Tag Archives: special needs

Day 1474: The Blessing of Visible Disability

“Sure, people with invisible disabilities don’t experience nearly as many physical accessibility concerns. The social justice accessibility, the value of our worth, the question of our validity in a diagnosis that may not fit in a diagnostic box: That is what truly makes our disabilities invisible.” – D, What it’s like to live with a hidden disability



It’s 12 : 24 PM on day 1474 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Proverbs 12, publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself egg with bread and a banana  for breakfast, work on my upcoming campaign – I was thinking of having someone smash plates of whip cream in my face for charity it seems kind of childish but I’m seriously considering it – spend time outside -it’s such a beautiful blue-sky day outside I love being in nature 🙂 – and listen to music.


Yesterday I read What it’s like to live with a hidden disability – an eye-opening guest post on Love That Max about what it’s like to live with an invisible disability – for most of my life I hated the fact that my wheelchair made me stick out like a sore thumb but after reading this post I realize that my “disability” being visible is actually a blessing in disguise the fact that people can see that I’m challenged gives me access to services and resources that would have otherwise not been available to me.

Day 1473: Emma Watson’s Amazing UN Speech

“In 1997, Hillary Clinton made a famous speech in Beijing about women’s rights. Sadly, many of the things that she wanted to change are still true today. What struck me the most was that less than 30% of the audience were male. How can we effect change in the world when only half of it is invited or being welcomed to participate in the conversation?” – Emma Watson, U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador


It’s 12 : 58 PM on day 1473 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Proverbs 11, publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself a peanut butter and a banana  for breakfast, work on my upcoming campaign – I really love learning how to crowd-fund better I am drawn to crowd-funding because a collective effort is required for a crowd-funding campaign to succeed when I’m a crowd-funding for a good cause I feel like I’m part of something bigger than me 🙂  –  and listen to music.


Yesterday I watched Emma Watson’s UN speech promoting gender equality and I began to understand that gender inequality is just as detrimental to men as it is to women think about it if women are always submissive and weak men are forced by society’s gender stereotype to be dominant and strong. Watch Emma Watson’s amazing UN speech below:

Day 1472: Happy 20th Birthday Neethu

“Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of. You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.” ~ Amy Li


It’s 1 : 28 PM on day 1472 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Proverbs 10, publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself egg with bread and a banana  for breakfast and work on my upcoming campaign – I’ve been asking people for donations before this campaign even starts so far I’ve been touched but people’s generosity so far only a few people have said no and they weren’t even proper nos those nos were more like we’ll see I have never had as much hope in humanity as I do right now 🙂


Today is my sister’s birthday on this day twenty years ago my sister was born and although I don’t remember the day of my sister’s birth I can honestly say my life wouldn’t be the same without her from her I learned to be bold and fearless I wish for her a life filled with meaning and happiness. Happy Birthday Neethu we love you.

Day 1471: Trainwrecks and Learning to live and let live

You can’t change other people all you can do is cover your eyes and hope they wise up before a trainwreck happens – that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 1 : 28 PM on day 1471 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Proverbs 9, publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself egg with bread and a banana  for breakfast, listen to music, have a feet bath [to  improve blood circulation in my feet] and work on my upcoming campaign.


Yesterday I realized you can’t change other people all you can do is cover your eyes and hope they wise up before a trainwreck happens I tend to tell people how to life their lives especially if I feel like they’re hurting themselves or other people which doesn’t go over too well with most people. Do you try to change other people or do you cover your eyes and hope people wise up before a trainwreck happens?


Day 1470: The Real Homeless Man Experiment

We say it’s what’s on the inside that counts but that’s not true – that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 12 : 12 PM on day 1470 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Proverbs 8, publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself egg with bread and a banana  for breakfast, listen to music and work on my upcoming campaign – I’m trying to come up with an original fundraising idea for the campaign obviously I can’t do anything that involves standing, walking or running LOL which leaves me with limited options I thought about shaving my head but I am too attached to my hair and besides my parents would go ballistic even if it is for a good cause.


