Category Archives: Life

About anything and everything that’s close to my heart

Silver linings of Global Lockdown #COVID_19

New Delhi before and during lockdown

Every cloud has silver linings – that’s what I’ve realized

Today marks 50 days since South Africa has been in lockdown due to COVID19 and although I’m deeply saddened that many have died, gotten sick and lost their jobs I have  found a few silver linings in this dark lockdown cloud.

 Silver linings of Global Lockdown

  1. Less travel = Less of A Carbon Footprint 
  2. Less pollution = Clear skylines
  3. Self-isolation/Lockdown = more family time

4 Lessons from my Mother #MothersDay

“Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.” —Gail Tsukiyama

Happy Mothers Day to my mommy who gave me life and showed me how to live.

4 Lessons from My Mother

1. People only throw rocks at the tree bearing fruit

2. Don’t eat the fruit of laziness

3. Those born out of the fire do not wilt in the sun

4. There are a lot of people suffering we must be decent in the way we live

Freedom Day 2020

Freedom is what we do with what has happened to us – that’s what I’ve realized

Today is Freedom Day in South Africa – a day marking 26 years since the dawn of South Africa’s democracy – and while it is ironic that we are spending Freedom Day under lockdown due to COVID19 I’m grateful that when this is over we will have a democracy to go back to.

The Female Brain by Dr. Louann Brizendine [Book Review]

“The “nervous system environment” a girl absorbs during her first two years becomes a view of reality that will affect her for the rest of her life.”― Dr. Louann Brizendine, The Female Brain

Recently I finished reading The Female Brain by Dr. Louann Brizendine I found it absolutely fascinating how a woman’s brain chemistry changes to accommodate for each new phase of her life. I recommend this book to every woman particularly if you have a daughter of your own.

The Difference Between Acceptance and Inclusion (and someone who really understands)

Accepting is inviting someone somewhere while inclusion is sitting next to them when you notice that the seat next to them is empty – that’s what I’ve realized

Today I was somewhere and I couldn’t help thinking this is a perfect microcosm of my life – life is happening all around me and I’m here but not really included as I thought that a young gentleman came to sit with me holding his one and half-year-old daughter and we sat together playing with daughter until my mom returned I was so moved by his gesture of kindness he did the same thing last year when we were at an event and he noticed I was alone…out of 400 people there today I felt most included by that kind gentleman, his wife (who also came to sit with me with their daughter 20 minutes earlier when she noticed I was alone) and their child…I could cry just thinking about it 400 hundred people there and three people reminded me I was worthy of being sat next to. Thank you Rejidas and your little Dua for sitting next to me when most people just walked past me like I was invisible I will NEVER EVER FORGET your kindnesses – NEVER     

My New Rule

Don’t dwell on those who can’t or won’t help you focus on those who do – my new rule

Today, twenty-four days into 2020, I have resolved to no longer  dwell on those who can’t or won’t help me and to instead focus on those who do – I have ideas and projects all I can do is present them well if people help me implement them I will be delighted and so grateful and if not I will move on and find more people to present to I won’t spend hours dissecting why the people I thought could help me chose not to because it’s really not productive.


Different is cool but different is also hard – that’s what I’ve realized

People make me so sad . Today my sister and i were waiting outside the mall for our brother to come pick us up after movies The woman sitting on the bench with us: My son is also wheelchair-bound – it’s so nice of your sister to take you out. My sister clearly understanding how the woman’s words made me feel didn’t accept the woman’s praise: it’s ok I could win the Nobel Prize and the person seen out with me would be nominated for sainthood for simply being out with me it makes me so sad that the public assumes everybody who’s with me is with me out of obligation and not choice. Regardless of what I achieve in life most people will always see me as an object of charity and pity #RealitiesOfDisability

My Second Christmas of 2019

With both the family I was born into and the family I choose #Happiness

“There are some things that you can fulfil with money, but at the end of the day these are not the things that make you happy. It is the small things that make life good.” – Sebastian Vettel

The last weekend of 2019 was the absolute best firstly my cousin got married and secondly in between all the wedding festivities I even managed to sneak in a breakfast with my Superhero Catherine Constantinides and almost all the Constantinides’s it was 4 days after Christmas but I felt like it was Christmas all over again – there’s something about that family they are love, loyalty and kindness  and whenever I’m with them I feel like I fit effortlessly.

