Day 1757: An Aesthetician, Cerebral Palsy and the Startle Reflex

Accept the things you cannot change – that’s what I keep reminding myself.


It’s 12 : 59 PM on day 1757  of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to brush my teeth,  pray, read Zachariah 7,    publish my Disability of the Day feature, get my face waxed, have breakfast, learn one new thing – Causative [caus·a·tive] adj. 1. Indicative that the subject causes an act to be performed or a condition to come into being. “A causative factor of war.”–    and promote my Educate Generations campaign –  Jim Mahar donated $18 yesterday (thanks SO MUCH Jim your support means a lot to me) which brings my total raised to $3 271.


This morning my sister and I went to go get our faces waxed I felt so sorry for my aesthetician throughout the appointment I kept getting startled for no reason (I don’t know if it’s a me thing or a Cerebral Palsy thing) at first I tried not to get startled but then towards the end of the appointment I accepted my startling and to her credit the aesthetician was very understanding and professional I apologized profusely for my startling and explained that I do it all the time for no reason she ensured me that I didn’t scare her and said that I had nothing to be sorry for.

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