Tag Archives: Life

Day 2944: I LOVE my Gap-Teeth

The things you dislike about yourself maybe your saving graces – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 3: 35 PM on day 2944 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray  read a Bible verse  and spend time with family and friends.


On Monday I went to my dentist and found out I have no cavities which made me so happy but the reason for my lack of cavities shocked me it turns out because I have large gaps between all my teeth I’m able to brush between each one properly and all this time I hated the gaps between my teeth just goes to show the things you dislike about yourself maybe your saving graces.

Day 2941: Where You Are

Where you are right now is okay– that’s my message to the world.

It’s 3 : 47 AM on day 2941 of my journey towards independence and I managed read and spend time with family

Today I realized that though I have yet to see the Eiffel Tower or the Colosseum where I am in life and the way I choose to roll through the world is  something to be proud of and grateful for.

Day 2941: 1-8 October Goals

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn


It’s 3: 23 PM on day 2941 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, visit my dentist and do some work


Last Tuesday I set some goals and today I will again be evaluating myself to measure my progress and I’ll be setting some goals for the coming week as well. Take a look:

25th – October 1st   Goals Review

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more) [tried]
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides [tried]
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can [tried]
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [not done yet]
  5. Learn 7+ new things [not done]
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week [not done often]
  7. Try new things [not done]
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL! [Not done]

Highlights of the Week

  • Doing something soul-filling with friends – I don’t want to reveal what it is but it filled my soul I really enjoyed myself
  • Spending time with family
  • Visiting my favourite dentist and finding out I have no cavities – yay me


1-8 October Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more)
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can and appreciate the little-big things
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  5. Learn 7+ new things
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week
  7. Try new things
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL!



Day 2940: Live and LOVE

Life is effort. Love is effort. Live and love anyway– that’s my message to the world.

It’s 4 : 15 PM on day 2940 of my journey towards independence and I managed read and spend time with friends

Today after a soul-filling day I was reminded that all things worth doing require extraordinary effort. Life is effort. Love is effort. Live and love anyway.

Day 2937: Shifting My Thoughts

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. ” – Buddha

.It’s 1 : 04 PM on day 2937 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   read a Bible verse and do some work

Today I am well, not in pain and it’s sunny outside and yet my spirit is somewhat dulled and I haven’t the faintest clue why but I know I can shift my thoughts and behave my way out of my dreary mood which has always been my saving grace.

Day 2936: Choose Meaning

Service fills the soul – that’s what I know

It’s 12 : 14 PM on day 2936 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  spend time outside,  read a Bible verse and do some work

Today I realized that although I want to go places and do amazing things if I had to choose between all that and helping even one person I would choose to help that one person because ultimately service is what gives my life meaning the rest of everything, as great as they may be, will always only be just experiences.

Day 2935: September 25th – October 1st Goals

A new week brings new opportunities be hopeful, helpful and kind – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 1 : 24 PM on day 2935 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work



Last Monday I set some goals and today I will again be evaluating myself to measure my progress and I’ll be setting some goals for the coming week as well. Take a look:

September 17th – 25th  Goals Review

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more) [tried]
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides [tried]
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can [tried]
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [not done yet]
  5. Learn 7+ new things [not done]
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week [not done often]
  7. Try new things [not done]
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL! [Done – I even launched a #DifferentIsCOOL campaign]

Highlights of the Week

  • Finding out that my brother got provisional acceptance into the university of his choice – the look on his face when he got the email is something I will never forget…truly priceless (we are all so proud of how hard hr works for his every achievement)
  • Winning the QuickBooks challenge and doing something I’ve always wanted to do with the prize
  • Celebrating my Alive Day (the monthly anniversary of my surgery) by doing something nice with dad’s help – everybody though I was nuts but I felt good about myself that day
  • Connecting one person to another to make sure someone else got what they needed
  • This is not important in the bigger scheme of things but Jason Derulo retweeted the tweet I sent him with pictures of me paragliding and my sister’s friends officially think I am the coolest
  • Celebrating my sister’s 24th birthday even though she lives in a different city

25th – October 1st  Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more)
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can and appreciate the little-big things
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  5. Learn 7+ new things
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week
  7. Try new things
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL!

Day 2934:  24 Years Ago Today


“For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands. “ -Christina Rossetti


It’s 1 :  00 PM on day 2934 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   read a Bible verse and do some work


On this day 24 years ago my parents brought into this world a baby girl and my life has been richer ever since so much laughter, light and the occasional tiff or two but through it all through it all there was, is and always will be an undercurrent of love that keeps us together. Happy Birthday Neethu I won the sister lottery the day you were born (I hope you feel the same) thank you for always cheering for me even when you know it’s crazy to do so.

Day 2933: The Full Human Experience

The fact that we can only share the fullness of the human experience together cannot be overemphasised – that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 2 : 30 PM on day 2933 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   read a Bible verse, go to church and do some work


Today in church I was reminded that even though I love time alone I too seek connection and community I think we all need each other to survive in this life

Day 2932: Happy Alive Day to Me

Being alive is a privilege not an obligation – that’s what I want the world to know.

It’s 2 : 08 PM on day 2932 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   read a Bible verse and do some work

On this day seven months ago I was being wheeled into an operating theatre for my contracture surgery I was on that morning I remember sitting in our dining room thinking “just one more sunrise” – let me live to see another sunrise. I’m so grateful every day that I made it out of that OR alive. Happy Alive Day to me!