I doubt many things in life but i have NO DOUBT my Superhero truly loves me
Spending time with my Superhero’s greatest achievement – such an extraordinary little human with great talent and an incredible imagination. I want to be like him when i grow up. Of all the people I met in 2019 he is my absolute favorite

Life’s Purposes and 2020 Goals

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Seneca

Today is New Year’s Day and with that comes new hopes, new opportunities and new goals. Check out my life’s purpose and 2020 Goals below:

My Life’s Purposes

  1. Fill the world with kindness and love
  2. Make a difference – level the playing field for people who were born with the cards stacked against them
  3. Change perceptions about differently-abled people

2020 Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest, generous, grateful, loyal and filled with wonderment
  2. Every day be the best SuperSidekick to Superhero Catherine Constantinides (she’s the best, most hardworking real-life Superhero I’ve ever met she totally deserves me forever  and no matter what else I’m doing in life I will always be here for her)
  3. Do more for Breath of Life perhaps raise R29 000 in honour of my 29th year of life (Breath of Life is a place of safety for vulnerable babies here in my city I JUST LOVE THEIR WORK)
  4. Take one classroom of kids who’ve never been to the movies to the movies
  5. Eat healthily
  6. Practice Patience
  7. Publish my children’s book Different is Cool
  8. Make a steady income
  9. Teach kids and adults worldwide that Different Is COOL
  10. Continue to raise awareness about the Western Sahara conflict – the Western Sahara has been illegally occupied by Morocco since 1975 due to the fact that it’s rich in natural and though the UN promised a referendum in 1991 it has yet to come to pass meanwhile half of the Saharawi People have been living in the refugee camps in Algeria since 1975
  11. Choose people who choose me
  12. Read 12+ books
  13. Plant 52 trees in honour of how old Gerda would have turned this year
  14. Do 29+ good deeds – for my 29th year of life
  15. Visit London, Paris and Rome

(Note: Goals are subject to change with time and that’s ok because I will change with time)

My 2019 Life Purposes and Goals in Review

“Make measurable progress in reasonable time.” – Jim Rohn

As we near the end of 2019 it is again time to review the goals I set at the beginning of the year

My 2019 Life Purposes and Goals in Review

My Life’s Purposes

  1. Fill the world with kindness and love [did my best]
  2. Make a difference – level the playing field for people who were born with the cards stacked against them [did my best]
  3. Change perceptions about differently-abled people [did my best]

2019 Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest, generous, grateful and filled with wonderment [did my best]
  2. Raise $28 000 for Charity:Water in honour of my 28th year of life (when we give water we give ,health, education and lost time back – I want to give one thing that changes EVERYTHING) [raised $4 141]
  3. Every day be the best SuperSidekick to Superhero Catherine Constantinides (she’s the best, most hardworking real-life Superhero I’ve ever met she totally deserves me forever  and no matter what else I’m doing in life I will always be here for her) [did my best with love she’s extraordinary i’m honoured to support all her hopes and dreams]
  4. Publish my Moments Journal(s) [FAIL – did not try]
  5. Make an income – doing good is wonderful and I’m proud that I’m known for that but also I need a steady income I don’t feel good about myself being financially dependent on my family at almost 28 years old [i made a wage which is a start but in 2020 i’m hoping for a steady stream of money]
  6. Teach kids and adults worldwide that Different Is COOL [did my best]
  7. Continue to raise awareness about the Western Sahara conflict – the Western Sahara has been illegally occupied by Morocco for the past 42 years due to the fact that it’s rich in natural and though the UN promised a referendum in 1991 it has yet to come to pass meanwhile half of the Saharawi People have been living in the refugee camps in Algeria for 43 years [did my best]
  8. Choose people who choose me [ I did choose people who chose me realizing the phone works both ways]
  9. Read 12+ books [read 9 books – most were romance novels but still]
  10. Plant one tree or more [we bought a tree and our gardener helped us plant it in November]
  11. Do 28+ good deeds – for my 28th year of life [I did a few but didn’t keep count so i’ll never know if i achieved this goal]
  12. Say no,thank you when people ask if they can pray for me (in the context of me one day being healed) [did my best – there was interesting incident with our carpenter]
  13. Visit London, Paris and Rome [did not happen this year]