Tag Archives: Human rights

Day 153

Isolation is the beginning of oppression – that’s what I learned today.

It’s 11: 11 PM on day 153 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself mangoes for breakfast, meditate for two hours – we had a power outage so it’s not like I had anything better to do but still it was nice 🙂 – feed myself barbecued chicken for lunch,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – Emma from Cambridge  – who by the way had  donated TWICE before  – sacrificed her Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts for a week and donated $5 – I LOVE people like her who sacrifice what they want to give others what they need 🙂 – formulate a questionnaire for the book I’m writing – I’ve always wanted to know how woman lived in different parts of the world so about two days ago I came up with this idea to find woman from different countries all over the world on Twitter and ask them to fill out a questionnaire consisting of 20+ questions ranging from their skin-care regimes to their religious beliefs – and send it to my friend Amy of the PennDragonArt Studios for her to fill out.

Today as I was doing research to find out if Twitter was available in all 209 countries of the world I discovered that China – one of the world’s largest economies – blocks Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube and BlogSpot and I thought to myself what’s the use of living in a country with a 8% GDP if you cannot communicate in the way you want and I realize that all forms of abuse – human rights, domestic, bullying etc – begins with cutting the person/people off from the rest of the world with that said I am calling on China and all the other countries who have placed bans on all forms of media to lift those bans and allow the voices of their people to be heard. Are you unwittingly facilitating an environment that lends yourself to being abused?