“May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!” – Proverbs 23: 25
Last week Monday I was featured as a nominee for the Daily Dispatch Local Hero Awards 2020. Thank you Daily Dispatch I’m truly HONOURED and HUMBLED to even be considered for such an award.
Let us not forget the last colony in Africa… the people of Western Sahara still illegally occupied by another African country: Morocco.” – Catherine Constantinides
Today is Africa Day and while I’m proud to be African and we have much to celebrate I would like to call attention once again to the illegal occupation of the Western Sahara by Morocco (can you imagine fleeing from war to what you thought would be a temporary refugee camp only to still be there 45 YEARS LATER?) the United Nations recognizes the Western Sahara as a country separate from Morocco but the referendum the UN promised in 1991 is yet to take place and why because Morocco has powerful allies at the UN. Let us all use all the platforms we have to raise awareness about Western Sahara today and every day
Image of Catherine on a hill top in the Saharawi Refugee CampSuperhero teaching kids to always look up
All the above images were captured by Heinrich Knoetze in the Saharawi Refugee Camps
Beauty is confidence – that’s my message to the world
Recently I asked the women of Twitter to show me their faces without make-up in an effort to teach little girls what true beauty is and I was blown away by the response. Take a look
Dear Women Twitter may I request that sometimes you post pictures of yourselves without make-up. Let's show all the little girls out there what true beauty is. I have moles and pimples and everything but i've learned to love the only face i have #BeautifulMepic.twitter.com/vQlwiaaKkj
Every cloud has silver linings – that’s what I’ve realized
Today marks 50 days since South Africa has been in lockdown due to COVID19 and although I’m deeply saddened that many have died, gotten sick and lost their jobs I have found a few silver linings in this dark lockdown cloud.
“Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.” —Gail Tsukiyama
Happy Mothers Day to my mommy who gave me life and showed me how to live.
4 Lessons from My Mother
1. People only throw rocks at the tree bearing fruit
2. Don’t eat the fruit of laziness
3. Those born out of the fire do not wilt in the sun
4. There are a lot of people suffering we must be decent in the way we live
Catherine lending a helping hand – my Superhero got muscles [image credit: Nelson Mandela Foundation]
“It does not matter how small the contribution, make it anyway, it makes a difference. Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. Then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who come alive.” – Catherine Constantinides
Recently the Nelson Mandela Foundation invited My Superhero Catherine Constantinides to join them on an #Each1Feed1 food distribution in Orange Farm and I watched with pride and awe as my Superhero Catherine Constantinides continued to live her words “Everybody can do something.”
Team work – Catherine Constantinides and Kaizer Motaung Jr The look on mama’s face is everything [image credit: Nelson Mandela Foundation]The look on mama’s face is everything [image credit: Nelson Mandela Foundation]
Yaseen in conversation with ENCA’s Lindokuhle Xulu
Yaseen Theba is the Director of Vision Group – Vision Tactical and Vision Branding – Co-Founder of Operation SA and Chairman of the Muslim Association of South Africa.
The Muslim Association of South Africa, led by Yaseen Theba, is currently feeding people in need of food due to the COVID19 Lockdown.
Yaseen is the kind of human we all should be and the kind of person I aspire to be because he does the right thing simply because it’s right thing to do.
Donate to helpthe Muslim Association of South Africa feed South Africa
Muslim Association of South Africa LILLAH ACCOUNT First National Bank (FNB) Account Number: 62779526725 Branch Code is: 253305 Swift Code: FIRNZAJJXXX Ref: (Donor Name)
The above post was shared as part of my new weekly Difference Makers series featuring individuals, businesses or NPOs making a difference
Havdala and Catherine Constantinides find a tree near the Sahharawi Refugee Camps [Photographer Heinrich Knoetze]
“Today is the first day of AFRICA Month. And so as the month unfolds I will use my platforms to continue sharing not only my journey with My Saharawi People but the truths surrounding a conflict of occupation and colonization that spans 45 years. An illegal invasion of their country by Morocco. We continue to tell a truth because justice must and will prevail!” – Catherine Constantinides
The month of May is Africa Month and while I’m proud to be African and we have much to celebrate I would like to call attention once again to the illegal occupation of the Western Sahara by Morocco (can you imagine fleeing from war to what you thought would be a temporary refugee camp only to still be there 45 YEARS LATER?) the United Nations recognizes the Western Sahara as a country separate from Morocco but the referendum the UN promised in 1991 is yet to take place and why because Morocco has powerful allies at the UN.
The Story of Havdala [told through the eyes of Photographer Heinrich Knoetze]
Freedom is what we do with what has happened to us – that’s what I’ve realized
Today is Freedom Day in South Africa – a day marking 26 years since the dawn of South Africa’s democracy – and while it is ironic that we are spending Freedom Day under lockdown due to COVID19 I’m grateful that when this is over we will have a democracy to go back to.