Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team Feed 500 People in the Booysens Informal Settlement

Superhero Catherine Constantinides feeding 500 people at Booysens [Image credit: Superhero Catherine Constantinides]

“Hunger plagues our people!” – Catherine Constantinides

Today  My Superhero  Catherine Constantinides and her team with the help of volunteers fed 500 people in the Booysens Informal Settlement. A HUGE THANKS to the volunteers and supporters of this project as well as to the VTAC Green Team for transporting everything.

Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team Joined Forces with Pick n Pay Stonehill Crossing, Albany Bread, Bartlet Eggs and the VTAC Green Team to feed Solwazi Primary on #WorldHungerDay

Catherine Constantinides and Ella Bella feeding Solwazi Primary

World hunger is on the rise. Hunger kills more than AIDS, Malaria and TB combined.

Today on World Hunger Day Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team joined forces with Pick n Pay Stonehill Crossing, Albany Bread, Bartlet Eggs and the VTAC Green Team to feed 750 children at Solwazi Primary School in Orange Farm. Thank you to Albany Bread for the bread, Bartlet Eggs for donating the eggs that the children took home with them, thank you to Pick n Pay Stonehill Crossing for arranging the bread and eggs and thank you to the VTAC Green Team for transporting everything.

#StandInTheSand with Western Sahara this #AfricaDay 2021

Let us not forget the last colony in Africa… the people of Western Sahara still illegally occupied by another African country: Morocco.” – Catherine Constantinides

Today is Africa Day and while I’m proud to be African and we have much to celebrate I would like to call attention once again to the illegal occupation of the Western Sahara by Morocco (can you imagine fleeing from the first war to what you thought would be a temporary refugee camp only to still be there 46 YEARS LATER?) the United Nations recognizes the Western Sahara as a country separate from Morocco but the referendum the UN promised in 1991 is yet to take place and why because Morocco has powerful allies at the UN. Let us all use all the platforms we have to raise awareness about Western Sahara today and every day

Superhero Catherine Constantinides and her team Joined Salaam Foundation to Feed 500 People in the Booysens Informal Settlement

Salaam Foundation and Superhero Catherine Constantinides feeding 500. Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]

“Think about what freedom is and should be, how do we safeguard and protect it?“ –  Catherine Constantinides

Today  My Superhero  Catherine Constantinides joined forces with the Salaam Foundation to feed 500 people in the Booysens Informal Settlement. A HUGE THANKS to the Salaam Foundation for providing 500 hot meals, thank you to volunteers who showed up on a public holiday to serve 500 hot meals and to distribute 500 food hampers and thank you to Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions for being there with Catherine to help tell the story of the day through photography. Thank you to everyone for helping My Superhero Catherine Constantinides to do the AMAZING WORK she does.

Feeding 500 [Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]
Superhero Catherine Constantinides teaching humanity
Superhero Catherine Constantinides connecting with the future [Photo credit: Tyrone Noble from Noble Media Solutions]
Ella Bella touching lives

Earth Day 2021

If you wouldn’t trash a hotel room that you are staying in temporarily I ask that you extend the same courtesy to the Earth because for all intensive purposes the Earth is the hotel room we are staying in temporarily.

Today being Earth Day it’s a perfect time to pause and reflect on our impact on the planet the Earth is such a beautiful place it’s our job to keep it that way for generations yet to come.

– Plant a tree (or many trees)

– Don’t litter

– Eat less red meat

Do one thing to change the fate of Earth

There’s no PLANET B please act accordingly

My Silence Explained

“Speak only if it improves upon the silence.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

I know and I haven’t been blogging a lot lately and it’s only because I don’t have anything interesting to share right now but a lot has been going on in my personal life which I won’t share out of respect for the privacy of my loved ones (I don’t live in a vacuum and what I share on this blog and other platforms does affect those I love and their futures so now I’m more reserved about what I choose to share and I will not apologize for that because it’s for the sake of my family).

I hope everyone who has been reading my blog will continue to do so even though the content will be less personal than it originally was. Thank you all eternally for your continued love and amazing support.

It’s time to nominate your 2021 Local Hero

With the 2020 Local Hero Awards now behind us, the search for this year’s
extraordinary do-gooders is on. Entries for the Daily Dispatch and Johnson &
Johnson Local Heroes campaign have officially opened, and the Dispatch is looking
forward to the many inspirational stories that 2021 will bring. Daily Dispatch initiated
a campaign in 2015 where a panel of judges selects 12 Local Hero finalists from a
pool of nominees sent in by readers throughout the year. The finalists are honoured
at a gala dinner.

