Mia Le Roux (L) is crowned by 2023 Miss South Africa Natasha Joubert (R) on stage at the 2024 Miss South Africa final at SunBet Arena in Pretoria. (MARCO LONGARI / AFP)
Mia le Roux makes history as first hearing-impaired Miss South Africa
The 28-year-old model and marketing manager who was representing the Western Cape is the first Miss South Africa who is hard of hearing. According to her profile on the Miss South Africa website, Le Roux, who was born in Sasolburg in the Free State, was diagnosed with profound hearing loss at the age of one.
The part-time B Com Marketing student describes herself as resilient, dedicated, graceful and kind.
An Open Letter to Mia le Roux
Dear Mia,
Congratulations on becoming Miss South Africa 2024. Thank you for having the courage to put yourself out there and because you did you now have the chance to make the world inclusive for all of us who are different. Congratulations, I’m so proud of you…for the first time in my life I feel represented in the mainstream media
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”― Mahatma Gandhi
On July 18th South Africa celebrates Nelson’s Mandela’s 67-year legacy of service by doing 67 minutes of service. This year for Mandela Month and Mandela Day my goal is to raise R67 000 for the Breath of Life house. For more information or to make a donation please visit https://www.backabuddy.co.za/nisha-67
The sizzling fifth season of MasterChef South Africa moves into the show’s new home on S3 (formerly SABC3) on Saturday, 13 July at 19:30, with repeat broadcasts on SABC2 on Sundays at 18:30 and another chance to catch up on all the reality show cooking action on S3 on Wednesdays at 18:00.
MasterChef South Africa Season 5 features 20 amateur chefs from across Mzansi with diverse backgrounds and different food dreams.
Among these cooks are seven strong contenders, ready to slice and dice, bake and butter up the judges with their delicious meals.
One of this year’s TOP 20 MasterChef Contestants is the effervescent, Ella Bella Constantinides-Leite, she holds a Master’s degree in Dramatic Arts and Education from the University of the Witwatersrand, is of Greek descent, married the Portuguese love of her life and chose beautiful Sesotho and isiZulu names for her two children. She is the director of the Miss Earth South Africa Leadership and Empowerment Programme, which celebrates their 21st year of sustainability and greening. She is a teacher, environmentalist, philanthropist and a foodie ready to take the MasterChef kitchen by storm.
This colourful home cook from Bedfordview is also a dynamic environmentalist who teaches in all corners of the country as part of the Miss Earth SA initiative; educating children and adults about biodiversity, recycling and preserving our national heritage and cleaver ways to upcycle and reuse their waste.
As such, she initiates projects ranging from planting trees and creating sustainable vegetable gardens to recycling projects, cleaning rivers and beaches, and feeding people in different communities weekly through the Merchants of Light, NGO that her and her sister, Catherine Constantinides started during COVID when the need for food was so desperate in communities.
With these bits of Ella Bella’s background, it makes perfect sense that she describes herself as the kitchen queen of leftovers.
“My food style is Mediterranean with a splash of South African fusion, like Baklava with Rooibos infused syrup- it’s delish”, she adds, “and I have mastered sneaking veggies into all kinds of experimental dishes for the good of my family’s health and wellbeing.”
It brings her immense joy to host large dinner parties targeting the diverse taste buds of the mix of cultures and ages of her multitude of friends and Portu-Greek relatives. She speaks a little isiZulu, Xhosa and can say hello, goodbye, my name is, thank you and a I love you in about 5 more languages.
Food is indeed a gift in Ella Bella’s eyes, and if she wins the competition, you might just see The Ella Bella Food Trucks on their way to the empty bellies in many communities to give a little hope, love and light to those in need.
“I want women to know that it’s so important to speak your truth and stand up for yourself and your dreams and your passions and goals.” – River Savante
Recently I heard the story of 16-year-old mountaineer and adventurer, River Savante, on The Power of Stories Podcast and I was so inspired by her story that I had to share it. Listen to River on The Power of Stories podcast episode below:
“Gratitude is the antidote to fear. And a gateway practice into prosperity.” – Robin Sharma, The Wealth Money Can’t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life
Yesterday I finished reading The Wealth Money Can’t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Lifeby Robin Sharma and by the last page I wanted to cry because I felt like I was saying goodbye to a friend who reminded that I was already wealthy in many ways (I was already doing most of the things mentioned in the book i just doing most of the things mentioned in the book I just didn’t know they were habits of wealth the world told me the were habits of the naive but apparently not). Below I’ve listed some of my favorite lessons from The Wealth Money Can’t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life by Robin Sharma:
11 Lessons from The Wealth Money Can’t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life by Robin Sharma
1. When you’re with people treat it like the last time you might see them (because it just might be life is fragile)
2.Your life reflects you – in other words, your other life is a reflection of the inner work you’ve done on your mind, heart, health and spirit
3.BE GRATEFUL – send thank you notes and gifts in abundance
4. Be kind and generous
5. Be humble – even the old tree bows as it ages. Are you prouder than a 150 year old tree?
6. Put your last days first – fast forward to your deathbed think about what contribution you would like to make then rewind to present day and do – I wrote my future obituary years ago and it helps me to remember how to live
7. Be a perfect moment creator – make breakfast with family, watch the sunset, eat great food.. anything just create moments intentionally
8. A great work ethic without a great rest ethic is not sustainable – doing something is not better than doing something they are just two different things
9. Bless your money as you send it out and ask it to come to you a hundred fold
Birthdays are a chance to look back and forward at the same time.
