Giving does more for the giver than it does for the receiver – that’s what I keep realizing.
It’s 12 : 45 PM on day 1546 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 31, publish my Disability of the Day feature, publish my Kid of the Week feature, feed myself Idli and Sambar for breakfast and promote my Educate Generations campaign –on $1 090 but I’m grateful to be this far so far 🙂 – continue reading Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult – we had another power outage – and continue promoting my campaign – still on $1 090 but that’s okay things could be worse.
Today I was thinking about why I give and I came to the conclusion that I give because I want everyone to have as much or more than me I truly believe that opportunity shouldn’t be a lottery of birth.