Tag Archives: Kids who make a difference

Day 328

The only courage you really need is the courage to stand by your actions– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 8:41 PM on day 328 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself an avocado sandwich for breakfast, publish my Kid of the Week feature, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck – read Little WondersA day in the life of Reagan and A New Kind of Perfect – all of the blogs although told different stories illustrated the triumph of the human spirit–  feed myself spaghetti bolognese for lunch – it got a bit messy but I did it 🙂 – and continue reading Love Virtually by Daniel Glattauer.

Last night my father found out that I posted a notice about my campaign on our community’s website (if you have no idea what I’m talking about refer to Day 301) and just as I expected he TOTALLY freaked going on like I murdered somebody saying now people are going think I am using you to collect money email them and ask them to take it down to which after I initially considered following his orders said I stand by my actions if you want them to take it down you’ve got to call and ask them to do it yourself – he did but the guy wasn’t there after which he reconsidered – and that I guess is my message to all of you guys if you know that you’re doing the right thing don’t let anybody make you apologize. Do you courageously stand by your actions because you know that you’re doing the right thing or say I’m sorry for doing that at the first sign of disapproval?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 327

The adjective extraordinary is earned – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 7: 55 PM on day 327 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself scrambled eggs and bread  for breakfast, donate to the Somali people via The World Food Programme – (see why below) I am SO happy that I got to give  twenty-four meals today 🙂 – feed myself steamed vegetables for lunch, prepare my Kid of the Week feature for tomorrow and tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck aside from the donation Emma (@ladyday93) made last evening.

A couple of days ago I saw a story on the seven o’ clock news about a six-year-old Somalian girl who walked 400km on foot just so she could eat something and after much internal debate as to whether I should help out in some way I decided to donate $6.50 – half of what remains of my charity budget – to the people of Somalia via The World Food Programme because I believe that if all of us vote with our actions we will be the difference in somebody’s life. Have you earned the right to be called extraordinary?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 321

The only way to know if you’re on the right track is to check your inventory once in a while – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 7: 54 PM on day 321 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to feed myself an oranges for breakfast, prepare and publish my Kid of the Week feature, brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck – feed myself avocado and oranges for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

This morning I was in the bathroom doing what people usually do in the bathroom and suddenly it occurred to me that I wasn’t making progress with regards to becoming more independent so I decided to grade my own report card. Take a look:

Reflections of the past 321 days: Self-assessment

  • To push myself around on my wheelchair – needs more practise most of the time I’m too lazy so I ask my family to wheel me around
  • To get in and out of bed by myself – not yet attempted because my parents are always around and even if they weren’t I would be too afraid to try because I fall and break my bones
  • To go to the bathroom by myself– again not yet attempted because my parents are always around and even if they weren’t I would be too afraid to try because I fall and break my bones
  • To bathe myself – attempted/needs more practice – I tried two days ago when my mother was in the hospital with my brother but since I can’t bend my back because there’s a metal rod in it – I had Scoliosis – that proved to be difficult
  • To undress and redress myself – attempted/needs more practice – sometimes I can only get one hand out a sleeve other times it’s both and on a really good I can take my whole shirt off
  • To brush my teeth – partially achieved – I can brush my teeth just fine but I need someone to help me lean over the sick so that the toothpaste ends up in the sink and not all over my shirt
  • To sign my name on a document (I never write anything out I always use a computer/laptop) – achieved sort of/needs more practice – I signed for my debit card and it was accepted bt when I signed to renew my passport it was denied
  • To type with both hands – needs more practice – I have been typing with only my left hand so long that it’s hard to break
  • To eat and drink by myself – partially achieved/needs more practice – I can feed myself with a spoon and drink from a mug but feeding myself with a fork and knife and drinking from a glass (because it has no handle) is still difficult

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 313

Ninety-nine percent of the population is kind and caring it’s just the other one percent that are selfish and egotistical – that’s what I learning today.

