Tag Archives: Giving

Day 161

A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying – Nelson Mandela

It’s 10: 16 PM on day 161 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today – bread and jam for brunch, create a Facebook account for this blog – add http://www.facebook.com/adventuresofme as a friend and tell me what’s important to you and who knows I might just write a post about it – my blog is your blog 🙂 –    and feed myself rice and curry   for dinner, exercise for 5 minutes and watch The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Today lying on my bed in deep dismay over the fact that nobody had donated I thought to myself it is the global recession people are broke, jobless and have their own children to feed and suddenly I remembered my own story and thought you were broke, jobless and disabled and you still managed to scrounge $82 together to give water to those in need and that’s when I realized that the mere fact that I tried to make a difference was reason enough to smile. Are you a saint who keeps on trying or a sinner who gave up way back when? 🙂

Day 160

You should fight for an ideal even if you don’t live to see the fruits of your labour – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 10: 04 PM on day 160 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, listened to music – Tiffany Alvord and Emily Harder are REALLY good it’s beyond me why they haven’t been signed to a record label yet – hopefully they will be soon 🙂 –  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today – go to a prayer administered by a visiting priest from India who is here to study theology for the next two years – it was very insightful he spoke about how we are the living building blocks that God uses to build his spiritual temple  and that we shouldn’t forget that God is the cornerstone of that temple –   and go out to dinner with the priest – I ordered a rib burger – the whole time that I was eating I kept thinking please don’t drop the fork, please don’t drop the fork, please don’t drop the fork – I had done so twice in the space of 10 minutes and I was DETERMINED not to let it happen again and it didn’t – it was the first time in my nineteen-year-life that I had ever used a fork and knife usually when we went out to eat my mother would sit next to me and feed me – I was SO proud of myself 🙂

Today as we – my sister, my mother and I – sat at our table in the Las Vagas Spur at the Hemingways Mall waiting for the others to arrive I looked around the restaurant and saw people of different races – black, white, Indian, Chinese – laughing and having a good time and it almost brought tears to my eyes because I knew that not so long ago a black man would have been jailed for going into a ‘white man’s toilet’ and in that moment I thought of Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo and all the other freedom fighters who fought for freedom even when it seemed like a far away dream and decided that I would always fight for human rights even if it only benefited the children of my grandchildren’s generation. Do you only fight for an ideal if you know that it will benefit you in the present? 🙂

Day 159

Do yourself justice by doing something you have always wanted to do.Priya Sher

It’s 10: 59 PM on day 159 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today – feed myself Ullundhu vade [pronounced vah-daa] – a savory fritter-type snack served in South India and chutney – for brunch, edit the questionnaire I’m using for my book and send it to my friends in Australia and South Africa for them to fill out (if you have no idea what talking about refer to Day 153) – watched 30+ YouTube videos –some of the kids on there would put more recognized artists to shame 🙂 – watched TV and feed myself left-overs from brunch for dinner and exercise for 5 minutes.

You may know that the two greatest passions in my life are writing and giving and for the longest time I’ve been trying to come up with ways in which I could combine the two so last week I launched YouTube’s Got Talent only nobody submitted their videos but me being me I decided to go to the talent if the talent refused to come to me and this is what I came up with:

10 Most Talented YouTubers

Hey Guysss! (:

We’re Megan & Liz! We’re 18 years old and we LOVE to sing! Megan has been playing the guitar for about 5 years. We are, indeed, TWINS! Megan is older by one minute. (:

My name is Tiffany and I am 18 (Dec, 11th 1992). I write my own songs, play the guitar and piano, and I love to sing. I also love to act.

Boyce Avenue is a Puerto Rican-American acoustic rock band. It was formed in Sarasota, Florida by brothers Alejandro, Daniel and Fabian Manzano. The band is named after a combination of two streets the brothers lived on as children.

I’m Emily. I’m 16 and I write songs and sing!

Christina Grimmie: As you can probably tell I love singing, writing songs, writing music and I play piano and a little drums & guitar!

The final performance from George Sampson (the 14 year old break dancer) after he won Britains Got Talent 2008.

Little child dancers perform an amazing routine. This will knock your socks off!

Short film titled Danger Zone directed by Zach Lipovsky

Short film titled Check Out directed by Shira-Lee Shalit

Iraq’s youngest photographer was born in the same year his country was invaded by the United States. But the young man known as the boy wonder refuses to take any pictures of the violence that surrounds him.

Please share this post with everyone you know and leave comments. I LOVE to hear from you 🙂

Day 158

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. – Oprah Winfrey

It’s 10: 28 PM on day 158 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today :(– edit the questionnaire I’m using for my book and send it to my friend in Portugal for her to fill out (if you have no idea what talking about refer to Day 153) – listened to music, watched TV  and feed myself Nina’s Pizza  for dinner – it didn’t taste as good as it did the last time probably because I wasn’t all that hungry to begin with.

A couple of days ago @angels510 (Angie) asked me why I chose nisha360 to be my Twitter username and I suddenly had a flashback to the exact moment when my life changed I was sitting on my wheelchair in my room thinking to myself well this is stupid I’ve been waiting all my life for God to give me something in return for taking away my legs and nothing’s happening I am going to flip my life and use the fact that I am in a wheelchair to inspire people and when I snapped back into the present moment I replied it symbolizes how my life has changed since I was 16   I had really low self-esteem and thought the world would be better off without me… what a difference 4 years makes 🙂 and that I guess is my message to all of you use your life to help others and you will forever be happy as a human being. Is your attitude holding you back from living your best life? 🙂       


Day 157

I praise loudly, I blame softly. – Catherine the Great.

