Congratulations Miss Earth South Africa 2019 Lungo Katete

Lungo Katete

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” -Lady Bird Johnson

This afternoon at Montecasino Miss Earth South Africa 2019 Lungo Katete and 3 Miss Earth South Africa Ambassadors were crowned. Congratulations to Lungo and the Miss Earth South Africa Ambassadors I wish you only good things. Well done to the Miss Earth South Africa team and the Tsogo Sun teams who worked together to bring this spectacular event to life.

Miss Earth SA finalists
11 Black hearts, 11 women who have been killed by Gender based violence, 11 women who could have been one of the National Finalists. We remember them and call their names here today!
Ella and Catherine from Miss Earth SA with Candy Kruger from Tsogo Sun

And the winner is,,,

The 2019 Miss Earth SA squad: Lungo, L Oreal, Moratwe and Victoria

I Miss The Nisha Whisperer So Much

You don’t know the measure of your love till you’ve lost– that’s what I’ve realized

Recently I realized that we don’t know the measure of our love till we’ve lost it’s been almost a month since Gerda died and I’m still crying about it every day twice a day – my parents think I’m back to myself because I cry when they’re not here and into my pillow under the cover of darkness – it would have been less painful if someone just ripped my heart out I now realize how much I truly loved Gerda she who didn’t have children of her own probably didn’t even know she was like a second mother to me – even my parents knew her place in my life which is why before I embarked on any of my crazy-dangerous adventures they would say let’s ask Gerda first no matter how much I wanted to do something I wouldn’t do it without Gerda’s blessing (I once wanted to go Scuba Diving she said no and when I continued to plead with her she held a tissue paper in front of my face and asked me to blow it away I thought I did a good job but she said your breath control is not good enough and in that moment I so appreciated that she took the time to demonstrate why she said no to my request I never brought it up again…Gerda was truly The Nisha Whisperer I miss her so much already)  

Menstrual Cycles, Physiotherapists and my Awkward Moment

Change is hard – that’s what I’ve realized

Last week at only 2nd appointment with my new physiotherapist I had to tell her I was on my period (my physio needs to know about my cycle because I’m a lot stiffer when I’m on my period) I paused for a second before I said anything but eventually I told her (with Gerda I hardly had to mention it she had known me since before I started my period so she could instinctively notice the changes in my body) things have changed and it’s taking me a while to get used to


Life is always a gift – that’s what I’ve realized

Today I realized that no matter what I’m going through I’m still alive to go through it and that is something to always be grateful for

Get Me To 21 by Gabi Lowe [Book review]

One of our life’s purposes is to bear witness to each other’s story even when it’s excruciating – that’s what Gabi Lowe has taught me

Yesterday I finished reading Get Me To 21: The Jenna Lowe story by Gabi Lowe it’s a story of a family’s determination to keep Jenna alive and Jenna’s determination to live fully in the face of death…the book is not about death or Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) means that you have high blood pressure in the arteries that go from your heart to your lungs [PAH is the disease that Jenna had]) .it’s about life and love…it’s breathtakingly raw and moving (at times I felt like an intruder like I had no place bearing witness to a mother’s pain but I finished the book Gabi Lowe taught me that one of our life’s purposes is to bear witness to each other’s story even when it’s excruciating. Get Me To 21 is a must-read for everyone.

A Chance

Life is hard for everyone– that’s what I’ve realized

Next year my siblings and I want to visit Europe my father doesn’t want to go – it’s not even about the cost my siblings and I are paying he’s just a homebody –  and if he doesn’t go I can’t because I need to be lifted, carried and pushed my siblings can go with their future families or by themselves but if I don’t next year I’ll never go my parents are already in their 50s and aging I really want to go but I will only do so with my nuclear family you won’t find me on my brother’s or sister’s honeymoon being a third wheel it would break my soul    

It’s Ok

Crying is ok – that’s what I’ve realized

2019 has taught me that I’m stronger than I know and braver than I believe.

When you’re greatest fear in life is being left and people die you realize you can survive your greatest fear coming to life – I’ve cried more in 3 months than I have in 28 years (I’m learning to cry just for me)


“I am African – not because I am born in Africa, but because Africa is born in me. The drums of Africa will always beat in my heart. I am where I belong!” – Unknown

My fellow South Africans: May we remember that in the darkest days of Apartheid many South Africans were welcomed into other African countries let us be as hospitable to our brothers and sisters as they were to us. WE CANNOT BURN PEOPLE ALIVE IN THE STREETS! Xenophobia is UNACCEPTABLE!!