Tag Archives: Cerebral Palsy

Day 2332: Taking chances and Getting a Chance to Skype with my Favourite Author

The more chances you take the luckier you get – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 11: 20  AM on day 2332 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 3: 2-6 and learn a new word – Surreptitious [sur·rep·ti·tious] adj. Kept secret, particularly because it would not be approved of. “His surreptitious drug habit could land him in jail.”


Recently I emailed Laura Schroff, author of one of my favourite books An Invisible Thread: The True Story of an 11-Year-Old Panhandler, a Busy Sales Executive, and an Unlikely Meeting with Destiny, I emailed her saying I loved the book and would love to meet her in person or Skype with her I didn’t expect her to read my email or reply so you can imagine my utter shock when I saw an email from her this morning saying she could Skype with me early next month (it’s amazing what can happen when you have the courage to risk being ignored and rejected).

Day 2331: Staying Sane in an Insane World

We can’t control what happens around us but we can control how we behave and treat each other – that’s my message to people who share this insane world with me.


It’s 10: 09 AM on day 2331 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Romans 8: 31 and learn a new word – Peevish adj. Easily irritated, particularly by unimportant things. “He was peevish around smokers.”


This morning I was thinking about all the crazy stuff going on in the world and while I’ll admit to being deeply disturbed by it I also still have hope because I’m still here and as long as I’m alive I know with a thousand percent certainty that there’s at least one person trying to spread love, kindness, compassion, courage and generosity.

Day 2330: Dear Nike

We may not see the effects of our actions in our lifetime but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying to create positive change in the world – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 8: 50 AM on day 2330 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Proverbs 19: 21  and learn a new word –  chanticleer 1. Now Literary. a rooster: used as a proper name in medieval fables.


Recently I sent a message to Nike asking them to help me change the current narrative about disability. Take a look:

Day 2329: Overcoming obstacles to accomplish goals

Overcoming obstacles to accomplish goals makes accomplish them even sweeter   – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 2 : 24 PM on day 2329 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, have breakfast, go to the mall, read Zechariah 4:6 and learn a new word -Definitions for parergon 1. something that is an accessory to a main work or subject; embellishment.2.work undertaken in addition to one’s principal work.


Today I had to jump through hoops to accomplish one of my 2017 Goals which made me realize yet again that overcoming obstacles to accomplish goals makes accomplish them even sweeter.

Day 2328: When Writing Down Goals Actually Works

“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.” – Denis Waitley


It’s 9: 55 AM on day 2328 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read Psalm 1: 4  and learn a new word – Churlish [churl·ish] adj. Rude in a mean-spirited and surly way. “It was rather churlish of him to complain about the small donations.”


Yesterday I was looking at my 2017 Goals and was pleasantly surprised to see I had already done or am doing most of the stuff on the list (writing down goals works if you write them down and intentionally work on them every day).

Day 2327: When a “No” is Best for You

Sometimes people say no for your benefit – that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 11: 10 AM on day 2327 of my journey towards independence and I managed to have breakfast, pray, read Joshua 10:25  and learn a new word – Definitions for shivoo
1. Australian. a boisterous party or celebration.


Yesterday I needed to call a local baby care centre to see when I could go visit and help out I tried to get our housekeeper, Amanda, to do it for me (phone communication with a stranger is not my best event – I’m always afraid the person I’m speaking to won’t understand what I’m trying to say) and at first it looked like Amanda would do it for me but then she refused confident that I could speak for myself and it turned out she was right the person on the other end of the line understood me just fine for the most part (I was shocked and SO GRATEFUL for Amanda’s unwavering belief in my ability (everybody  needs at least one person to believe in them and there are some times we’ll need it more than others)). Enkosi SisiAmanda.

Day 2326: Reasons to Visit South Africa

“As a South African I honestly cannot understand how people can’t see South Africa as a unique nation, untied by ties of history, bonds of suffering, victory, struggles, hope – and in more ways than I ever before thought possible – blood.” ― Christina Engela, The Time Saving Agency


It’s 8: 38 AM on day 2326 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 34: 8  and learn a new word – Amorphous [a·mor·phous] adj. Without a clearly defined shape or form. Vague; ill-organized; unclassifiable. “The amorphous package caused alarm to many people in the terminal.”


Yesterday I published a video entitled “Reasons to Visit South Africa” in which I talk about all the reasons why I think everybody should visit South Africa at least once in their lifetime (I hope that watching this video inspires you to make the trip to my beautiful South Africa. Watch “Reasons to Visit South Africa” below:

Day 2325: Me and Being Needy

There’s a difference between being needy and accepting that you have needs – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 8: 31 AM on day 2325 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Psalm 1: 1 and learn a new word – Phalanx [pha·lanx] n. A group of people or things of a similar type forming a compact body or brought together for a common purpose. “A phalanx of lawyers took charge of the case


Recently I’ve realized that there’s a difference between being needy and accepting that you have needs I constantly chastise myself whenever I feel like I’m being needy which is really harsh we are all human and we all have needs that’s okay we just shouldn’t expect the world to drop everything to meet all of our needs all of the time.

Day 2324:Life and Resources

Follow your heart and the resources will come   – that’s what I keep telling myself


It’s 12: 10 PM on day 2324 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Isaiah 40:29, have breakfast and learn a new word – Gourmand [gour·mand] n. A person who enjoys eating and often eats too much; gluttonous. A connoisseur of good food. “The traveling gourmand seldom passed up a restaurant.”


This morning I’m feeling stressed because I’m yet to have the resources I  need to do what I need to do but I’m going to do it anyway and hope that the resources will come in due time.

Day 2323: Different Life Strategies

Rise by lifting others   – that’s my strategy in life.


It’s 10: 23 AM on day 2323 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Philippians 4:13 and learn a new word – Definitions for froideur 1. French. an attitude of haughty aloofness; cold superiority.


Today I realized that everybody has a strategy in life and while the step-on-others-to-get-ahead strategy seems to be most popular I choose the rise-by-lifting-others strategy I know some people may think that approach will get me nowhere in life but you know I’d rather be who I am and stay exactly where I am than turn mean and get ahead (I really want to help as many people as possible achieve their goals and dreams and if great things happen for me as a bi-product of that then awesome and if not then at least I helped a few people (their success will be my success))