Tag Archives: Kay Warren

Day 2900: Choose Joy: Because Happiness Isn’t Enough by Kay Warren [Book Review]

“If we are going to experience joy in this lifetime, there’s only one possible way: We will have to choose it. We will have to choose it in spite of unbelievable circumstances. We will have to choose it in the middle of a situation that seems too hard to bear. We will have to choose it even if our worst nightmare comes true. This isn’t what we want to hear. We keep trying to line up all the little ducks in a row, to smooth out the rough spots, and to shore up all the wobbly places, still convinced that if we get our act together, we finish the huge project, our health clears up, we get a raise, or we can just get things right, we can finally be joyful.”

― Kay Warren, Choose Joy: Because Happiness Isn’t Enough


It’s 11 : 07 PM on day 2900 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work


Recently I finished reading Choose Joy: Because Happiness Isn’t Enough by Kay Warren – a book that uses the Bible as a guide and teaches us how to be joyous at all times – I loved the practical nature of the advice in the book and would recommend it to Christians who are struggling to find joy in their lives.


Thank you so much Julie for sending me this book.