“Ocean” by Lady Antebellum

How can someone stand so damn close

‘N’ feel like they’re world away?

I can see your sad story eyes

So how do you have no words to say?

All I want is to fall in deeper than I’ve ever been

Why won’t you let me?

I can handle your heart, so help me

Here you are, next to me

Lady Antebellum, “Ocean”

Recently I heard “Ocean” by Lady Antebellum I just have to share it because it’s such a beautiful song. Listen:  

[Book Review] The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson (@IAmMarkManson)

“Happiness is a constant work-in-progress, because solving problems is a constant work-in-progress—the solutions to today’s problems will lay the foundation for tomorrow’s problems, and so on. True happiness occurs only when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.”― Mark Manson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

Yesterday I finished reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson it’s a refreshingly honest self-help book filled with practical advice I recommend it to all who don’t mind a little vulgar language   

Improvement Not Perfection

The daily goal is improvement not perfection – that’s what I keep reminding myself

Today I was reminded that the daily goal is improvement not perfection none of us will ever be perfect but each of us can strive to be better people than we were yesterday


Some people have no concept of boundaries – that’s what I’ve realized

Yesterday I was somewhere was more than 100 people we were eating and this man put his hand on me and starts praying i let it go he disappears then returns to wipe my face I say no, my sister says no and my friend says no still he continued now saying I must sing for him I was so uncomfortable and scared (I would later find out the man has some sort of mental illness which explained but still did not excuse his behaviour)