Yesterday I turned 33 and what a blessed day it was….lots of people came to visit, lots of cake was had and lots of love was shared. Thank you to everyone who made my day so special.
THANK YOU to my children who make me more – more kind, more driven, more brave….more in every wayTHANK YOU to my family and Breath of Life who made me a memory blanket and hand-delivered it. And thank you to the Breath of Life carers who help me function in that house [I have never failed in that house and it’s because of each of you…THANK YOU!!]
Thank you to my family who ordered me a cake with the names of the children who were previously at Breath of Life (we intentionally did not put names of our current children because that would be illegal)
And lastly thank you to all of you who donated to my crowdfunding campaign benefiting Breath of Life. THANK YOU!!!!!!
Miss Earth South Africa has partnered with Interwaste, Waste & Recycling Management Company and MetPac-SA the producer responsibility organisation, who are responsible for the post-consumer metal packaging in SA; for the 2024 Global Recycling Day, focussing on our daily habits of recycling. A matter that carries huge significance and can no longer be ignored. It is critical that waste and recycling are re-examined and that each individual looks at how they contribute to the waste stream and how they can be part of the solution in reducing pollution. Our planet Earth has become littered by waste products as a result of improper social behaviour. Waste has covered our land, filled our air and has had a significant impact on our oceans. Governments, corporates and industry must be held to account. “There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away, it must go somewhere.” This statement needs to be understood in a recycling context, ‘away’ must be a specific place that our waste goes to.
“The Miss Earth South Africa organisation, through their #WasteStopsWithME campaign; hold the individual accountable. We believe in, promote and work towards a common goal of sustainability and conscious living,” says Ella Bella Leite, the Director of Miss Earth South Africa. “We are a programme that educates and empowers young women, while working with learners across the education system, so that they can take on the challenges that we face as a society. We are honoured to be able to work with like-minded corporates that support our community work and upliftment programmes, like Southern Sun, Skin Renewal, Lanza SA and Newsclip Media Monitoring. Our sponsors enable us to do the work we love.”
The partners for Global Recycling Day are key to the work done in schools and communities. Interwaste believe in an ethos of ‘Serving Land and Life’, realizing that it is the life we are creating, that needs protecting. This is a company that provides integrated waste and environmental solutions for individuals and corporates so as to help them, to be a part of the solution. They believe that the key to recycling is to know your waste, how to sort it and what process is required to recycle it. The Interwaste team strives towards the principle of zero waste to landfill.
Our sponsor, MetPac-SA, represents the metal packaging value chain in SA and reports directly to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment, on matters relating to post-consumer metal packaging recovery and recycling. The main objective is to ensure that the metal packaging industry, demonstrates perfect synchronisation regarding waste management plans, circular economy, environmental sustainability, promoting a goal of zero waste in the environment.
Recycling provides many benefits to our environment as it creates a healthier planet for all our people and for future generations. Recycling reduces the need to extract resources such as timber, water, minerals and other products, it conserves natural resources and allows materials to be used over and over again.
Since 1993, there has been an increase in used beverage can collection, from 18% to 72%. Aluminium cans are one of the top most recyclable materials. They are 100% recyclable and can be processed multiple times. Recycling secondary aluminium uses less than 20% of the energy needed for extraction of new aluminium, making it a highly sought after packaging material.
In closing Leite stated, “Our programme for this year, is impactful and tangible. We believe that our learners at schools are ready for the challenge to increase their recycling habits. We have taken the problem to them, and explained how they can make a difference. Let’s get recycling and ensure that #WasteStopsWithME!!”
The Miss Earth South Africa Leadership programme, is in its 21st year. This is a programme that has been built, brick by brick, and tree by tree, over two decades. Most importantly it has grown and empowered one young woman at a time. Looking back, today we can say that it has mentored hundreds of young women.
“‘When you learn, teach. When you get, give.’ In the words of Maya Angelou, we ask our young women to go out and pay it forward. That is how we change the world. This is our objective for our 21st year,” says Ella Bella, National Director of Miss Earth South Africa.
It is not about winning the title and competing internationally. That is simply an experience, an amazing opportunity and a benefit of the programme. The programme is about so much more; the opportunities and learnings are vast. Each delegate has the opportunity to grow and develop. You will learn about the greatest challenges our people face in the climate space, and how it affects us as all as South Africans and global citizens. Being part of this leadership and empowerment programme means you will understand that you as an individual can make a difference. More-over you will become an active citizen in our nation caring for people and for planet. You will carry these elements with you throughout your life and it is hoped that you will in turn impact the lives of those around you and pay it forward to the community that you engage in.
You would be joining an impactful sisterhood, that understands and supports you. The programme is about touching the lives of every young woman that wants to make a difference. Apply to be part of the Miss Earth South Africa Leadership and Empowerment Programme for 2024.
Please WHATSAPP your name and email address to 082 5050 664.
Applications will close on the 15th April. South African ladies from 18 – 26 years old are eligible.
As of this afternoon we’ve reached my #Nisha33 campaign goal benefitting Breath of Life, a place of safety for abandoned babies here in East London, South Africa, the original goal was R33 000 and with 18 days to go till my birthday so far we’ve raised R33 000. I’m so thankful to everyone who has helped out…truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I will still anyone still wishing to make a donation can do so at https://www.backabuddy.co.za/nisha-33
“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Berthold Auerbach
This morning I heard “Lights Down Low” by Aston Wylie (ft. Michael Reed) and I loved the song so much I thought it would be a great idea to share it…great song Aston.