It’s 8: 33 PM on day 313 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, donate £7.36 to Sophie Brown’s cause – Sophie visited South-West Uganda with her mom and she was so touched by the plight of the children there that she started raising money to building a classroom I LOVE her she’s a girl after my own heart 🙂 – make 40 sandwiches for our housekeeper’s neighborhood (if you have no idea what I’m talking about refer to Virginia’s Sandwich Run) – a HUGE shoutout to my baby brother – he’s 10 turning 11 next month – for helping me make the sandwiches today I am SO SO SO proud of you buddy today you became a real-life HERO! 🙂 – feed myself chicken biryani for lunch, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck – prepare my Kid of the Week feature for tomorrow – this week’s Kid of the Week is 2011 Miss Teen Maryland In’tl. 2 time Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Owner M.O.D.E.L.S. (Making Ongoing Differences in Every Life through Service) Margo Huffman feed myself sweet potatoes and plain yoghurt mixed with onions and chilies for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

Yesterday I was watching (TV)5 – radio on TV – and they featured some of their DJs who were part of Bikers for Mandela – a group of South African celebrities who travelled across the country spending sixty-seven minutes in service at each one of their stops – and not thirty minutes after that MTV’s My Super Sweet Sixteen – a show about teenagers and how much time and money they will spend on their sweet sixteen parties – aired my point is the world is screwed up and we should learn how to distinguish between the great and the down-right idiotic. Are you part of the ninety-nine percent or the one percent?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 307

Nobody but you is responsible for your life. It doesn’t matter what your mama did; it doesn’t matter what your daddy didn’t do. You are responsible for your life. – Oprah Winfrey

It’s 8: 28 PM on day 307 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself Batura and potato for breakfast, publish my Kid of the Week feature – this week’s Kid of the Week is 7 year-old Dominic Geragi (@Domsters101) who is passionate about animal welfare and keeping the environment clean – feed myself oranges for lunch, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck I have a good mind to donate my own money in fact I think I will as soon as it appears in my bank account – read Fading Twilight on writteningold – a blog post which reviewed the four books of the Twilight Saga – I would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about reading the series – and Mommy Is A Poopiehead: the speech program on Love That Max – a blog post about doing whatever works to make sure your chldren get where they need to be– feed myself whole-graiin bread and beef fry for dinner, pray with my family – the whole time my father was prayng and reading the bible I kept thinking hypocrite (see why below)– and brush my teeth once more.

Yesterday while on the way to have dinner at our cousin’s house my mother told us that there were going to be some people we didn’t know there and she went on to say that we should make a point of greeting them only when we got there my father didn’t see t fit that I greet the aunty so I greeted her husband – there was no way my father could hide me from him because he was sitting in the living room when we arrived – and went to hang out with the kids not thinking much of it until I woke up this morning knowing deep down inside that I shouldn’t let anything I’m going through bother me because I would one day meet presidents and make a HUGE difference in the world. Do you blame everybody for the state that your life is in not knowing that you are the master of your own destiny?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 306

Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering – an image of death. – Buddha

It’s 10: 47 PM on day 306 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, feed myself Batura and potato for breakfast, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck – feed myself oranges for lunch, prepare my Kid of the Week feature for tomorrow, tweet about my campaign some more – it’s so depressing it seems like most people care more about Marc Antony and Jlo getting divorced than they do about children dying of hunger and thirst 🙁 – read What Am I Responsible For? on Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker – a very good blog post about letting go of the things you don’t control – have dinner with my extended family – we had heaps of fun playing 30 Seconds – the board game – 🙂 – and brush my teeth once more.

At 4 AM this morning I woke up with an excruciating pain in the left-hand side of my lower back and although the same thing had happened last Friday I took the fact that it happened a second time as a sign that I should change my lifestyle – replacing all the “white foods” e.g. pasta and rice with “brown foods” e.g. whole-grain pasta and brown rice eliminating carbonated drinks, chips and fast food and adding fruits and vegetables to my diet in conjunction with thirty minutes of exercise daily – and it is my greatest hope that you will follow in my footsteps more or less making your own replacements, eliminations and additions as you go along. Are you taking care of your health so that you can live life to the fullest?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 300

You don’t have to do everything exactly like everybody else does – that’s what I learned today 🙂

t’s 7: 26 PM on day 300 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, have breakfast with my entended family at Wimpy – my aunt and uncle have retired and moving to Canada this month and they wanted to treat us to breakfast once last time it was a bit of a hassle for my mother to get both my grandma and I ready but other than that it was fun 🙂 – publish my Kid of the Week feature, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck –  read 7 years ago (give or take) on 4 Little Monkeys – a blog post about through
the unexpected –  feed myself rice and curry for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

This morning while at breakfast everybody else was eating with a fork and knife and although there was a part of me that wanted to try it I knew that it would only end in disaster so I decided to do what worked for me – I asked my sister to cut the bacon and ate it with my hands along with a couple of slices of toast – and that I guess is my message to all of you, you don’t have to follow protocol if you can’t just do what works for you. Do you waste your life trying to do everything exactly right?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 299

Whoever said every cloud has a silver lining was telling the God’s honest truth – that’s what I learned today.

