Tag Archives: Charity

Day 555

Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ~ George Santayana

It’s 5 : 24  PM on day 555 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  drink tea by myself,  feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast,   tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign – no luck –  continue reading Catching Fire – the second book in The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins –    and tweet about my campaign – still no luck does nobody care that someone dies of hunger every 3.6 seconds I guess not 🙁

Today is Human Rights Day in South Africa – a commemoration of the 21 March 1960 Sharpeville massacre, when the police mowed down 69 unarmed people and injured 180 others who refused to carry the hated dompas identity document that was meant only for indigenous Africans – which I believe is the perfect opportunity for us to ask ourselves what we can do to make South Africa a better country as I know that even today not all South Africans have the same opportunities. Are you making mistakes in the present because you failed to learn from the mistakes of the past?


Day 554

Passion shared is joy doubled – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 7 : 39  PM on day 554 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  work,  tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign – no luck – drink tea by myself,  feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast,  continue reading Catching Fire – the second book in The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins –    feed myself rice and curry  for lunch and watch TV.

As you may know I love reading almost as much as I love writing and giving which is why it saddens me to see kids playing with PlayStations and the like instead of reading I myself didn’t start reading as a hobby until my teenagers years I remember thinking along the lines of who would enjoy reading all I see is a bunch of words on a page so I completely sympathize with the kids of today having said that I encourage all the kids out there to read because although all you see in books are a bunch of words if you have a good imagination you can use those words to create a picture almost like watching a movie in your mind. Do you share your passion with others?

Day 553

Multitasking is a myth– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 7 : 03  PM on day 553 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, prepare and publish my Disability of the Day feature,  work,  feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, work some more, tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign – no luck – feed myself rice and curry  for lunch,  continue reading Catching Fire – the second book in The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins –  watch TV, exercise, watch some  more TV and feed myself a carrot for dinner.

Today while working I turned off all distractions – usually I would be doing a hundred things at once while working – and because of that I got three times as much work done thus I conclude that switching from task to task and calling it multitasking is just a waste of time. Do you fool yourself into thinking you’re multitasking?

Day 552

The energy with which you do or say something is just as important as what you do or say– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 5: 27 PM on day 552 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature, publish my Kid of the Week feature,  work,  brush my teeth,   feed myself a  Batura and baked beans  for breakfast, drink tea by myself, continue reading Catching Fire – the second book in The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins –  tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign, work some more, read some more, feed myself rice and curry for lunch,      tweet some more about my campaign, drink some more tea by myself  and continue tweeting about my campaign – thanks Ruth Fanshaw (@HappyOddGirl) for the donation you made yesterday evening so far four people have donated (21 x 4 = 84 x 4 = 366 cups of food for the hungry = a very happy almost twenty-one-year-old).

This afternoon my grandma – my paternal grandma – and I were having lunch together and when I saw her playing with her food I asked frustrated because I had to repeat myself are you full to my surprise she replied with equal frustration although I couldn’t understand what she was saying – ever since her hemorrhage in August last year she hasn’t been able to speak clearly – just goes to show we are constantly transmitting and receiving energy. What kind of energy do you transmit when you interact with people?

Day 551

You live in dysfunction for an extended period of time and pretty soon that becomes your normal – that’s what I learned today 🙁

It’s 4: 27 PM on day 551 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,   feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, drink tea by myself,  prepare and  publish my Disability of the Day feature, tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign, prepare my Kid of the Week feature for tomorrow,  tweet some more about my campaign, answer a few questions for a blog post that I’m going to be featured in – I’ll probably tweet the link to the blog post when it is published so keep a look out – and continue tweeting about my campaign – for all my hard work two people promised to make donations better than nothing  I suppose 🙂

Today my father was calling my mother names and I just carried on doing what I was doing like they were having a casual conversation which disturbed me I guess it’s kind of like a drug addict building up a tolerance to drugs I have built up a tolerance to the environment I’m living in but that’s okay because I know that I know this is not normal. Has dysfunction become your normal?


