Tag Archives: Unimportant

Day 2441: Important Yet Unimportant

Each one of us is so important and yet so unimportant at the same time – that’s what I have realized.


It’s 8 : 50 AM on day 2441 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray,   have breakfast, read John 3: 5 and learn a new word – Definitions for purloin 1. to take dishonestly; steal; filch; pilfer. 2. to commit theft; steal.


Last night laying in bed thinking about the beauty of nature and I remember thinking the sky is so blue the trees are so green the same God who created all that also thought to create me needless to say I felt very special I guess because I am special to God it’s very weird I know the world wouldn’t be the same without me but I also know the world would still keep spinning without me…I am so very important and yet so very unimportant at the same time.