It’s 7: 43 PM on day 299 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck –read My Kid Will Never Go To College  on Kveller, That was Then, This is Now on Chaing Rainbows and Special needs things that make you go “ARRRGH!”  on Love That Max – reading all three of these blog posts has made me fall in love with blogging all over again because although all three of these people are parents to kids who have “special needs” they all have different perspectives –   feed myself rice and curry for lunch, prepare my Kid of the Week feature for tomorrow, listen to music, tweet about my campaign some more – still no luck 🙁 – feed myself avocado on whole-grain bread for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts my grandmother has what appears to be Dementia – my family has taken her to a doctor and he says it’s just part of the aging process – and although I am deeply saddened that her mental health has taken a turn for the worse there is a tiny part of me – I can’t believe I’m actually typing this I feel SO guilty – that is happy that I am no longer the “sick one” in this family before I felt SO claustrophobic because my mother was with me 24/7 – apart from when she was sleeping or at work – now she’s too busy tailing my grandma to care what I’m doing. Do you see the silver lining in your dark cloud?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 293

Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous. – Albert Einstein

It’s 6: 29 PM on day 293 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck – publish my Kid of the Week feature, read And I’m falling on Outrageous Fortune – a blog post about a mother’s shattered expectations – feed myself rice and curry for lunch, tweet about my campaign some more – still no luck :(– feed myself avocado on whole-grain bread for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

Yesterday I really needed to know that my life would work out and somehow or another I stumbled onto Worth the Wait (see video below) by 33 Miles – a Christian rock band – which made me feel like God was talking directly to me and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you God I heard you. Has a coincidence ever given you reassurance?

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

Day 291

Mental illness is a family disease– that’s what I learned today 🙁

It’s 9: 35 PM on day 291 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, – feed myself  an egg sandwich for breakfast, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck – help make 40 sandwiches as part of Virginia’s Sandwich Run – I am SO proud of myself 🙂 – feed myself rice and curry for lunch, prepare my Kid of the Week feature for Sunday and brush my teeth once more.

As you know my grandma and I are very close and in honour of the person she used to be I am going to share with you the symptoms of “her” disease in the hopes that it will help you and your family. Take a look:

The Signs of Dementia through All Three Phases


  • Word-finding difficulty – May be able to compensate by using synonyms or defining the word
  • Forgetting names, appointments, or whether or not the person has done something; losing things
  • Difficulty performing familiar tasks – Driving, cooking a meal, household chores, managing personal finances
  • Personality changes (for example, sociable person becomes withdrawn or a quiet person is coarse and silly)
  • Uncharacteristic behaviour
  • Mood swings, often with brief periods of anger or rage
  • Poor judgment
  • Behaviour disorders – Paranoia and suspiciousness
  • Decline in level of functioning but able to follow established routines at home
  • Confusion, disorientation in unfamiliar surroundings – May wander, trying to return to familiar surroundings


  • Worsening of symptoms seen in early dementia, with less ability to compensate
  • Unable to carry out activities of daily living (eg, bathing, dressing, grooming, feeding, using the toilet) without help
  • Disrupted sleep (often napping in the daytime, up at night)
  • Unable to learn new information
  • Increasing disorientation and confusion even in familiar surroundings
  • Greater risk of falls and accidents due to poor judgment and confusion
    Behaviour disorders – Paranoid delusions, aggressiveness, agitation, inappropriate sexual behaviour
  • Hallucinations
  • Confabulation (believing the person has done or experienced things that never happened)
  • Inattention, poor concentration, loss of interest in the outside world
  • Abnormal moods (anxiety, depression)


  • Worsening of symptoms seen in early and intermediate dementia
  • Complete dependence on others for activities of daily living
  • May be unable to walk or move from place to place unassisted
  • Impairment of other movements such as swallowing – Increases risk of malnutrition, choking, and aspiration (inhaling foods and beverages, saliva, or mucus into lungs)
  • Complete loss of short- and long-term memory – May be unable to recognize even close relatives and friends

Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at http://twitter.com/Nisha360

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing. http://bit.ly/hC7vOu

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!