“The earth will not continue
to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love
the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.” ―
Pope John Paul II
Words spoken and words heard
have the power to hurt or heal– that’s my message to the world.
It’s 5: 21 PM on day 3128 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and work on my 28 For 28 Campaign benefiting charity:water – thanks to Caitlin who donated $28 we’ve raised $1388 of $28 000 with 79 days to go
Today I was reminded that if
people knew the power of words we would think multiple times before we unuttered
each word….every word leaves a mark on people and when people speak them
without care that mark becomes a scar
“We are creating a
generation of broken human beings and when we create broken human beings we
create new social ills that we have to deal with in the future.” –
Catherine Constantinides
Yesterday Catherine Constantinides participated in a child rights session at a side-event of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and spoke about how the basic human rights of the Saharawi child (child of the Western Sahara) are not being upheld I agree wholeheartedly with Catherine that human rights, particularly children’s human rights, should be actioned and not just live on paper. Watch Catherine’s Address at the Child Rights session:
“The greatest gift of life is
friendship, and I have received it.” – Hubert H. Humphrey
Two days ago My Superhero Catherine Constantinides came to my city (for work purposes) I was overjoyed it was like God has conspired to make my one and only secret birthday wish come true. She brought many great gifts and I TRULY TRULY TRULY LOVE AND APPRECIATE THEM ALL but to me SHE was, is and forever will be the gift – all I’ve ever wanted was my Superhero. If the first picture had a title I would title it “I Should Be Looking At You Like That”
When you love someone their success
is your success – that’s what I keep realizing
It’s 1: 57 PM on day 3086 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse spend time outside and do some work
Yesterday MY SUPERHERO Catherine Constantinides finished the Sahara Marathon and CONQUERED THE SAHARA DESERT to honour the approximately 300 landmine victims living in the Saharawi Refugee Camps and all the Saharawi People – MY HEART IS OVERFLOWING WITH LOVE AND PRIDE SO MUCH PRIDE – You are EVERYTHING Superhero I LOVE YOU SO. You, My Superhero, tested the Sahara Desert and the Sahara Desert FAILED – you kicked some major butt! You truly are the wings of my heart.
humanity lies in you.” – Catherine Constantinides
It’s 3: 16 PM on day 3085 since I started blogging and I managed to pray, read a Bible verse, spend time outside and do some work
Today as my Superhero Catherine Constantinides runs the Sahara Marathon in honour of the approximately 300 landmine victims in the Saharawi Refugee Camps I can’t help but think of the immense impact one human can have both on the world and on the lives of others I’ve only known Catherine for about four years and yet my life has changed completely I’m kinder, gentler and more trusting of people with my heart – now when I meet new people I live in hope that they are as kind as Catherine not in fear that I’ll love them and they’ll leave me (although I have to admit Catherine’s kindness is only matched by the kindness of her family I have never met anyone outside of that family who is that kind kindness seems to the superpower of the Constantinides family… I have been on the receiving end of their kindness many a times it’s so special all of them are so thoughtful it’s really cool). I hope my Superhero’s race is going well Dear God please help her finish she told me you would.
South African Earth Warrior and Social Justice Activist, Catherine Constantinides to take up the challenge and use her profile and passion for the environment and human rights, this time to participate in the 2019 Sahara Marathon. The marathon will be taking place on the 26th of February in the Sahara Desert.
As an internationally renowned climate activist and human rights defender, this South African Earth Warrior is no stranger to challenge and adventure. And has set her mind firmly on participating in this desert run. She serves on the Saharawi Human Rights Council and has been travelling back and forth to the refugee camps as a humanitarian for the past five years. She is participating in this particular event to raise awareness and honour the Saharawi freedom fighters and victims of landmines in the region. Last year she spent time with Aziz Haider who is the founder of the Saharawi Association of Landmine Victims (ASAVIM).
According to various estimates there are still between 5 – 10 Million landmines still in the Sahara, “Western Sahara is one of the most contaminated territories in the world,” the UN Mine Action Service says on its website. Landmines and explosive remnants of war “remain widespread” and “there is very limited information available regarding the location of hazardous areas”, it warns. High winds, sandstorms and rainfall also pose a challenge as they can hide, reveal or move landmines.
According to Aziz Haidar, who has lost three of his limbs in a mine blast, such explosions have caused more than 300 casualties since a ceasefire which took effect in 1991.
Aziz Haidar and Catherine Constantinides in 2018
The Sahara Marathon is an international sport event hosted in the Sahara Desert every year. The aim of the marathon was designed to demonstrate solidarity with the Saharawi people, first initiated in 2001, organised by the Secretary of State for Sport, under the auspices of the Government of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and with the help of volunteers from all over the world.
Constantinides has been actively engaged in highlighting causes across the continent linked to climate change and human rights for more than a decade, her work as a former Miss Earth South Africa has seen her work passionately in the waste, water and food security space as she leads educational and community development projects linked to these spaces in furthering the movement towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Her work through her organisation Generation Earth has gained much momentum across South Africa and the world over the past eight years.
This activist says it is certainly the biggest physical challenge she has ever committed to and has already begun preparing for the upcoming marathon. Her goal is to highlight the ‘ #StandInTheSand ’ solidarity movement which gives a voice and presence to the last colony in Africa, Western Sahara.
Western Sahara is the last colony in Africa. A Spanish colony from 1884 to 1975 when Spain failed to finish the decolonization process which it promised to achieve. Instead, Spain, Morocco and Mauritania signed a secret agreement to divide this African territory into two parts by military control by Morocco from the North and Mauritania from the South while Spain maintained privileged economic interests especially in the illegal exploitation of the rich fisheries and phosphate of Western Sahara.
The Polisario Front, the Saharawi liberation movement was already constituted in 1973 to fight against Spanish colonialism, but found itself encircled by the two armies and had to deliver a heroic fight against the two African armies and at the same time to build a genuine Saharawi Nation and ‘State in Exile’ which was declared on the 27th of February 1976 as the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, also a founding member of the African Union.
Constantinides’ active humanitarian work in the Saharawi Refugee Camps over the past five years has brought international awareness to this more than 43-year-old conflict. Now she runs in the sand for a people who continue to fight for self-determination and justice.
The Sahara Marathon, includes the standard-distance marathon also includes a half marathon of 21km, 10km, 5km and a special children’s race which is aimed at promoting sport activity. Funds raised through the marathon assist in financially supporting and developing humanitarian programmes. More so to use the power and strength of sport and its unifying power to raise awareness and sensitize the world about the plight and struggle of the forgotten people of Africa; the Saharawi people of Western Sahara.