Tag Archives: Margo Adonis

Margo Adonis and Her Superhero Catherine Constantinides #PlantingSeedsOfHope2020

Catherine on the left and Margo on the right

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility.”― Wendell Berry

September is Arbour Month here in South Africa and in honour of that I would like to applaud Margo Adonis , Founder of Visions of Change, who in 2018 as part of the Miss Earth South Africa programme Margo Adonis started her #PlantingSeedsOfHope Campaign and since then she has planted 850 trees (and no, that’s not a typo – 850 trees ). Margo Adonis THE PLANET THANKS YOU, WE THANK THANK YOU.

[Side note: I absolutely loved that Executive Director of Miss Earth SA Catherine Constantinides was there to assist Margo this week – the Margo-Catherine bond is very adorable]

Thank you to Margo’s partners Miss Earth South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs, Western Cape Government, Reliance Compost, Stashers    and many more – thank you all for supporting Margo