Tag Archives: Message

Day 2103: Stay True to your Life’s Message

Stay true to your life’s message – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 : 46  PM on day 2103 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Acts 3: 6, have breakfast, learn one new thing – Birds depend less on the senses of smell and taste than people do. Most birds have little use for the sense of smell. The odors of food, prey, enemies or mates quickly disperse in the wind. Birds possess olfactory glands, but they’re not well developed in most species, including the songbirds in our backyards. –  and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign    – raised $5 910 only $340 more to raise before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far 🙂 ).


Yesterday I realized the importance of staying true to one’s life’s message you can’t create a new message if you’re living the old one – your thoughts, words and actions must be in alignment with each other.

Day 2075: Changing the narrative about differently-abled people

Sometimes if you want the narrative to change you have to change the narrative – that’s what I’ve realized.


It’s 12 : 48 PM on day 2075 of my journey towards independence and I managed to pray, read Mathew 25: 25-34, have breakfast, learn one new thing – The five toes on a raccoon’s front paws are extremely dexterous, functioning essentially as five little fingers which allow it to grasp and manipulate food it finds in the wild as well as a variety of other objects, including doorknobs, jars, and latches.– and work on my  25 Smiles Campaign   – A chechi who I think would prefer to remain anonymous donated $25 (thanks so much chechi 🙂 ) which brings the total raised to $5 774 only $476 more to raise before Jan 10 2017 (SO SO SO GRATEFUL to everyone who has supported this campaign so far 🙂).


Yesterday I recorded a message to the media because I wanted to do my part to change the story being told about differently-abled people. Watch “My message to the media about the differently-abled” below:

Day 1139: My message to medical professionals

You have no idea what a child is capable of so don’t predict what his or her life is going to be like–that’s my message to medical professionals.


It’s 12 : 20 PM on day 1139 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to pray, read 1 Kings 19,   publish my Disability of the Day feature, brush my teeth and feed myself boiled egg and Bran Flakes for breakfast.


A couple of days ago I heard a story of a father who was told to institutionalize his differently-abed son because he would have nothing to contribute to the world fortunately he didn’t listen to the doctors and as a result  his son went on to graduate from university I wish doctors would inform parents of the facts and statistics and leave the predicting of the future to the psychics.