My Superhero Catherine Constantinides carrying boxes of hope (pizza) from Col’cacchio (Norwood) to give away
“Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time.”- Marian Wright Edelman
Recently My Superhero Catherine Constantinides joined forces with Col’cacchio (Norwood) to feed children in Orange Farm. Thank you to Col’cacchio in Norwood for donating 400 pizzas to this feeding (thank you, Col’cacchio Norwood, your support of My Superhero Catherine’s work is much appreciated)
Sometimes hope comes in the form of pizza (Image credit: @changeagentsa) Smiles and pizza (Image credit: @changeagentsa)
Superhero Catherine Constantinides feeding children at Solwazi [image by Des Ingham-Brown]
“Don’t look for big things. Just do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
Recently My Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team fed children at Solwazi Primary School in Orange Farm again. Thank you to all the supporters and volunteers involved in this feeding and thank you to to Des Ingham-Brown for capturing photos in this post from that day
Ella Bella at Solwazi also feeding kids [image by Des Ingham-Brown]
Today My Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team with the help of volunteers fed 500 people in the Booysens Informal Settlement. A HUGE THANKS to the volunteers and supporters of this project as well as to the VTAC Green Team for transporting everything.
A community I've come to know & learn from. A diverse group of people that if you pause & listen, you realise how our hopes & dreams, our challenges & fears make us no different to each other as human beings. But how often do we pause & LISTEN to understand?#SharingLight 🙏🏼🕯❤
— CATHERINE CONSTANTINIDES (@ChangeAgentSA) May 29, 2021
Catherine Constantinides and Ella Bella feeding Solwazi Primary
World hunger is on the rise. Hunger kills more than AIDS, Malaria and TB combined.
Today on World Hunger Day Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team joined forces with Pick n Pay Stonehill Crossing, Albany Bread, Bartlet Eggs and the VTAC Green Team to feed 750 children at Solwazi Primary School in Orange Farm. Thank you to Albany Bread for the bread, Bartlet Eggs for donating the eggs that the children took home with them, thank you to Pick n Pay Stonehill Crossing for arranging the bread and eggs and thank you to the VTAC Green Team for transporting everything.
Don't know how it happens but it does. Today's feeding was literally miracle upon miracle.
We honestly didnt know how we would do it. From feeding 750 children, an additional 300people unplanned but food & goodwill multiplied.
— CATHERINE CONSTANTINIDES (@ChangeAgentSA) May 28, 2021
A day filled with light, love, hope & soul food.
Working in the communities that have become so important to us with more than 15yrs invested in these communities & families, I'm humbled that we could do something special for those so precious to us.
Salaam Foundation and Superhero Catherine Constantinides feeding 500. Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]
“Think about what freedom is and should be, how do we safeguard and protect it?“ – Catherine Constantinides
Today My Superhero Catherine Constantinides joined forces with the Salaam Foundation to feed 500 people in the Booysens Informal Settlement. A HUGE THANKS to the Salaam Foundation for providing 500 hot meals, thank you to volunteers who showed up on a public holiday to serve 500 hot meals and to distribute 500 food hampers and thank you to Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions for being there with Catherine to help tell the story of the day through photography. Thank you to everyone for helping My Superhero Catherine Constantinides to do the AMAZING WORK she does.
Feeding 500 [Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]Superhero Catherine Constantinides teaching humanity Superhero Catherine Constantinides connecting with the future [Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]Ella Bella touching lives Hope.
500 food hampers donated by SUPERSPAR Xavier to the food distribution organized by Superhero Catherine Constantinides at Booysens Informal Settlement [Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]
“Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead
Yesterday My Superhero Catherine Constantinides joined forces with SUPERSPAR Xavier and PinkDrive to feed 500 families in the Booysens Informal Settlement who lost everything in a fire a few weeks ago. A HUGE THANKS to SUPERSPAR Xavier for donating 500 food hampers, thank you to Noelene Kotschan and Janine Hills for helping Catherine to coordinate everything and thank you to Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions for being there with Catherine to help tell the story of the day through photography. Thank you to everyone for helping My Superhero Catherine Constantinides to do the AMAZING WORK she does.
Superhero Catherine Constantinides and the Pink Drive staff working hard at the food distribution at Booysens Informal Settlement [Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]
Statement from Sundeep Dasai (Owner of SUPERSPAR Xavier ) regarding SUPERSPAR Xavier‘s donation of 500 food hampers to the families at the Booysens Informal Settlement:
Superspar Xavier is honoured to assist the residents of the Booysens informal settlement at a time of need. We care for our community and are pleased to assist in making a difference in lives of others. Our contribution would mean nothing without the collaboration with PinkDrive and Catherine. They are the true heroes.
Recently 500 families living in the Booysens Informal Settlement in Johannesburg, South Africa sadly lost everything in a devastating fire but thankfully people like My Superhero Catherine Constantinides exist and she and other people and organizations have been at the Booysens Informal Settlement since the first day of the fire providing aid and comfort to the residents. A special thanks to Carolyn Steyn and her team at 67 Blankets for partnering with my Superhero Catherine Constantinides to provide beautiful hand-knitted blankets to the fire survivors of the Booysens Informal Settlement
#BooysensFire 🔥 To the selfless individuals, organisations, donors & disaster management teams, your work on the ground under these extreme weather conditions over past 72 hrs is remarkable. I'm in awe of everyone I've been privileged to work with on the ground. Thank YOU! 🙏🏽
I have made no secret of the fact that I think you are a one-of-a-kind human exemplary in your kindness, generosity and compassion. I truly believe the sun rises and sets wherever you happen to be. Love you to the moon and more than the stars.
Guerguerat – The people of Western Sahara remain forgotten, put aside, goal posts shifted and moved decade after decade and this unresolved conflict remains a scar on the conscious of Africa and world leaders who have been seated at the table.
The issue of Western Sahara remains firmly hushed into the silent background of the United Nations and African Union where the status quo has been cemented in place because it serves an elite few who benefit from the occupation by the Moroccan regime.
Moroccan armed forces moved with military aggression into the buffer zone, the non-militarized Saharawi territory of Guerguerat, this is in direct violation of the UN ceasefire agreement which has been in place since 6th September 1991. It was in the early hours of Friday, 13th November 2020, when Moroccan armed forces brutally attacked unarmed, peaceful Saharawi civilians and demonstrators in the buffer zone in the south-end of the territory, to open the road blocked by Saharawi activists who reached Guerguerat on the 20th of October 2020, when they began a peaceful demonstration at the illegal breach of Guerguerat, not far from the Berm, also known as the ‘Wall of Shame’.
These demonstrators aimed to denounce the illegal exploitation and movement of the natural resources of Western Sahara. Additionally, to give light to the human rights violations that occur daily in the occupied territory.
Morocco’s deliberate action has forced the Polisario back into an armed conflict. It has signaled a new chapter and moment in history for the liberation of the Saharawi people. And there can be no turning back, after waiting for a peace-led process by the United Nations Mission for the Referendum of Western Sahara, MINURSO. Almost 30 years later, a lack of political will and with no referendum in sight, the UN mission; MINURSO- which was tasked to organize and monitor the referendum for the self-determination of the Saharawi people of Western Sahara has failed.
Additionally, it must be noted that MINURSO is the only peace keeping mission in the world that does not monitor human rights, thus the ongoing violation of human rights in the occupied territory has gone unnoticed. This is a vile failure on the part of the UN as there have been ongoing calls for a human rights mandate under MINURSO for years by the international community, human rights organisations and activists alike.
Following the military attack on the Saharawi territory the Saharawi government has now declared the entire territory of Western Sahara “including its terrestrial, maritime and air spaces, a war zone”, thus advising all countries and economic operators to steer away from the territory.
It’s been widely reported that the situation in occupied Western Sahara has been classified with continued force, intimidation, harassment, torture, forced house arrest, beating of activists and those that have taken to the streets to protest in support of the inalienable right to self-determination. It must be noted that the youngest arrest was a young child of 12 years old. Hayat Diya, was abused and tormented on the 16th November 2020 in the occupied city; El-Aaiun at her school ‘Nahda High School’ for wearing an apron carrying the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic flag. Hayat was taken to the police station where she was subjected to psychological and physical torture and sexual harassment. These criminal, anarchic acts have impacted this young girl in every way. This sickening behaviour on this innocent child are categorically irreconcilable with Article 13 of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of The Child and the Fourth Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Children During Armed Conflict.
Let us also note the harassment against journalists Ahmed Ettanji and Nazha El Khalidi on their wedding day on November 21st. Ahmed has been placed under house arrest and Nazha has been detained in her home. Their homes respectively were forcibly blockaded, electricity to their homes cut, doors barred from the outside and they have been prevented from leaving. Both well-known journalists at independent media house Equipe Media, have done extensive work to document the persecution of the press in the occupied territory in Western Sahara by the Moroccan security services.
It’s of paramount importance that urgent action be taken as a matter of emergency. This armed conflict brings instability to the region and uncertainty to the Sahel. The Saharawi people have been patient, persistent, respectful of process and procedure, but being dragged back into an armed conflict because Morocco broke the ceasefire agreement leaves the Polisario with no alternative but to stand and defend their people, their land and their fight for the most basic human right, their right to life, liberation and freedom. The allies of Western Sahara must continue to stand against the illegal occupation, colonization, oppression and heinous crimes against humanity that the Saharawi suffer on a daily basis.
The call to action is as follows:
1. We call for Morocco to immediately put an end to its expansionist and colonialist behaviour in Western Sahara, withdraw from the occupied territory and respect its internationally-recognised borders. Morocco’s violation of its neighbour borders is a direct violation of international law and of one of the core principles of the African Union Constitutive Act.
2. We call on the United Nations to set a date in order to enable, within a reasonable time frame, the organization of a referendum allowing the Saharawi people to exercise their legitimate right to self-determination unambiguously and in a democratic manner. We stand firm in our stance for self-determination and call for urgency in this matter.
3. We call on the United Nations Security Council to hold urgent meetings to address the new Moroccan military aggression and illegal territorial expansion, and stop the escalating situation and armed conflict on the ground.
4. We stand against the human rights abuses, harassment and unlawful imprisonment, unlawful house arrest, intimidation and torture taking place against the Saharawi people and condemn this form of violence and inhumane behaviour. We call on the UN and on the International Committee of the Red Cross to immediately intervene in the occupied territories of Western Sahara to protect and monitor the humanitarian and human rights situation of the Saharawi civilians in the occupied territories, being a war-zone: it must be treated under the Geneva Fourth Convention.
5. We demand for the immediate release of all political prisoners.
6. Economically, we must support economic co-operation not occupation. South Africa must stand behind ending illegal exploitation of the natural resources such as phosphate deposits, fisheries and arable land by their trade partners in economic deals that have not included or engaged with the people of Western Sahara. Not forgetting the European Union Court of Justice verdict of December 2016 which concluded that agreements between the EU and Morocco don’t apply to Western Sahara and its resources as the latter is a distinct country not part of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Morocco must accede to the legitimate demands and inalienable right to self-determination for the people of Western Sahara. The kingdom has no valid claim to the territory, Western Sahara remains under illegal military occupation by Morocco, a country that has repeatedly demonstrated its profound contempt for international law and the United Nations, and remains a brutal occupying power.
Let us be clear, this is a war for liberation, the Polisario cannot return to a failed ceasefire agreement that did not serve the legitimate rights of the people of Western Sahara and took from them thirty years in vain, the time is now. This must be the final chapter in the fight for liberation, justice and freedom!
Catherine Constantinides is a Board Member of The Saharawi Commission for Human Rights and an International Human Rights Defender and Climate Activist.
“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility.”― Wendell Berry
September is Arbour Month here in South Africa and in honour of that I would like to applaud Margo Adonis , Founder of Visions of Change, who in 2018 as part of the Miss Earth South Africa programme Margo Adonis started her #PlantingSeedsOfHope Campaign and since then she has planted 850 trees (and no, that’s not a typo – 850 trees ). Margo Adonis THE PLANET THANKS YOU, WE THANK THANK YOU.
[Side note: I absolutely loved that Executive Director of Miss Earth SA Catherine Constantinides was there to assist Margo this week – the Margo-Catherine bond is very adorable]
Thank you to Margo’s partners Miss Earth South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs, Western Cape Government, Reliance Compost, Stashers and many more – thank you all for supporting Margo