Tag Archives: Being Christian

Day 881

Being Christian, if you take it seriously, is no joke – that’s what I learned today 🙂

It’s  4 : 12 PM on day 881 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to  brush my teeth, put on a new t-shirt, pray,  read Exodus 1, go to church – the kids from Sunday School came to visit us it was too precious for words lots of singing and dancing I strive to live life with child-like faith children believe in God just because –     feed myself Chapati and potato  curry for breakfast, drink coffee by myself, publish my Disability of the Day feature,  publish my Kid of the Week feature,    practice typing with both hands and practice sitting up straight to strengthen my core muscles.

This morning was drab and dreary and I really didn’t feel like going to church but I got up and went anyway I figured it was the least I could do for all God has done for me when I was younger I only used to pray and read The Bible when my life was going badly but now I realize that being Christian is reading The Bible when you’d rather be doing something else, praying even when you feel like God has gone on vacation, turning the other cheek when you’d rather punch someone out… being Christian is a commitment you make to put God first every moment of your life regardless of whether your life is going well or not. Do you take your faith seriously?

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