Tag Archives: Jeremy Loops

Day 2721: Thank you KFM, Ryan O Connor and Jeremy Loops for making a dream come true

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” ― Henry James


Back in bed my parents refuse to let me spend a full day seated they say things can go back to normal n a few days – i’m going mad i can’t be in bed most of the day


A few months ago I met Michelle Rielly at Breath of Life and I couldn’t stop thinking about this saint-like woman in a house in Selbourne taking care of abandoned babies with no expectation of praise or gratitude so with the help of her devoted husband Andrew Rielly i found out that Michelle was a big fan of Jeremy Loops so I hatched a plan for Michelle and Jeremy to meet and last night it happened. Thank you to KFM and Ryan O Connor for making this happen.


michelle and jeremy

group jll