Tag Archives: Life

Day 2414 : Pause, Reflect and Engage with Life

It’s the little things we do that make the biggest difference in life–that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 11 : 11  AM on day 2414 of my journey towards independence and I managed to , pray, have breakfast, read Ecclesiastes 3:14   and learn a new word – Definitions for synesthesia a sensation produced in one modality when a stimulus is applied to another modality, as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color.


Today I realized that not logging on to the internet as soon as I wake up has made a HUGE difference in my life I feel so much more centred and at peace I used to be on my laptop as soon as I was awake now I wake up, spend at least thirty minutes in silence, pray, have breakfast and then get on with things.

Day 2413: “Dr. Maya Angelou’s 3-Word Secret to Living Your Best Life”

The best advice is often the simplest–that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 11 : 19  AM on day 2413 of my journey towards independence and I managed to go to church, pray, have breakfast, read 2 Timothy 1: 7   and learn a new word – Definitions for lacuna 1.a gap or missing part, as in a manuscript, series, or logical argument; hiatus.
2.Anatomy. one of the numerous minute cavities in the substance of bone, supposed to contain nucleate cells. 3.Botany. an air space in the cellular tissue of plants.


Yesterday I watched “Dr. Maya Angelou’s 3-Word Secret to Living Your Best Life” I love how profound her advice is in its simplicity. Watch “Dr. Maya Angelou’s 3-Word Secret to Living Your Best Life” below:

Day 2411 : When Opportunity Knocks

When opportunity knocks don’t worry about details – that’s what I’ve had to tell myself.


It’s 12 : 15  PM on day 2411 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read Revelation 22:17   and learn a new word – Austere [aus·tere] adj. 1. Markedly simple without adornment or ornamentation. “An austere office;” “An austere writing style.” 2. Strict or stern in appearance or manner. “He was an austere movie critic.”


Today I was presented with a great opportunity and although it presents some challenges I’m choosing to just immerse myself in the amazingness of this opportunity and this moment.

Day 2410: Always Be Questioning

Always be questioning– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 11 : 29  AM on day 2410 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read 1 Chronicles 28:20   and learn a new word – Definitions for latitudinarian
1. allowing or characterized by latitude in opinion or conduct, especially in religious views.
2.a person who is latitudinarian in opinion or conduct.


Today I realized that it’s important to always be questioning I hope I never go through life on autopilot, I hope every day of my life I know why I’m doing the things I’m doing, I hope I never lose my curiosity…….in short I hope to be fully alive in every moment of my life.


Day 2408: Grateful Never Satisfied

Grateful but never satisfied – that’s what I am.


It’s 11 : 32  AM on day 2408 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Acts 2:32-33, have breakfast  and learn a new word – Definitions for avarice insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.


Today I realized that as  grateful as I am for the life I have I will never ever be satisfied I will keep pushing my limits every day that I’m on this planet.

Day 2407: Impossible Thoughts

It’s impossible for me to think an impossible thought– that’s what I know.


It’s 1 : 58  PM on day 2407 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Acts 2:32-33, have breakfast,  visit family and learn a new word – Definitions for leporine Zoology. of, relating to, or resembling a rabbit or hare.


Today I realized that it’s impossible for me to think an impossible thought I truly believe anything I can think I (with God working in me) can bring to life.


Day 2405: Blessed Girl

I am blessed beyond measure– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 32 PM on day 2405 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read, have breakfast and learn a new word – Recalcitrant (re·cal·ci·trant) adj. Stubborn, often defiant of authority; difficult to manage or control. “After months of recalcitrant behavior, the employee was terminated.”


Today I realized I’m blessed beyond measure in that because I’m so physically challenged just by living my life and chasing my dreams I can show people what’s possible for them.


Day 2404: Good Friday and Forgiveness

Forgiveness is giving up the hope that things could have been different– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 59  PM on day 2404 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Acts 2:32-33, have breakfast, go to church and hang out with family


Today being Good Friday I was reflecting on forgiveness an something Oprah quoted came to mind forgiveness is giving up the hope that things could have been different .



Day 2403: Integrity in Action

Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody’s watching – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 4 : 07  PM on day 2403 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read 1 Peter 1:3, visit my dentist, visit family and have lunch.


Today somebody had a chance to keep something that wasn’t theirs but instead they called someone in an effort to return it and in that moment I was reminded of my favourite definition of integrity which reads integrity is doing the right thing when nobody’s watching .

Day 2401: Back Home

There’s no place like home– that’s what I keep realizing.



It’s 8: 53  PM on day 2401 of my journey towards independence and we spent twelve hours in a car travelling home after which we had dinner at my uncle’s house.


After spending twelve hours in a car we made it back home I’m so grateful for the memories made and people I met during my five days in Cape Town.