Start from the end and work backwards – that’s my message to the world
people spend Friday nights watching series I write my future obituary to remind
myself what kind of person I want to be and all the things i want to accomplish
Nisha Varghese (1991-Hopefully A LONG TIME FROM 2019)
Nisha Varghese is survived by her loving family. Nisha was kind, compassionate, generous, courageous, loyal, honest and fair. She appreciated everything, expected nothing and when she was on your side you truly felt it – she spared no effort or expense to make family, friends and sometimes strangers feel loved and appreciated. Nisha travelled the world, met new people and lived as though everything was a miracle because to her it was. She lived to make a difference and inspire others to do the same but what she did not realize was that the difference she made in the world was also making her. Nisha lived fully!