3 804 of $28 000 with 77 days to go

This past week has gone by so quickly and slowly at the same time grief distorts time

Follow Your Instincts

Follow your instincts – that’s my message to the world

A few months ago I was somewhere with people I loved and something deep inside me said take a picture but I didn’t want to be weird so I ignored that voice and today I regret it because one of the people who would have been in the picture has since sadly passed away. Follow your instincts!

Do What You Want

If it doesn’t hurt anyone do what you want– that’s my message to the world

Today as I enjoying Fish Finger Sandwiches I was embarrassed to be an adult eating Fish Finger Sandwiches but I figured life is short I feel like Fish Fingers if it hurts nobody do what you want not what’s age-appropriate.    

Everything Has Changed

Life can change in an instant  – that’s what I’ve realized

Yesterday started out so beautifully but ended so very tragically I’m still speechless and lost for words…truly shocking I have cried before but never ever like this never from the depths of my soul EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED