Category Archives: My journey towards independence

My journey from utter helplessness to independence

Day 3075: Returning to Childlike Joy

Our job as adults is to return to childlike joy – that’s what I was reminded of today

It’s 4: 04 PM on day 3075 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time with friends and do some work

Today a very special human reminded me that our job as adults is to return to childlike joy today was just amazing…so blessed!

Day 3075: Ceasing to Cajole

For those who want to there’s always a way while for those who don’t there’s always an excuse– that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 12: 41 PM on day 3075 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Recently I learned that it’s never a good idea to try to cajole people into doing something because those who truly want to do it won’t need to be cajoled into it and those who don’t won’t be cajoled into it…all in all attempting to cajole people into things is a waste of effort those who don’t want to help you don’t deserve the opportunity to do so.

Day 3074: Happy Valentine’s Day

“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.” – George Sand

It’s 8: 36 AM on day 3074 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work

Today is Valentine’s Day in my culture we rise in love we don’t fall in love – like we grow on people -and we were taught that other forms of love are just as important as romantic love. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone  

Day 3073: The Evolution of my Definition of Success

Our definition of success changes over time – that’s what I have realized

It’s 12: 49 PM on day 3073 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work

Today I was thinking of my definition of success and how it has evolved over time before my success was all about me and only about me now in order for me to consider myself truly successful I have to help others reach their dreams and goals while simultaneously reaching my own

Day 3072: Finding the Blessing in the Loadshedding Mess

We all have the power to make the best of a bad situation – that’s what I’ve realized

It’s 11: 23 AM on day 3072 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work

Yesterday I found out that Loadshedding is to begin again – South Africa’s power utility, Eskom, will switch off electricity in different parts of the country at different times of the day to cope with electricity demand – needless to say the nation is not happy and neither am I but I’m going to make the best of a bad situation I’m going to catch up on my reading – my goal in 2019 is to read 12 books and I have yet to finish one so I think Loadshedding might be a blessing in disguise for me

Day 3071: Life’s Hard For Everyone

Everybody’s life is hard just in different ways – that’s what I remind myself of when I have hard days

It’s 2: 55 PM on day 3071 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse and do some work

Today as I found myself thinking surely life can’t be this hard I remembered that life is hard for everyone just in different ways

Day 3070: Happy Birthday Daddy

“Of all the titles I’ve been privileged to have, ‘Dad’ has always been the best.” ―Ken Norton

It’s 5: 31 PM on day 3070 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, go to church and spend time with family.

On this day many moons ago a boy was born who grew up to be a great many things but perhaps the most important thing he became was a father to me and my siblings. Happy Birthday Daddy I will always be a bleeding heart but if that’s your biggest worry as a father you have done extraordinarily well at this fatherhood thing – thank you for teaching me generosity by your example.

Day 3069: The Power of Eye-Contact

Make eye-contact with people it makes a difference – that’s my message to the world

It’s 6: 25 PM on day 3069 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse,spend time with family and do some work

Today we had unexpected guests and although usually long periods of eye-contact makes me uncomfortable today I fought my own discomfort and maintained eye-contact throughout the conversation and it made such an incredible difference I was shocked I think I’m going to stick with this eye-contact thing

Day 3068: Celebrate Life in All Its Complexities

Life is to be celebrated – that’s my message to the world

It’s 1: 03 PM on day 3068 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Today as I was headed back inside from my hours outside I raised both my arms and screamed repeatedly at the top of my lungs I AM ALIVE, I AM ALIVE my life is hard and heartbreaking and yes sometimes oh sometimes I feel so cheated that I may never have some things but I do love life and love being I love seeing aeroplanes and blue-sky days, I love birds and trees, I love knowing that I will form part of the history of humanity, I love knowing that there will never again be another me

Day 3067: God Sees All, I KNOW IT!

God can be found in the unglamorous, mundane deeds of every day  – that’s what I was reminded of today

It’s 1: 30 PM on day 3067 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work

Today as I was working doing what I needed to do I remembered the words what you have done for the least of these you do for me too I know that in every moment God is with me, God sees me, God knows me and God loves me some days it’s one of the few things I have.