Tag Archives: special needs

Day 1325: Impromptu vacation to Cape Town

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” ― Augustine of Hippo


It’s 5  : 00 AM on day 1325 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth and get on the minibus (read explanation in the paragraph below).


A few days ago my family decided that we would go sightseeing with our family members who are visiting from America so as you read this I’m probably on a twelve journey from my hometown to the world famous city of Cape Town apparently there’s free Wi-Fi where we are going to stay so if time allows I will be blogging from Cape Town for the next two days otherwise I will publish Thursday’s and Friday’s blog posts on Saturday evening when I get back home.

Day 1324: How Do YOU Define Yourself by Lizzie Velasquez

“For me, physical beauty is never the reason for attraction to anyone.” -Katrina Kaif


It’s 1  : 00 PM on day 1324 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Psalm 15,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast and  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on $602.85.


Recently I watched How Do YOU Define Yourself – a Ted Talk by Lizzie Velasquez about how she dealt with being dubbed “The Worlds Ugliest Woman” – Lizzie’s strength and self-confidence really touched me I don’t care what people say I think Lizzie is the true definition of beauty.  Watch How Do YOU Define Yourself by Lizzie Velasquez below:

Day 1323: My thoughts on vanity

“It is easy to identify a shallow person by the attention he gives to what will do him absolutely no good.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson


It’s 12  : 49 PM on day 1323 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, brush my teeth, read Psalm 14,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast and  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on $602.85.


A few days ago I was thinking about vanity I don’t consider myself to be vain at all I only notice my physical imperfections if someone points them out to me I think of my body as a place for my soul and spirit to live and I do my best to take care of it but I don’t spend hours in front of a mirror trying to look like someone on an air-brushed magazine cover. Do you pay attention to things that will do you no good?

Day 1320: Do you know what you want?

To get what you want you must first know what you want – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12  : 45 PM on day 1320 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Psalm 11,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast, make sandwiches for our sisi’s (housekeeper’s) neighborhood with sisi’s help as part of  Virginia’s Sandwich Run (thank you sisi for all your help), practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, stretch my hamstrings and promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on $602.85 hopefully I will get a little closer to goal by the end of today.


Two days ago I was thinking about my life goals and I realized all I want out of life is to be independent and to go to bed every night knowing that I tried my best to make a difference in the world. Do you know what you want?

Day 1319: Deceived by Perception

Perception and reality are two very different things– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12  : 00 PM on day 1319 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray,   brush my teeth, feed myself egg with bread for breakfast, read Psalm 10,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,   promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – on $602.85 – practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, stretch my hamstrings and continue promoting my campaign – still on $602.85 but I’m not giving up winners never quit and quitters never win.


A couple of days ago I heard my voice on a recording it sounded like there was static behind my speech almost like a radio when the signal is bad I was so surprised by the quality of my speech because how I sound to the world is not how I sound to myself oh well it’s not a trainsmash I can speak well enough for people to understand what I’m saying and my abilities far outweigh my “disabilities”. Have you ever been deceived by your perception?

Day 1317: Top 5 myths about global poverty … debunked

“Myths are a waste of time. They prevent progression.” ~  Barbra Streisand


It’s 12  : 30 PM on day 1317 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to   brush my teeth, pray, read Psalm 8,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast,  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign –on $602.85– practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles, stretch my hamstrings and continue promoting my campaign – still on $602.85 so far today (please God help) I heard back from my bank this morning apparently the donation I made a few days ago didn’t go through because it’s not possible to do online transactions with a debit card (sigh) I’ll find another way to make the donation where there’s a will there’s a way and God knows I have the will.


Last night I watched Top 5 myths about global poverty… debunked – a video that debunkes the top 5 myths about Africa – as a person living in Africa I can tell you this video speaks the truth. Watch Top 5 myths about global poverty… debunked below:

Day 1315: Being grateful when it seems there’s nothing to be grateful for

The mere fact that I’m alive is something to be grateful for– that’s what I realized today.


It’s 12  : 50 PM on day 1315 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray,   brush my teeth, read Psalm 6, chat to granny on skype, read Matthew 28,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  Kid of the Week feature, chat to more family on Skype  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on $582.85 I tried to donate m own money yesterday but for some reason my card kept getting rejected (there’s nothing wrong with the page I probably typed in my card number or address incorrectly) I contacted my bank they said they’d get back to me on Tuesday nothing’s going right for me I need a miracle (God I know you’re really busy but I would REALLY appreciate it if you could help me out please and thank you) – feed myself Puri and chicken curry for breakfast


Today I was having a bad day until I realized that the mere fact that I’m alive is something to be grateful for. Are you often grateful for the mere fact that you are alive?

Day 1314: Having compassion for people who don’t have compassion for you

I have to have compassion for the fact that people don’t know what it’s like to be me – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12  : 54 PM on day 1314 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray,   brush my teeth, read Psalm 5, feed myself All Bran Flakes for breakfast,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on 58%


This morning something happened that made me realize I have to have compassion for the fact that people don’t know what it’s like to be me people sometimes snap at me only because they’ve never (since infancy)  been in a position where they needed help to do the most basic of things. Do you have compassion for the fact that people don’t know what it’s like to be you?

Day 1310: My Brother, a Panhandler and Pepsi

Kids don’t do as you say they do as you do– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 1  : 00 PM on day 1310 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray,   brush my teeth, read Psalm 1,  feed myself egg with bread for breakfast,  publish my Disability of the Day feature,  promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on 58% hopefully I will be able to make a donation of my own soon – practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles and  stretch my hamstrings.


A few days ago my sister and I were in the car with our dad and he told us that one day our brother saw a thirsty panhandler through the car window and asked for permission to give him the bottle of Pepsi that was in the car when I heard that my heart was filled with pride because that’s the sort of thing I would do. Are you setting a good example for the kids in your life?

Day 1308: “Unsung Hero”

When you give you get back a trillionfold  – that’s what I wish the world would understand.


It’s 1  : 07   PM on day 1308 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  pray,   brush my teeth, go back to bed – I woke up too early –  publish my Disability of the Day feature, publish my Kid of the Week feature, read Job 41, feed myself Appam – it’s  like pancakes only it’s made of rice (you can find an Appam recipe here http://www.tarladalal.com/Appam-(-How-To-Make-Appam-)-32844r try making it and tell me what you think) – and chicken curry  for breakfast and promote my Eradicate AIDS campaign – still on $582.82 – and feed myself rice and curry for lunch.


This morning I watched a life insurance advert that shows the world beautifully what we get when we give. Watch “Unsung Hero” below: