Tag Archives: Don’t be afraid of being embarrassed

Day 733

Don’t be afraid of being embarrassed – that’s what I keep learning 🙂

It’s  3 : 35 PM on day 733 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, go to the doctor – it was nothing serious (thank God) he didn’t even insist that I take antibiotics 🙂 – drink milk  by myself,   prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature and feed myself custard  for lunch.

Yesterday afternoon I felt a lump in my throat every time I swallowed and although my family reassured me that it was nothing and poked fun at my hypochondriacal nature this morning I insisted on seeing a doctor just to make sure my family was right and I was wrong and sure enough my family was right and I was wrong (my throat was a little irritated from when I chocked on juice on Thursday)  but the way I look at it the only things you can’t buy are your health and the  people in your life so better safe than sorry. Do you not insist on certain things because you’re too afraid of being embarrassed?

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