Yesterday I watched “The Real Homeless Man Experiment” in the first half of the video the homeless man asks people for money looking like a business man and in the second half of the video the homeless man asks people for money looking like a homeless man it saddened me to see that people helped out the homeless man who looked like a business man and ignored the homeless man who looked like a homeless man. Watch “The Real Homeless Man Experiment” below:

Day 1469: Do you constantly compare your journey to that of others?

Everybody’s journey is different comparing my journey to that of others is unfair to me – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 1 : 16 PM on day 1469 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Proverbs 7, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my Kid of the Week feature feed myself egg with bread and a banana  for breakfast and listen to music – now playing “Ghost” by Ella Henderson.


Today I heard somebody’s good news and instead of being happy for him I felt a pang of jealously sometimes when I hear that someone who is close to me in age has bought a house or is getting married I can’t help thinking what have I done [with my life] which I now know is hugely unfair to me because I too have done amazing things with my life. Do you constantly compare your journey to that of others?

Day 1466: Unleash the Hero in You

You are the hero that you’ve been waiting for– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 32 PM on day 1466 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, go back to sleep,  brush my teeth, read Proverbs 4, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself egg with bread and a banana  for breakfast, listen to music and work on my upcoming campaign – I’ve prepared documents which contain pre-prepared tweets and Facebook updates for my campaign so if people want to spread the word about this campaign on social media all they have to do is copy and paste the updates on the documents onto their social media profiles.


Today I realized that most people don’t actively participate in creating social change because they think someone else will do it which is sad because I know that there are no superheroes in capes coming to change the world at the end of the day we are all we’ve got and we need to be the change we want to see in the world. Are you waiting for others to change the world or have you decided to change it yourself?

Day 1465: Is the miracle of being alive lost on you?

Never let the miracle of being alive be lost on you – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1 : 07 PM on day 1465 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray,   read Proverbs 3, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself All Bran Flakes with banana  for breakfast and prepare for my campaign while listening to music – I love country music it’s so transparent and sincere.


This morning laying in bed I said good morning God what can I do for you today there are days when I don’t want the challenges that come with having Cerebral Palsy but in general I see my life as a gift to be treasured. Is the miracle of being alive lost on you?

Day 1463: “Amazing 6 Year Old Girl Explains The Meaning of Life (Must See!)”

“You don’t gotta be great to get started but you gotta get started to be great.” – Prince Ea, “Amazing 6 Year Old Girl Explains The Meaning of Life (Must See!)”


It’s 12 : 39 PM on day 1463 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray,  brush my teeth, go back to bed, read Proverbs 1,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself  peanut butter sandwich and a banana for breakfast, have a feet bath to improve circulation, watch an interview with a British MP and Angelina Jollie about how rape is used as a weapon of war – some things that go on in the world are just too horrific for words – watch the In The Land Of Blood & Honey trailer and prepare for my upcoming campaign – so far 3 of my friends have agreed to write about my campaign when it starts still waiting to hear back from the others.


Yesterday I stumbled across “Amazing 6 Year Old Girl Explains The Meaning of Life (Must See!)” by Prince Ea everything said in that video was profound and true I loved it. Watch “Amazing 6 Year Old Girl Explains The Meaning of Life (Must See!)” below:

Day 1459: Stand up for people who can’t stand up for themselves

Stand up for people who can’t stand up for themselves even if it comes at a cost to you – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 30 PM on day 1459 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, go back to bed, pray, read Psalm 147,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  stretch my hamstrings, practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, feed myself All Bran Flakes with banana  for breakfast and prepare for my upcoming campaign while listening to music.


Yesterday I stood up for someone who I felt was being victimized and even though I wasn’t the most popular person in the moment it felt good knowing I did the right thing. Do you stand up for people who can’t stand up for themselves even if it comes at a cost to you?