Tag Archives: Cerebral Palsy

Day 2231: My New Favourite Definition of Humility

“Humility is seeing yourself exactly as you are before God.” – Reverend Ian Howarth


It’s 12 :  17 PM on day 2231 of my journey towards independence and I managed to go to church,  read 2 Peter 1:20-21   and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    – Preethachechi and Tonychachen donated $125 (thanks SO MUCH Preethachechi and Tonychachen) which brings the total  raised to $8 136.04 only  $4 363.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Today in church the sermon was about the Pharisee and the Tax Collector and during the sermon Reverend Ian basically said humility is not thinking less of yourself but rather seeing yourself exactly as you are before God I loved that definition of humility.

Day 2230: Love Overcomes

“Love does not cause division. Love does not label. Love does not decimate. Love knows no boundaries. Love overcomes all. #JustLove “ – Rynaard de Goede


It’s 10 :  43 AM on day 2230 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read 1 Kings 8:61,  learn one new thing – Fractious adj. (1) Easily irritated; bad-tempered: “they fight and squabble like fractious kids.” (2) (of an organization) Difficult to control; unruly. – and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday I stumbled upon South African North West University student is going viral… for sharing love on Good Things Guy the video at the end really touched my heart I don’t know of many people who would stand somewhere with a blindfold on and with arms wide offering to hug everyone. Watch “Love Overcomes” below:

Day 2229: How To Get What You’ve Never Had

To get something you’ve never had you’ve got to do something you’ve never done – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 10 :  30 AM on day 2229 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read Deuteronomy 28:9,  learn one new thing –  apotheosis
1. the ideal example; epitome; quintessence: This poem is the apotheosis of lyric expression.
2.the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god.– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Recently I’ve realized that to get something you’ve never had you’ve got to put yourself out there and do something you’ve never done (doing the same thing over and over again will most often yield the same result).

Day 2228: The Little Things

It’s the little things we do and that are done for us that mean the most – that’s what I was reminded of yesterday.


It’s 9 :  45 AM on day 2228 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read Psalm 112:1,  learn one new thing – Definitions for paroxysm 1)
any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion: paroxysms of rage.
2) Pathology. a severe attack or a sudden increase in intensity of a disease, usually recurring periodically.– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday I was reminded that it’s the little things we do and that are done for us that mean the most. Let’s do the kind little things for each other.

Day 2227: People Before Worldly Wealth

People before money and things – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 9 : 30  AM on day 2227 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read 2 Peter 1:16,  learn one new thing – Onerous [on·er·ous] adj. Involving heavy obligations. Involving a burdensome amount of effort and difficulty. “The court’s stipulations were onerous.”– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Today I’d like to say to our world people before money and things I feel like in this world consumed by consumerism some of us have lost (or are losing) our humanity.

Day 2226: God Thinks I’m Pretty Badass

God thinks I’m pretty badass – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 11 : 14  AM on day 2225 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, go to the doctor (I’ll be fine in about 5 days), have breakfast, read Psalm 42:11   and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Today I realized God thinks I’m pretty badass otherwise He wouldn’t give me all this stuff to handle (thanks God I accept the compliment)

Day 2225: Do It Anyway

Nobody may notice if you quietly go about making a difference do it anyway– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 10 : 08  AM on day 2225 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Revelation 1:8, have breakfast, learn one new thing –Definitions for mutable 1) given to changing; constantly changing; fickle or inconstant: the mutable ways of fortune. 2) liable or subject to change or alteration.– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Recently I’ve been feeling like people would pay more attention to what I was doing if what I was doing was negative (I can’t figure out why people are fascinated by the negative and bored by the positive) but I won’t stop doing what I’m doing because I live knowing that the world is a tiny bit better because of my actions.

Day 2224: God Is Not Just In Church

God is in you, in your actions and in your words not just in church – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 10 : 56  AM on day 2224 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Haggai 2:6-7, have breakfast, learn one new thing – Efficacious [ef·fi·ca·cious] adj. Successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective. “Efficacious treatment for the disease.”– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


This morning I was thinking about my younger days when I had to go to church to feel like a Christian and to feel the presence of God which is in stark contrast to the way I feel today now I understand that God is in me, in my words and in my actions. God meets me wherever I am and accepts me just as I am.


Day 2223: Judge Not

Judge not people in situations you’ve never been in – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 10 : 01  AM on day 2223 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read 2 Psalm 8:3-4, have breakfast, learn one new thing – Definitions for ignominy 1). disgrace; dishonor; public contempt. 2). shameful or dishonorable quality or conduct or an instance of this.– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Yesterday I read Why I’m Not Telling My Daughter The Truth About Her Prognosis and while I feel like the daughter had the right to information about her health I also know that labelling kids tends to limit them so I can’t judge this mother’s decision because I honestly don’t know what I would do if I were in her shoes.

Day 2222: Scary Realization

Facing reality is sometimes scary – that’s what i’ve realized.


It’s 11 : 21  AM on day 2222 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read 2 Samuel 22:29, have breakfast, learn one new thing –Predacious [pre·da·cious] adj. Predatory; Given to victimizing, plundering, or destroying for one’s own gain. “A victim of predacious behavior.”– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    –raised $8 011.04 only  $4 488.96 more to raise to reach my second goal of raising $12 500 for Smile Train before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far ).


Today laying in bed screaming for our housekeeper to take me to the bathroom (she was taking out the trash) it dawned on me that if the house burned down or if buglers came in I would be totally helpless it is the scariest realization I have ever had (imagine having the mind, soul and spirit of a twenty-five-year-old and the physical abilities of an infant that’s basically my situation).