It’s 9: 48 PM on day 157 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a chicken polony and lattice sandwich for breakfast, watched TV, practice wheeling myself around the house – I made it as far as the living room and no further but you know what hell will freeze over before I give up on myself 🙂 –    feed myself rice  and curry  for lunch, play with my brother for a while – I LOVE kids they’re so in the moment every moment and when with them it’s like your transported back in time to your own childhood – thanks buddy 🙂 – feed myself a toasted chicken polony sandwich for dinner and tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours –a $5 donation was made by my friend @morsemusings (Dawn) who by the way has donated to my campaign more times than I can remember – thanks Dawn I can honestly say I am a better person for knowing you 🙂

As you may know I have an opinion about everything and I will not hesitate in ripping someone to shreds if I perceive them to be doing something that is hindering human progress but every so often I see something that I believe deserves a standing ovation which brings me to the Touching Lives initiative by the SABC – our national broadcaster –  on every news broadcast they shine a light on a story that needs attention and ask the public to help out by donating money/goods/services.  Are you always the first one to blame and the last one to praise?

Day 150

Seek not the favour of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them. – Immanuel Kant

It’s 9: 48 PM on day 150 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a toasted-cheese sandwich for breakfast while watching TV,  tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today   – feed myself rice and curry  for lunch,  exercise for 30 minutes, feed myself pizza   for dinner, update my Facebook friends about my campaign and asked one of them for a donation – it occurred to me that I was putting too much emphasis on the Twitter users and not enough on the Facebook users.

Today as I was lying on bed tweeting, updating my Facebook status and doing everything that needed to be done I remembered something our old reverend once said in one of his sermons one who is popular with everyone is not popular with God and as I remembered that I thought you know what I do not care if people walk in the opposite direction or change the subject for fear that I might ask for a donation because I know that God is proud of me. Do you measure your success by the extent of your popularity? 🙂

Day 149

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. – Oprah Winfrey

It’s 9: 20 PM on day 149 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a chicken polony and lattice   sandwich for brunch while watching TV,    exercise for 10 minutes, feed myself rice and curry  for dinner and tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – no luck today  

As you may know I preach gratitude to EVERYONE I meet but today as I laid in bed remembering how guilty I felt for asking my mother to take me to the bathroom I  thought to myself with tears in my eyes  who feels apologetic about needing to go the bathroom God I hate this: I hate having to check if a place has stairs before I go anywhere, I hate needing to be bathed, clothed and pushed around everywhere and in that moment I said to myself tomorrow the dawn will break and you’ll feel better once again and with that I realized that gratitude gave me the foresight to know that anguish and disillusionment doesn’t last forever.  Are you thankful for what you have even in the ‘bad’ times? 🙂        

Day 148

Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have. – Oprah Winfrey

It’s 8: 45 PM on day 148 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – two donations were made to my campaign – the first one was a $20 donation from Andrea of the Brite2Briter Kids Foundation –and the second one was a $16.15 donation from Abdullah – I am SO grateful to both of them 🙂  – feed myself rice and curry for lunch,   exercise for 10 minutes  while watching TV,  feed myself grilled chicken  for dinner and continue reading The Last True Cowboy by Kathleen Eagle – I read for a few hours before it occurred to me that my mom had to turn off the lights and go to bed – there’s just something about reading that I  LOVE so much when I read it’s almost like I forget the people who stare at me my mall, my father who prefers that I go to the other room when people come to visit, my mother who somehow manages to minimize everything I do and my sister who I could never quite live up to.    

Today lying on my bed trying to concentrate on the words I was reading I couldn’t help thinking I wish I was Justin Bieber for a day and in that moment I was so overwhelmed with frustration because most celebrities – Oprah and Alyssa Milano excluded – write a cheque and think that that is all there is to giving but having donated money to various different charities myself I can tell you that donating money pales in comparison to giving someone else an opportunity to give and showing them that they can live a fulfilled life without being caught up in the vicious cycle of consumerism. Are you doing great things with your power? 🙂

Day 147

To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.  – Tony Robbins

It’s 10: 01 PM on day 147 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself a bread and lattice sandwich – my mother had originally put something made of chicken in it luckily for me I remembered my meat-free Mondays resolution before I took a single bite – for breakfast while watching TV, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign for a few hours – today I woke up to find that the person who had promised to make a donation the previous day had in fact done so  – I was REALLY surprised not because I thought he wasn’t a man of his word but because I hadn’t met prior to him telling me that he would make a donation – nice to know that there are people out there who give for the sake of giving 🙂 – feed myself rice and curry vegetarian-style – it taste quite as bad as I thought it would 🙂 – and  exercise for 10 minutes.

As you may or may not know I am not big on getting or giving material possessions – there’s just something about going to a store and buying a gift-wrapped present that seems so impersonal to me – and because of that every time I saw a guy giving a girl a present on TV or in a movie I thought to myself why don’t you write her a letter or something and looking back on it now I realize that not everybody will express their feelings exactly the way I do with that said if you’re planning to buy your significant other diamonds this Valentine’s Day I urge to visit Charity Diamonds – 50% of the profits are donated to charity (Note: estimated shipping time is 2-4 days). Is your inability to communicate effectively causing you to judge other people harshly?