In 2020 a new category, the Front-line Hero Award, was introduced to honour frontline workers’ incredible efforts during the pandemic. This year and in the future, the
Dispatch and Johnson & Johnson will continue to search for 12 local heroes and one
front-line hero.

The nominees must run their projects in the Eastern Cape, and preferably, their
outreach should be as local as possible.

All necessary details of the nominee, including name, cell number, and e-mail
address, must be provided in the nomination. Readers can renominate unsuccessful
Local Hero nominees from past years for the 2021 awards.

To nominate your local hero, e-mail a 500-word motivation about the nominee to Nominations close on July 31.


30 Years Ago

Life is a gift – that’s what I know

On the occasion of my 30th birthday I look back with pride and look forward with anticipation while living in the present in gratitude. Thank you to my family who loves me and thank you to My Superhero Catherine Constantinides who guides me teaching me life and the way to live – thank you my people I love you

NESCAFÉ RICOFFY shares pride and respect in every sip

Me watching the Nescafe Ricoffy’s virtual event hosted by Catherine Constantinides #NescafĂ©Ricoffy #NESCAFÉRICOFFYRESPONSIBLYSOURCED

South Africa’s most loved instant chicory and coffee extract, NESCAFÉ RICOFFY, has announced that it now uses coffee beans that are 100% responsibly sourced.

Nestlé is committed to implementing responsible sourcing practices and continuously improving its coffee supply chain. This commitment is brought to life by understanding that the heart of good food is the quality of the ingredients, the people who produce them and the soils and ecosystems in which they are grown. Protecting growers and their environments ensures the long-term success of the business.

 â€śNESCAFÉ RICOFFY is South Africa’s most memorable instant chicory and coffee extract brand.   We are extremely proud that NestlĂ© knows where our ingredients come from and that they are produced in a way that minimizes negative impact and makes a positive contribution to individuals, communities and the planet” Says Nicole Roos, Business Executive Officer, Coffee & Beverages at NestlĂ©, South Africa.

Launched in 2010, the NESCAFÉ Plan is a tangible effort of how Nestlé creates shared value in the coffee sector for farmers, communities and our planet. It shows a commitment to continuously support responsible and increasingly sustainable value chains. NESCAFÉ RICOFFY has managed to reach the 100% Responsibly Sourced Coffee Beans in Quarter 3 of 2020, which is an incredible achievement for the future of responsible sourcing of coffee beans.

On 9 March the launch was attended by various industry sustainability experts, including Jackie May, Editor of Twyg Magazine, Gisèle Wertheim AymĂ©s, Editor of Longevity Magazine and Longevity Live, Dion Chang, Business Strategist and Founder of Flux Trends, Xoli Fuyani, environmental education co-ordinator with Earthchild, as well as Earth Warrior and philanthropist Catherine Constantinides.  The focus was a global conversation around sustainability, repurposing and the importance of creating a generation that is environmentally conscious as well as insights from each panelist from their respective fields of expertise.

The announcement forms part of NestlĂ© South Africa’s recently launched RE (RETHINK, REDUCE AND REPURPOSE) sustainability initiative.  RE is aimed at reinforcing all its sustainability initiatives, strategies and resources to help mitigate sustainability challenges and strengthen its contribution to a waste-free future. 

“Our NESCAFE RICOFFY 100% responsibly sourced project is a practical testament of our sustainability commitments in South Africa.  It encapsulates all that the RE initiative represents – rethinking our entire value chain, reducing our impact on the environment and providing tangible proof points of our sustainability efforts through our loved brands” says, Saint-Francis Tohlang, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Director at NestlĂ© East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR). 

There’s a story in every sip to come with NESCAFÉ RICOFFY and even more so with a responsibly sourced future ahead. Your favorite instant chicory and coffee extract is here to stay, with their use of respectfully grown coffee beans, with 100% responsibly sourced, sharing pride & respect from farm to cup. For more information on Grown Respectfully visit or follow us @NESCAFÉ RICOFFY

About Last Night…thanks so much Aubrey Masango, 702 and CapeTalk

“Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” – Exodus 4: 12

I’m deeply honoured to have spoken to Aubrey Masango on 702 and CapeTalk last night about my life and my work. Thanks to Lee Woolf  and her team for their exceptional professionalism. During the interview I mentioned, in part, my work supporting Breath of Life. If anybody would like to contribute to my #Nisha30 Campaign benefitting Breath of Life they can do so at