Tag Archives: Cerebral Palsy

Day 2408: Grateful Never Satisfied

Grateful but never satisfied – that’s what I am.


It’s 11 : 32  AM on day 2408 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Acts 2:32-33, have breakfast  and learn a new word – Definitions for avarice insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.


Today I realized that as  grateful as I am for the life I have I will never ever be satisfied I will keep pushing my limits every day that I’m on this planet.

Day 2407: Impossible Thoughts

It’s impossible for me to think an impossible thought– that’s what I know.


It’s 1 : 58  PM on day 2407 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Acts 2:32-33, have breakfast,  visit family and learn a new word – Definitions for leporine Zoology. of, relating to, or resembling a rabbit or hare.


Today I realized that it’s impossible for me to think an impossible thought I truly believe anything I can think I (with God working in me) can bring to life.


Day 2406: In God I am Able

In God all things are possible– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 33  PM on day 2406 of my journey towards independence and I managed to go to church, pray, read Acts 2:32-33, have breakfast,  and learn a new word – Derisive (de·ri·sive) adj. Expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking or scornful. “A derisive laugh.”


Today during Easter Sunday service the congregation was singing a song with the words my God is able and in that moment I had a life-changing thought if I am disabled and the God I believe in is able then I guess that cancels out the “dis” 


Day 2405: Blessed Girl

I am blessed beyond measure– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 32 PM on day 2405 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read, have breakfast and learn a new word – Recalcitrant (re·cal·ci·trant) adj. Stubborn, often defiant of authority; difficult to manage or control. “After months of recalcitrant behavior, the employee was terminated.”


Today I realized I’m blessed beyond measure in that because I’m so physically challenged just by living my life and chasing my dreams I can show people what’s possible for them.


Day 2403: Integrity in Action

Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody’s watching – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 4 : 07  PM on day 2403 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read 1 Peter 1:3, visit my dentist, visit family and have lunch.


Today somebody had a chance to keep something that wasn’t theirs but instead they called someone in an effort to return it and in that moment I was reminded of my favourite definition of integrity which reads integrity is doing the right thing when nobody’s watching .

Day 2400: I DID IT!! Thanks to my family and Fly Cape Town Paragliding

Impossible is nothing– that’s what paragliding has taught me.



It’s 6 : 08  PM on day 2400 of my journey towards independence and I  spent the afternoon paragliding in Cape Town with Fly Cape Town Paragliding – it was just incredible I saw Cape Town from a completely different point of view (thanks to Fly Cape Town Paragliding and the Expresso Show for being there to capture every moment).


Today I accomplished my goal of paragliding with Fly Cape Town Paragliding to raise awareness about the Western Sahara it was such an incredible experience seeing Cape Town from above I will never forget it……. WOW ….. just WOW. Thanks to Stephan and Fly Cape Town Paragliding for such an incredible experience.




Day 2399: Paragliding Postponed to Tomorrow

Go with the flow– that’s what I am learning to do .



It’s 1: 02  PM on day 2399 of my journey towards independence and I’m hanging out with my family.


Today we found out that paragliding would yet again have to be postponed due to the weather it sucks but it cannot not be helped so now  the paragliding is happening at 2 PM tomorrow (weather permitting)

Day 2395: Vanity and Cerebral Palsy

Being differently-abled makes one less vain – that’s what I’m realizing.


It’s 11 : 01  AM on day 2395 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read John 1: 29 and learn a new word – Definitions for fanfaronade bragging; bravado; bluster.


Yesterday I realized having Cerebral Palsy has made me less vain I don’t put much emphasis on my outward appearance or even how I look doing things (I don’t always get things done the prettiest way but I do get them done).

Day 2394: Look Outward

An other-cantered life is truly the best life – that’s what I’m learning.


It’s 11 : 50  AM on day 2394 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, read Matthew 21: 9 and learn a new word – Voluminous [vo·lu·mi·nous] adj.  Having great volume, fullness, size, or number; ample or lengthy in speech or writing. “Voluminous paperwork.”


Today I started the day with the tiniest act of kindness it was like a joy injection I think all of us are at our happiest and most joyous when we look outward.

Day 2393: Change of Plans

Adapt or die– that’s what I’m learning.


It’s 2 : 23  PM on day 2393 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Zechariah 9:9, have breakfast  and go to the doctor (nothing serious)


Yesterday we found out there are going to be nationwide protests on Friday so we decided to go to Cape Town on Thursday, a day earlier than planned, to make sure I’m in Cape Town on Saturday to go paragliding.