Day 1823: Living Life On Purpose

Before you do anything ask yourself why because life is short and every action we take and every decision we make must be one that has a purpose – that’s my message to the world.


It’s 12 :  49 PM on day 1823  of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  pray, read Luke 13,    publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing – Didactic [di·dac·tic] adj. (1) Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive. (2) In the manner of a teacher, particularly so as to treat someone in a patronizing way. “The didactic speech influenced the weaker members of the audience.” –  have breakfast, make sandwiches for Cynthia’s (our housekeeper’s) neighborhood with Cynthia’s help as part of Virginia’s Sandwich Run – (thank you Cynthia  for all your help today today) –     and  promote my Educate Generations campaign – $4 730 raised so far and my friend  Bruce Sallan will next Thursday dedicate an  entire   to the campaign (thanks so much Bruce and I apologize sincerely once again that I won’t be able to make it to the chat because of the time difference but I’m sure it will be awesome!).


This morning I realized the older I’ve gotten the more I value my time I no longer watch soap operas and mind-numbing reality TV (because why do that?) now everything from how I spend my time to what I post on social media has a purpose and it’s great when everything you do has a purpose you feel a certain power coursing through you.

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