Tag Archives: disability

Day 3045: The Carpenter Who Taught Me To Stand Up For Myself

God made me like this so that I could show people that it’s okay to be different – that’s what the carpenter reminded me

It’s 1: 10 PM on day 3045 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Last week Carpenter comes “May I pray for you?” I let him touch my head and pray for me (figuring what harm could it do? – always better to be kind) . Fast forward to this week same man:

Carpenter: I’ll pray for you Usha
Mom: it’s Nisha not Usha
Me: I’ll pray for you too.
God made me like this so that I could show people that it’s okay to be different.
Carpenter: Not for long God doesn’t want you to be like this – he wants you to walk and run. Just believe
Me on repeat: God made me like this so that I could show people that it’s okay to be different #DifferentIsCOOL – I’M BLESSED NOT BROKEN the whole world needs to know that. I am as God intended me to be. God loves me. 

This is not the first time someone has said such things to me nor will it be the last but this incident my soul has absorbed and my spirit has been dampened by because I realize that there are many people like the carpenter who share the view that all who are different need to be “cured” in order that they may be okay.

Day 2614: Why I Don’t Need Respite From My Beautiful Life

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and very little engagement with stakeholders – that’s what I have realized.


It’s 1 : 18  PM on day 2614 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read Titus 2:11, and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – A HUGE thanks to  Stan Faryna, author of Francesco Augustine Bernadone   who donated $50 and Debbie Gleason donated $18 yesterday  which brings the total raised to  $4 556 only $7 944 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot.


This morning I came across a well-meaning organization distributing wheelchairs worldwide (which is awesome truly it is) and offering “Family Retreats to provide respite for those with disabilities and their families” having a disability is not something a weekend away can fix it’s my life I don’t need a break from it i just need support as I try to live my life to its fullest potential (sometimes I think these NPOs organizations working in the disability sector don’t even bother to engage with the people they are trying to help because if they did they would understand that people with disabilities need access to education and skills training not “respite” because while a family retreat may be fun people need education and skills to make a meaningful contribution to the world).

Day 2550: The Expense of Disability

Disability is expensive – that’s what I’m realizing.


It’s 12 : 29  PM on day 2550 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Exodus 34:21, have breakfast  and promote my 50 New Feet Campaign benefiting MiracleFeet – raised to $3 352 only $9 148 more to raise by June 17, 2018 to help 50 kids with clubfoot .


Yesterday my sister and I were researching possible portable electric wheelchairs for me my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw the prices of the chairs (R33 000-R49 000 ($3 000-$3 800)) my whole family acted as if money was no object and told me to pick a few options for my physiotherapist to recommend the best one for me I’m so fortunate that my parents can afford to get me everything I need my heart goes out to parents who love their kids just as much as my parents love me but can’t afford to get their kids everything they need.

Day 2395: Vanity and Cerebral Palsy

Being differently-abled makes one less vain – that’s what I’m realizing.


It’s 11 : 01  AM on day 2395 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read John 1: 29 and learn a new word – Definitions for fanfaronade bragging; bravado; bluster.


Yesterday I realized having Cerebral Palsy has made me less vain I don’t put much emphasis on my outward appearance or even how I look doing things (I don’t always get things done the prettiest way but I do get them done).

Day 2343: God’s will and God’s Way

When God has the will He will also point the way– that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 8 :  34 AM on day 2343 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read 1 John 4: 19  and learn a new word – Definitions for noblesse oblige
1.the moral obligation of those of high birth, powerful social position, etc., to act with honor, kindliness, generosity, etc.


Yesterday I thought there’s was no way I would have enough money to buy all the groceries that a local charity needed and today thanks to God and three friends I realize I may have more than enough (I’m so blessed to have amazing support from all over the world  over the world – thanks everyone).

Day 2341: “Kids Caught Doing Good”

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart


It’s 11 :  43 AM on day 2341 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast read John 13:34 and learn a new word –Definitions for whiffler 1. a person who frequently shifts opinions, attitudes, interests, etc. 2. a person who is vacillating or evasive in an argument. (politician could be a synonym for this word LOL 🙂  )


A few days ago I watched “Kids Caught Doing Good” it touched me to the core of my being. Watch “Kids Caught Doing Good” below:


Day 2271: Disability360 Campaign

“There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life, no matter what its location, age, gender or disability.”- Sharron Angle


it’s 12: 52 PM on day 2271 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   read 1 Samuel 12:24, work on an article (hopefully to be published),    and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $9 161.04 only  $3 338.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Two days ago the South African Broadcasting Corporation  Foundation launched the Disability360 campaign, an initiative aimed at empowering People with Disabilities. Listen to Doug Anderson speaking about Disability360 below:


Day 2240: “If all you had to offer was friendship, who would still be around?”

“So don’t be surprised if God puts strangers in your life to take you to higher places.” – Trent Shelton


It’s 12 : 14  PM on day 2240 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast,  read Exodus 14:13 and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 186.04 only  $4 313.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday I heard a podcast by Dennis Ngango entitled “If all you had to offer was friendship, who would still be around?” and in it was a spoken word of the same name by Trent Shelton I really needed to hear it (thanks for sharing it Dennis). Listen to  “If all you had to offer was friendship, who would still be around?” below:

Day 2238: Believe in People

Everybody needs somebody to believe in them – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 10 :  30 AM on day 2238 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast,  read 1 Peter 3: 14 and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 161.04 only  $4 338.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday I was reminded that each one of us needs somebody to believe in us nobody has ever succeeded without first believe that they could (even those who succeeded without anybody believing they could probably chose to believe in themselves it only takes one person to believe and sometimes that one person is you and that’s ok).

Day 2226: God Thinks I’m Pretty Badass

God thinks I’m pretty badass – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 11 : 14  AM on day 2225 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, go to the doctor (I’ll be fine in about 5 days), have breakfast, read Psalm 42:11   and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Today I realized God thinks I’m pretty badass otherwise He wouldn’t give me all this stuff to handle (thanks God I accept the compliment)