Tag Archives: special needs

Day 1582: Comparing Lives

Comparing your reality to snapshots of moments that people choose to share is never a good idea – that’s what I realizing.


It’s 12 : 20 PM on day 1582 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth,  pray,  read Isaiah 65, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing – did you know that the Manchineel tree, native to Florida is considered the most poisonous tree in the world. It causes painful blisters if you stand under it during rain, blinds you if the smoke from its burned wood touches your eyes, can poison water with its leaves and will cause death if you eat its fruits  –  promote my Educate Generations campaign–  on $1 335  – feed myself an egg sandwich for breakfast and continue promoting my campaign – still on $1 335 but I’m not worried because I know that God is working through me to make a difference.


Recently I’ve been wondering are people’s lives as great as they make it seem on Facebook I see pictures of people going to different places and doing awesome things and I feel like a loser thinking all I’m doing is siting behind a laptop trying to make a difference.

Day 1541: My Newfound Appreciation for Water

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 06 PM on day 1541 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, read Isaiah 26,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings,  promote my Educate Generations campaign– on $940  – feed myself egg with bread and bananas for breakfast, read and comment on How To Benefit From Your Blog Community and continue promoting my campaign – still on $940 but I’m working on changing that 🙂


This morning we woke up to find that we had no water I always knew water was important I just didn’t realize how essential it was in daily life until we didn’t have it.


Day 1539: Have you accepted all of who you are?

You can’t change who you are– that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 3: 24 PM on day 1539 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, hang out with my family, survive a five hour trip back home from my aunt’s and uncle’s house and publish yesterday’s blog post.


This afternoon my family and I came back home from visiting my aunt and uncle five hours away and as much as I loved seeing my aunt and uncle I realized I will always be a home body and bookworm at heart there’s nothing wrong with it it’s just who I am. Have you accepted all of who you are?

Day 1538: The most important things in life

Family, health and living a life of meaning are the most important things in life everything else is extra– that’s what I realized yesterday.


It’s 9: 51 PM on day 1538 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth and go visit my dad’s cousin, go to the Wild Coast arcade with my brother and go visit my parents’ friends.


Yesterday after spending some time with my family I realized family, health and living a life of meaning are the most important things in life everything else is extra. Do you have your priorities straight?

Day 1533: Power cuts and making the best of everything

The happiest people are not those who have everything go their way but those who make the best of everything – that’s what I keep learning.


It’s 12 : 06 PM on day 1533 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 20,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings,   promote my Educate Generations campaign–   Emma Lambert donated $10 yesterday (thank you Em) which brings my total raised to $860 only $1 640 more to raise to reach goal :) –    feed myself a peanut butter sandwich and a and a banana for breakfast, hang out with my sister and continue promoting my campaign – still on $860 but that’s ok $860 is way better than $0 🙂


Recently the town that I live in experienced a series of power cuts it was an inconvenience but I chose not to be miserable I read and hung out with family. Do you make the best of everything?

Day 1532: The best reaction is non-reaction?

“Don’t talk too much, for it fosters sin. Be sensible and turn off the flow!” – Proverbs 10:19


It’s 11 : 24 AM on day 1532 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 19, publish my Disability of the Day feature,    publish my Kid of the Week feature, feed myself bran flakes with milk and banana  for breakfast and promote my Educate Generations campaign –still on $850.


This morning I realized that the best way to deal with people who try to get a rise out of you is to not react if you don’t react then people will stop trying to get a reaction out of you.

Day 1530: My thoughts on the Tania Clarence Triple Murder

Every life has value- that’s what I will always believe.


It’s 12 : 29 PM on day 1530 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 17,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  promote my Educate Generations campaign–on $850 – hang out with my sister, make sandwiches for sisi’s neighborhood with sisi’s help  -(thank you sisi Nikiwe for all your help) – and    continue promoting my campaign – still on $850 but that’s okay as long as I don’t give up things will turn around eventually God is in me who or what shall be against me 🙂 .


Yesterday I read Husband supported Tania throughout trial it saddened me that a mother would take the lives of her three children I don’t care how severely “disabled” her children were or how depressed she was she had NO RIGHT to take the lives of those kids who knows what those kids could have been if she had only given them a chance.

Day 1529: Try

It’s important to try even if you think there’s no hope in hell of you getting what you want – that’s what I learned this morning.


It’s 12 : 16 PM on day 1529 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 16,   publish my Disability of the Day feature,  promote my Educate Generations campaign–on $850 –  watch Baby Bootcamp with my sister – it’s a super cute above about a clueless nanny who finds a family in the family she works for – and  continue promoting my campaign – still on $850.


This morning I learned that it’s important to try even if you think there’s no hope in hell of you getting what you want in the past I used to get these grand ideas into my head and talk myself out of them for fear of failure or rejection but now I figure if I reach for what I want and don’t get it I lose nothing but if I reach for what I want and do get it I gain everything. Do you try even if you think there’s no hope in hell of you getting what you want?

Day 1520: My thoughts on the school blast in Nigeria

You can’t make sense out of nonsense – that’s what I keep realizing.


It’s 12 : 15 PM on day 1520 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isaiah 7,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, stretch my hamstrings,  feed myself oats for breakfast  and promote my Educate Generations campaign–still on $770 I feel like I’m screaming into the abyss but I’ll keep screaming anyway because if I stop there will be one less person trying to do good in the world and I don’t want that to happen.


Yesterday I read Nigeria school blast in Potiskum kills dozens and I was heartbroken as long as I live I will never understand why some people go out of their way to intentionally hurt others why couldn’t the people behind this attack just leave those kids alone and let them go to school. My thoughts and prayers are with the families affected by this tragedy.

Day 1518: Why the change?

Change is good– that’s what I keep learning.

It’s 12 : 57 PM on day 1518 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, pray, read Isiah 5, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  feed myself Puttu – a breakfast dish of steamed cylinders of ground rice layered with coconut – and chickpea curry for breakfast, go to church, publish my Kid of the Week feature and promote my Educate Generations campaign – still on $770.

As you may or may not have noticed I moved my blog to a different domain the URL is different but I’m still me and I look forward to growing with this blog. Do you embrace change or shy away from it?