Day 550

Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive. ~ Elbert Hubbard

It’s 6 : 33  PM on day 550 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to prepare and publish my Disability of the Day feature, brush my teeth,  feed myself avocado for breakfast, work, feed myself rice and curry  for lunch,  tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign – @LegalEagleStar (Tom)  made a donation (thanks Tom I really appreciate it) –  watch TV and feed myself a banana for dinner

Today I was singing along to All Over The World by Ola (sounding horrible) and in that moment I couldn’t help feeling that life was too short to be bogged down by our problems I mean seriously something could happen tomorrow and we could be done for do we really want to look back on our lives and think damn it I wish I had one more shot to enjoy the small things in life that I didn’t pay attention to I guess what I’m trying to say is the big things are the small things in disguise so live, laugh and love because at the end of the day that’s what life is all about. Is everything a big deal to you?

Day 549

Us human beings make things more complicated than the really are– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 8 : 43  PM on day 549 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, prepare and publish my Disability of the Day feature, work, drink tea by myself, feed myself an avocado sandwich for brunch, tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign, work some more,   feed myself spaghetti and vegetables  for dinner, watch TV, brush my teeth once more, watch some more TV, continue reading Catching Fire – the second book in The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins – and continue watching TV.

Today I was watching an episode of The Dr. Oz Show on which a particular segment focused on 4 steps to becoming a happier person in 28 days while watching that segment I couldn’t help feeling that people were overcomplicating happiness, happiness is the choice you make to perceive your life in a positive light regardless of your circumstance I should know I have every reason to be miserable – I need help to do almost everything other people take for granted – and yet every day I find one thing to be grateful for. Do you have a knack for turning the ABC’s into rocket science?

Day 548

You don’t know how much you take until you step back and reflect on it– that’s what I learned today.

It’s 7 : 22  PM on day 548 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, publish my Disability of the Day feature, work, drink tea by myself, feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, watch TV, tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign,  continue reading Catching Fire – the second book in The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins – watch some more TV – exercising in between -feed myself avocado for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

Today I was having breakfast and suddenly it occurred to me how much meat I consumed before I went on lent (two out of three of my daily meals contained meat) I am not saying it’s a good or bad thing to eat meat I’m just saying now that I’m conscious of how much meat I ate I am going to be eating less of it when lent is over because I believe we can change the world by changing the way we eat think about it meat comes from animals those animals have to be fed, killed, packaged and transported all of which are processes that will inevitably increase our collective carbon footprint. Do you step back and reflect on how much you take from the world?

Day 547

Not everything in life is cut and dry– that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 7 : 27  PM on day 547 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, publish my Disability of the Day feature, work, drink tea by myself, feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, work some more, tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaign– Cindy (@notjustagranny) made a donation (thanks Cindy) –  feed myself rice and curry for lunch,   tweet some more about my campaign, feed myself garlic bread for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

Today I was doing something with wrestling on in the background and although I would usually pay no attention to it because I think wrestling is stupid I had to pause and look when the promo for Be A Star – a campaign aimed at kids worldwide which is best described by its slogan don’t be a bully be a star (see campaign promo below) – came on what I loved about the promo was wrestlers and other celebrities sharing their personal experiences of being bullied as children just goes to show nothing is all good or all bad. Do you have to love something or hate it is there no middle ground?

Day 546

Cherish those who support you and let go of those who don’t – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s 6: 12  PM on day 546 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth, publish my Disability of the Day feature, tweet about my 21 For 21 Campaignwork, drink tea by myself, feed myself a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, work some more, feed myself rice and curry for lunch and  tweet some more about my campaign.

Last night we – my family and I – went to an event and as per usual I was sitting with my mom and the other ladies while my sister and the other kids even remotely my age were off talking to each other I remember feeling, in a room full of people, more lonely than I felt when I was alone which is basically  how I felt today I was promoting my 21 For 21 Campaign and the whole time I was feeling like nobody was listening to me but in retrospect I realize that there were people who were paying attention I just wasn’t paying attention to them so from today onwards I am choosing to cherish those who support me and pay less attention to those who don’t. Do you pay more attention to the people who ignore you than you do to the people who support you?