Honouring The Duty To My Humanity

My first duty is to my humanity – that’s what I have realized

Today I got into it with my elders who were being, in my opinion, very unkind and when I told them so they tried to use the ten commandments to get me off their case but I stood my ground and I’m so proud I did, proud that that I honoured my duty to my humanity  

Glad To Be Me

The things you try to pray away may be your saving grace– that’s what I have realized

I managed to pray, read Bible, spend time with my young friends at Breath of Life   and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water  – David Boutin donated $50 we’ve now raised $3 879 of $28 000 with 58 days to go

Today I was at Breath of Life surrounded by babies pushing me around joyfully and in that moment I was glad to be in a wheelchair, I was glad to be me…the things you try to pray away may be your saving grace