Category Archives: My journey towards independence

My journey from utter helplessness to independence

Day 2995: To the people who believe differently-abled people should be left to die

Ignorance is alive and well in the 21st century– that’s what I keep realizing


It’s 11: 53 AM on day 2995 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work


Yesterday I read a tweet which suggested that a parent of a differently-abled child with health issues should LET THE CHILD DIE I was SHOCKED and heartbroken to be reminded that in the 21st century there still exists people in the world who believe people like me don’t deserve to live simply because our lives are hard. To the people who believe differently-abled people should be left to die: My life is difficult but IT’S MINE please don’t infringe ON MY RIGHT TO LIFE!

Day 2994: The Illusion of Perfection

Not everything needs to be done perfectly – that’s my message to the world


It’s 1: 47 PM on day 2994 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work


Today is madness in my house the carpenter is her fixing the ceiling, mom’s in a frenzy cooking for her relatives arriving tomorrow, trying to make sure the house is tidy  and everything’s  perfect but the truth of our lives is that nothing is ever perfect or easy but mom tries her best every day to mask that because she really wants us to be like other families only we are – other families struggle and they aren’t perfect either but they too choose not to share that thus giving the world an illusion of perfection. We would all be a lot less tired if we just gave up trying to maintain the illusion of perfection I hope there comes a day when mom realizes that not everything has to be perfect for her to be perfectly happy (she must be exhausted!)

Day 2993: Living the Moments

Some moments are meant to be lived not captured – that’s what I keep realizing


It’s 10: 53 AM on day 2993 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work


Yesterday as I sat under my favourite Jacaranda Tree trying to teach our temporary housekeeper how to use my phone to take a picture of me sitting under the tree I had an epiphany not all moments have to be captured some are lived and become memories  needless to say we abandoned the photography mission and I just enjoyed the sights and sounds it was nice actually

Day 2992: 9th Alive Day #AliveDay

Aliveness is a gift not a privilege – that’s my message to the world


It’s 3: 19 PM on day 2992 of my journey towards independence and I managed to spend time outside, pray, read a Bible verse and do some work


Today I celebrate my 8th #AliveDay –  9 months since my surgery – Life is joy, Life is so much pain but the prayer in my heart will never change “THANK YOU God FOR EVERY SINGLE DAY. ” I hope the world is better because I’m alive today. Please do a good deed today, take a pic related to the deed, tag me (@Nisha360) in the tweet and use #AliveDay9. Help me celebrate life.


Day 2991: The Questions I Have to Ask Myself

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”― Bruce Lee


It’s 4: 07 PM on day 2991 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work


Today I was left with our temporary housekeeper since our permanent one is sick and so there I was in the bathroom for 10 minutes wondering should I  or shouldn’t I ask her to help me wipe after I peed and in the end I just couldn’t and so as soon as mom returns from work mom I need to change I’m wet to which she of course asks why didn’t you ask her to wipe you after you peed – we pay her to help you to which I say mom it’s embarrassing [imagine being 27 and needing a virtual stranger to help you wipe] the hardest part about my life is that even those who love me more than life will never really understand I will always have to explain –  it will always be a fight to get through the day and to live a meaningful life in the process. I am thankful every day that I have help but I HATE that i need help I feel like my pride is dwindling every single day

Day 2990: Anele Mdoda on a Mission to Improve Sanitation in South African Schools

“South Africa’s sanitation problem is not a government problem or a DomestosSA problem, it is an everyone problem.” – Anele Mdoda


It’s 12: 08 PM on day 2990 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, spend time outside – it’s such a beautiful morning so grateful to be alive to see it –  read a Bible verse and do some work


Yesterday was World Toilet Day and in effort to eliminate pit toilets in schools South African Media Mogul Anele Mdoda launched a crowdfunding campaign to build safe toilets in schools I don’t usually actively support crowdfunding campaigns that aren’t mine but a part of me died when I heard that school kids in my beloved South Africa die falling into pit toilets – that is SIMPLY UNACCEPTABLE no child should die from going to the bathroom. IT IS AN INSULT TO OUR COUNTRY and our national dignity. Please support Anele’s crowdfunding campaign if you can (I did – in honour of my Superheroes Catherine and Ella Constantinides who teach me every day the true power of being kinder than required)

Day 2989: 19 -26 November Goals

“The future depends on what you do today.” –Mahatma Gandhi

It’s 12: 43 PM on day 2989 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray read a Bible verse  and do some work

Last week I set some goals and today I will again be evaluating myself to measure my progress and I’ll be setting some goals for the coming week as well. Take a look:

12 – 19 November Goals Review

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more) [tried]
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides [tried]
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can [I did]
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [not done yet]
  5. Learn 7+ new things [not done]
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week [not done often]
  7. Try new things [not done]
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL! [ tried]


Highlights of the Week

  • Doing some good
  • Spending time outside


 19 – 26 November Goals

  1. Continue to be kind, honest and generous (give more, do more and be more)
  2. Be the best Supersidekick to my Superhero Catherine Constantinides
  3. Spend time outside as often as I can and appreciate the little-big things
  4. Finish reading Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – I’m determined to finish the book this week
  5. Learn 7+ new things
  6. Write done 7 beautiful moments of the week
  7. Try new things
  8. Use social media to showcase the ability of differently-abled people and teach that Different IS COOL!


Day 2988: Love Freely

Some people will enter your life to stay a lifetime while others stay only for a season it doesn’t matter love them all with all that you are– that’s my message the world


It’s 12: 20 PM on day 2988 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray read a Bible verse and do some work


Today I was reminded that our duty is to love people freely regardless of the duration of someone’s stay in our lives (some people will enter our life to stay a lifetime while others stay only for a season it doesn’t matter love them all with all that you are)

Day 2987: Fill your days with Goodness, Kindness and Mercy

Fill your days with goodness, kindness and mercy and suddenly all the other stuff fades into the background– that’s my message the world


It’s 1: 47 PM on day 2987 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray read a Bible verse, and do some work


Today I was reminded that when we fill our days with goodness, kindness and mercy, suddenly all the other stuff fades into the background so from today onwards I’m going to fill all my days with goodness, kindness and mercy.

Day 2986: Missing SisiMama (aka Virginia)

Some days we miss people more than others– that’s my message the world

It’s 2: 41 PM on day 2986 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray read a Bible verse, and do some work

Today I’ve been thinking a lot about Sisi Virginia – my second mommy (she started working for my family before I was born and remained with us till she passed) – it breaks my heart that she’s not here to see what I became (and am becoming) she was such a loving and kind person – she had many homes which we helped her acquire and yet she chose to live in our garage it was the sweetest thing it was like she didn’t want to be away from us even in the evenings…since she was unmarried when my brother was born she use to call him “her husbendo” (not husband but her “Husbendo” ) it was too cute she was so attached to us that when my sister and I were younger she used to wrap us to her back so she didn’t have to be away from us while doing housework… it was made especially beautiful by the fact that it’s something African mothers do for THEIR CHILDREN (she really thought of all three of us as HER children we really felt that…we love and miss her so much I hope she knows that)