Tag Archives: Cerebral Palsy

Day 2353: Water, Perspective and my Extraordinary Mommy

Perspective is everything– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12  :  00 PM on day 2353 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read Isaiah 40:30-31  and learn a new word – Definitions for statecraft 1. the art of government and diplomacy.


This morning I was whining about how other suburbs in town had water while ours didn’t and my mom said to me at least they have water so we can take from them suddenly I was grateful that other people had water (there are moments I cannot believe my mom is really my mom she is truly extraordinary in every way).


Note: Our water is now back (thank you God)

Day 2352: My Ever-Evolving Definition of Self

As you grow your definition of self will change – that’s what I’ve realized


It’s 10  :  50 AM on day 2352 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read 1 1 Chronicles 16:11   and learn a new word – Definitions for excoriate
1. to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally: He was excoriated for his mistakes.
2. to strip off or remove the skin from: Her palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling.


Today I was thinking of my ever-evolving definition of self I now see myself as a human being who despite all challenges has managed, with God in her, to create meaning out of suffering which is remarkable considering a few years ago I thought of myself as a broken being with nothing to contribute to the world.


Day 2351: “Why you should talk to strangers” by Kio Stark

“When you talk to strangers, you’re making beautiful interruptions into the expected narrative of your daily life — and theirs.” – Kio Stark


It’s 9 :  47 AM on day 2351 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read 1 Samuel 2: 2   and learn a new word –  Definitions for craquelure 1.
a network of fine cracks or crackles on the surface of a painting, caused chiefly by shrinkage of paint film or varnish.


Yesterday I watched “Why you should talk to strangers” – a Ted Talk by Kio Stark about the benefit of talking to strangers – I found it fascinating that we as humans could have moments of intimacy even with strangers it seems almost counterintuitive that you could have intimacy with a stranger but apparently if you’re brave enough to be vulnerable it’s possible. Watch “Why you should talk to strangers” by Kio Stark below:

Day 2350: “Castle on the Hill” by Ed Sheeran

One friend left to sell clothes
One works down by the coast
One had two kids but lives alone
One’s brother overdosed
One’s already on his second wife
One’s just barely getting by
But these people raised me
And I can’t wait to go home

Ed Sheeran, “Castle on the Hill”


It’s 11 :  08 AM on day 2350 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read Malachi 1:11   and learn a new word – Definitions for fress 1.Slang. to eat or snack, especially often or in large quantities. 


Yesterday I heard “Castle on the Hill” by Ed Sheeran it’s such a beautiful song that made me think  of my childhood and my home which to me is not a place but rather the people I love. Listen to “Castle on the Hill” by Ed Sheeran below:


Day 2349: Me and My Regrets

“Your regrets aren’t what you did, but what you didn’t do. So I take every opportunity.” – Cameron Diaz

It’s 11 :  19 AM on day 2349 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read Psalm 22: 9   and learn a new word – Epicene [ep·i·cene] adj. Having characteristics of both sexes or no characteristics of either sex; of indeterminate sex. “Clothing fashions are becoming increasingly epicene.”


Recently I’ve been thinking about the few regrets I have in my life and strangely enough they have nothing to do with what I did and everything to do with what I didn’t do I regret not visiting my paternal grandmother one last time before she passed (my dad had invited me to go with him that evening but it was really cold that evening so I chose to stay home thinking my gran would be around a while but she died a few days later) I will forever regret not taking the last chance I had to see her here on Earth, I regret not being fully present when sisi Virginia was trying to converse with me the last time I would ever see her, I regret not going into a family friend’s house I told him I’ll come again some other time only the next time I went to his house he wasn’t there he had died unexpectedly a few days after I saw him….mistakes are the name you give to experiences you learned from but what on Earth do you call the things you didn’t do.

Day 2348: Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success by Shane Snow

“The secret to harnessing momentum is to build up potential energy, so that unexpected opportunities can be amplified.” ― Shane Snow, Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success


It’s 11 :  05 AM on day 2348 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read Jonah 2: 2, set my  daily goals – 5 things to do today –  and learn a new word – Boorish [boor·ish] adj. Resembling or characteristic of a boor; rude and clumsy in behavior. “His boorish behavior was unacceptable to the directors.”


Yesterday I finished reading Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success by Shane Snow the book basically teaches you smartcuts (shortcuts with ethics) to success I really enjoyed reading it and would recommend it to anyone who likes learning interesting things from books.

Day 2347: “6 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s – My Top Life Lessons” by Jimmy Naraine

“One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to follow that predictable life path.” – Jimmy Naraine


It’s 11 :  37 AM on day 2347 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read John 3: 16. set my  daily goals – seven things to do today –  and learn a new word – Definitions for procrustean 1. tending to produce conformity by violent or arbitrary means. 2. (initial capital letter) pertaining to or suggestive of Procrustes.


Recently I watched “6 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s – My Top Life Lessons” by Jimmy Naraine I loved the whole video but I loved especially the part where he basically said what we want is not money but rather the experiences that money can give us the truth of what he said is changing the way I look at life now I’m aiming to grow in influence as well as monetary wealth (if all we want are the experiences that money can give us then although we still need money we don’t need to be super rich to live full lives). Watch“6 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s – My Top Life Lessons” by Jimmy Naraine below:

Day 2346: My Evolving Relationship with my Elders

How we treat our elders is a reflection of the people we grow up to be – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 11 :  38 AM on day 2346 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read John 3: 16. set my weekly and daily goals – lots to do this week and today –  and learn a new word – Mellifluous [mel·lif·lu·ous] adj. Sweet or musical; pleasant to hear. “She had a mellifluous voice.”


Today I realized that how we treat our elders is a reflection of the people we grow up to be my parents and I often butt heads on a variety of issues but as I’ve aged I’ve grown in reverence of them because I’ve realized that no two people in the world want better for me and my siblings than they do so now even when I disagree with their methods I so appreciate their intention which is always and forever to protect and help me and my siblings.


Day 2345: Valentine’s Day and Me

A celebration of the different forms of love – that’s what Valentine’s Day is to me.

It’s 11 :  09 AM on day 2345 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read 1 Corinthians 13:4  and learn a new word – Peripatetic [per·i·pa·tet·ic] adj. Traveling from place to place, esp. working or based in various places for relatively short periods. “He maintained a peripatetic lifestyle.”

Today is Valentine’s Day which to me is not just a celebration of romantic love but also of all other forms of love it’s a celebration of the love I have for God, my parents, siblings, extended family, friends and humanity at large. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone you are so loved and valued.

Day 2344: Me and My Unlikely New Friend

If you don’t have anything to give then give the gift of seeing people as they truly are– that’s my message to the world.


It’s 11 :  37 AM on day 2344 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,  read Isaiah 54: 10  and learn a new word – Canard [ca·nard] n. A false or unfounded rumor or story. “The tabloid included some of Hollywood’s oldest canards.”


Last night I met one of the most remarkable human beings who happens to be a priest I was struck by his easy-going nature and the fact that he saw me as human and whole not as a broken being who needed God’s healing I think he recognized that God is using me just as I am it was refreshing to meet someone from the church who didn’t think I needed fixing I absolutely loved conversing with him because he was actually talking to me not my disability.