Day 1618: My failure to be kind

There are few things you’ll regret more in this life than failing to be kind when you have the opportunity to do so – that’s what I have realized.


It’s 12 : 10 PM on day 1618 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to watch the New Zealand vs. Scotland Cricket World Cup match,    brush my teeth, pray,    read Jeremiah 35, publish my Disability of the Day feature, learn one new thing – The firefly is not actually a fly, but a beetle –   promote my Educate Generations campaign – $1 900 raised so far   – feed myself a peanut butter sandwich  for breakfast and   continue promoting the campaign –  $1 900 raised so far SO GRATEFUL 🙂


Recently my parents and I were going from one place to another in our car and this young boy standing on the side of the road asking for money caught my eye I felt compelled to look him in the eyes to acknowledge that he mattered as a human being then I asked my dad if we could give the boy some money and my dad would have too only we didn’t have change and my dad was afraid that the boy would use the money to buy drugs so we just drove away it’s been days since I saw the boy but I will forever remember that day as one of the few days in my life that I failed as a human being I failed to be kind. Have you failed to be kind when given the opportunity to do so?

2 thoughts on “Day 1618: My failure to be kind

  1. Stan Faryna

    Something similar happened to me as a young child. I failed to give of myself to a sickly, elderly woman. And I have carried the memory and shame of my failure with me all of my life.

    It was the beginning of conscience in me. And, perhaps, a self-awareness that there is darkness and evil in my heart. That what is written in Jeremiah 17:9 is true – The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

    I understood then and today that this darkness and evil must be overcome constantly and diligently in a living sacrifice and by receiving God’s grace and feeding upon the word of God.

    I mention the incident in one of my past podcasts. At the end, I think.

  2. Nisha Varghese Post author

    I am glad I’m not the only one who’s been through this and yes I agree we must keep ourselves in check 🙂

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