#WorldRefugeeDay 2020 and the Western Sahara. #StandInTheSand #WithRefugees

Catherine Constantinides in a classroom in Saharawi Refugee Camp (image captured by Heinrich Knoetze)

Nobody chooses to be a refugee – that’s what I want the world to remember

Tomorrow is World Refugee Day – a day when the world pauses to remember that one percent of humanity is displaced (according to the UN High Commission for Refugees). Today and every day I stand by my statement that Morocco’s 45-year illegal occupation of the Western Sahara is WRONG and CRIMINAL! #FreeWesternSahara . #StandInTheSand with Catherine Constantinides and I as we stand in solidarity with the people of Western Sahara now & always. May we never forget that NOBODY IS A REFUGEE BY CHOICE. Show some compassion. Show your heart.

A view of the Saharawi Refugee Camps (image captured by Heinrich Knoetze)
The gift of presence (image captured by Heinrich Knoetze)

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