Category Archives: My journey towards independence

My journey from utter helplessness to independence

Day 2952: Sleep, Glorious Sleep

The challenges we go through make us grateful for that which we would have otherwise taken for granted – that’s what I’ve realized


It’s 12 : 57 PM on day 2952 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read a Bible verse  and do some work


Last night I slept really well and nowadays I’m grateful for that because I still remember the days following my surgery a few months ago when I couldn’t put my arm down on the bed while I slept because it hurt so bad. Every day I’m grateful for the little-big-things because I’ve had to fight for and through everything it’s not a complaint just a fact.

Day 2951: Cerebral Palsy Always the Focus

The fact that I have Cerebral Palsy will seldom be separated from that which I do– that’s what I’ve realized


It’s 1 : 55 PM on day 2951 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, spend time outside – I saw many black birds flying together it was so awesome –   read a Bible verse  and do some work


Recently I find myself thinking why can’t the world just mention the work I do without highlighting that I have Cerebral Palsy? I do realize that my story is made more awesome because I am a differently-abled aspiring humanitarian, that is my point of difference, but still when I’m working to help others and the focus is still on my challenges it’s immensely frustrating I hope there will come a day when my work can be the only thing highlighted about my life but until that day comes I’m grateful that being me with Cerebral Palsy has given me platforms to champion the causes I causes I care about.

Day 2950: My Scars and Me

The scars we carry are a reminder of all the different ways we are capable of hurting people but shouldn’t – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 1 : 00 PM on day 2950 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, spend time outside – I saw a small bird up close it was so cute it made my day –  read a Bible verse  and do some work.


This morning sitting under a tree I realized  that the scars we carry are a reminder of all the different ways we are capable of hurting people but shouldn’t I know the power of words because of the ways in which they have been used to hurt me so now I’m careful to speak words of kindness as much as possible. The scarless are careless because they don’t know the effects of cruelty in word and deed I am grateful for my scars they have taught me how not to be in this world.

Day 2949: Making Every Day A Good Day

If you’re determined to have a good day nothing can get in your way – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 9 : 48 AM on day 2949 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray  read a Bible verse  and do some work


Today I made a decision that today and every day no matter what comes my way I’m going to have good days I’m not saying it will be easy life happens and people are sometimes cruel but through it all I can be determined that every day will be a good day.

Day 2948: Goals and Highlights of a Week Gone By

Have goals and go after them but it’s also important to remember life happens in between goals – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1 : 53 PM on day 2948 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray  read a Bible verse  and spend time with family and friends.


Last Monday I set some goals and today I will again be evaluating myself to measure my progress and I’ll be setting some goals for the coming week as well. Take a look:

1-8 October Goals Review

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more) [tried]
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides [tried]
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can [I did]
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [not done yet]
  5. Learn 7+ new things [not done]
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week [not done often]
  7. Try new things [not done]
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL! [ tried]

Highlights of the Week

  • Spending time with my friend Michelle Rielly at Breath of Life (I’ll never forget sitting in a circle with Michelle and her 8 children (2 of whom were her biological kids and the other 6 she lovingly raises until they are adopted or reunited with their biological families) as we urged Baby A and the other babies to help Baby A open his birthday presents I remember staring at Michelle as she smoothed one of the babies hair and I couldn’t help thinking this is life – being with Michelle, seeing her surrounded by all her babies and the love in that circle was, is and always will be the essence of what life is all about. I always feel honoured to be at Breath Of Life, to be with Michelle, her husband Andrew, their many children and the carers who help with the babies it’s a very sacred experience for me always it’s like for a brief time I’m one of them I share in their hopes and joy and we become part of each other’s memories for all eternity. I, who often feels out of place in the world, found a place in the hearts of the littlest amongst us whose hearts and eyes are yet to realize I look a little different from them)
  • Delivering something special to a special friend’s mailbox ( I love surprising people it’s my favourite pastime)
  • Talking to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides (her life is my eternal lesson in humility and kindness every time before I call I think to self I hope I’m not interrupting anything but every time she is so grateful I called which never fails to shock me and touch my heart)

8-15 October Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more)
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can and appreciate the little-big things
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  5. Learn 7+ new things
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week
  7. Try new things
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL!

Day 2947: Congratulations Miss Earth South Africa 2018 Nazia Wadee


“You cannot protect the environment unless you empower people, you inform them, and you help them understand that these resources are their own, that they must protect them.” – Wangari Maathai


It’s 12 : 16 PM on day 2947 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray  read a Bible verse  and do some work.


Last night at Montecasino Miss Earth South Africa 2018 Nazia Wadee and 3 Miss Earth South Africa Ambassadors were crowned. Congratulations to Nazia and the Miss Earth South Africa Ambassadors I wish you only good things. Well done to the Miss Earth South Africa team and the Tsogo Sun teams who worked together to bring this spectacular event to life.




Day 2946: World Cerebral Palsy Day #WorldCPDay #DifferentIsCOOL

Cerebral Palsy is not the definition of me but it is also a part of me I’m not ashamed of – that’s my message to the world

It’s 12 : 21 PM on day 2946 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray  read a Bible verse  and do some work


Today is World Cerebral Palsy Day, a day that has become a platform for me and others to educate the world about this condition we live with daily. Watch “World Cerebral Palsy Day and Me” below:


Day 2945: #WorldSmileDay and my Smile Train family



“Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.” – Connie Stevens

It’s 1 : 30 PM on day 2945 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray read a Bible verse and do some work

Today is World Smile Day and in this moment I think of my Smile Train family who work every day to correct clefts worldwide. A cleft lip is a physical split or separation of the two sides of the upper lip. Clefts are correctable in 45 minutes and surgery costs $250. If you wish to make a difference this World Smile Day donate to Smile Train

Day 2944: I LOVE my Gap-Teeth

The things you dislike about yourself maybe your saving graces – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 3: 35 PM on day 2944 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray  read a Bible verse  and spend time with family and friends.


On Monday I went to my dentist and found out I have no cavities which made me so happy but the reason for my lack of cavities shocked me it turns out because I have large gaps between all my teeth I’m able to brush between each one properly and all this time I hated the gaps between my teeth just goes to show the things you dislike about yourself maybe your saving graces.

Day 2943: My Mental Trash Bin

You have to be selective in what you allow yourself to absorb– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 00 PM on day 2943 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read a Bible verse  and do some work.


Recently I realized that I have to be selective in what I allow myself to absorb from the world I often hear from others that anonymous sources say things about me things that hurt my feelings but now I’m wondering why I allow people who don’t even have the courage to own their own words to affect how I feel about myself so from now on everything that’s said about me anonymously will go directly into my mental trash bin. New rule: If people speak about you anonymously and you hear about it whatever was said does not count.